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UDP programming
2022-07-06 22:30:00 【Worth the trip -rui】
kehUDP Programming —QQ The chat room
summary :
UDP yes User Datagram Protocol -- User datagram protocol , Is a simple datagram oriented transport layer protocol , It's a connectionless protocol .UDP No reliable transmission , It just passes the application to IP The datagram of the layer is sent out , But there is no guarantee that they will reach their destination . because UDP There is no need to establish a connection between the client and the server before transmitting datagrams , And there is no mechanism such as overtime retransmission , So the transmission speed is very fast .d
characteristic :
- The abstraction of mail system service pattern
- Each group carries a complete destination address
- There is no need to establish a connection before sending data
- Don't check the order of packets , There is no guarantee of the order of the groups
- No recovery and retransmission of packet errors
- The reliability of data transmission is not guaranteed
In the case of poor network quality ,UDP Protocol packet loss will be more serious . But because of UDP Characteristics of :
It is not a connection protocol , Therefore, the consumption of resources is small , The advantage of fast processing speed , So usually audio , Video and ordinary data are used in transmission UDP More , Because even if they occasionally lose one or two packets , It will not have much impact on the acceptance results . For example, we chat with ICQ and QQ Just use UDP agreement
UDP programming C/S framework
[ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-KF3AV12z-1656939566349)(D:\ picture \image-20220704180859668.png)]
Compared to the letter model . The client is equivalent to the sender , If you want to succeed in sending a letter , The address of the other party must be written on the envelope
UDP Client program
socket Create socket for communication
int socket(int domain,int type,int protocol);
Parameters :domain Protocol family : agreement AF_INET IPv4 AF_INET6 IPv6
type type :SOCK_DGRAM(UDP Socket ),SOCK_STREAM(TCP Socket ),SOCK_RAW( Raw socket )
protocol Type of agreement :(0,IPPROTO_TCP,IPPROTO_UDP)
Return value :
>0 File descriptor for communication
<0 Create failure
sendto() send out
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
ssize_t sendto(int sockfd,// Socket
const void*buf,// Send data buffer
size_t nbytes,// The size of the send data buffer
int flags,// It's usually 0
const struct sockaddr*to,// Pointer to the destination host address structure
socklen_t addrlen)//to The length of the pointed content
function : towards to Specified in the structure pointer ip, send out UDP data , Can send 0 Of length UDP Data packets
Return value :
success : Length of data sent
Failure :-1
IPv4 Address structure
Deposit IPv4 All address information of protocol communication
struct sockaddr_in {
sa_family_t sin_family;//2 byte agreement AF_INET AF_INET6
in_port_t sin_port;//2 byte port
struct in_addr sin_addr;//4 byte IP Address (32 Bit unsigned integer )
char sin_zero[8]//8 byte Full write 0
struct in_addr:
in_addr_t s_addr;//4 byte
Universal address structure ( Type conversion )
struct sockaddr{
sa_family_t sa_family;//2 byte
char sa_data[14]//14 byte
DUP Client programming process , It's a little similar to the process of writing a letter :
Find a postal worker (socket())----- The envelope is addressed and the contents of the letter are posted (sendto())------ The other party accepts (recvform())----- Call it a day (close())
recvfrom() received
ssize_t recvfrom(int sockfd,// Socket
void *buf,// Accept data buffer
size_t nbytes,// Accept the size of the data buffer
int flags,// Socket flag ( Commonly used 0)
struct sockaddr*from,// Pointer to source address structure , The source from which the data is stored
socklen_t*addrlen)//from The length of the content
function : Accept UDP data , And save the source address information in from In the directed structure , By default , If you don't get the data , This function will block , Until the data comes
The client program sends and accepts
int main()
unsigned short port=8080;// Server port
char*server_ip="";// The server ip Address
int sockfd;
sockfd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);// establish UDP Set word
//udp client Send a message To server
// Define a IPv4 Address structure Store the address information of the server ( Destination host )
struct sockaddr_in ser_addr;
ser_addr.sin_port=htons(port);// Server port
// Server's ip Address
// send data
sendto(sockfd,"hello word",strlen("hello word"),0,(struct sockaddr*)&ser_addr,sizeof(ser_addr));
// receive data
// Define a IPv4 Address structure Store the sender's information
struct sockaddr_in from_addr;
socklen_t from_len=sizeof(from_addr);
unsigned char buf[1500]="";
int len=recvfrom(sockfd,buf,sizeof(buf),0,(struct sockaddr*)&from_addr,&from_len);
char ip[16]="";
printf(" The news comes from %s %hu---->",ip,ntohs(from_addr.sin_port));
printf("len:%d msg:%s\n",len,buf);
// Close socket
return 0;
UDP matters needing attention :
- Local ip, Local port ( Who am I )
- Purpose ip, Destination port ( To whom )
- In the client's code , We only set the purpose ip, Destination port
- Local of client IP, Local port We call sendto When Linux The bottom layer of the system automatically assigns ; The way to allocate ports is random allocation , And every time the system runs port Dissimilarity
bind to udp Socket binding is fixed port,ip Information
int bind(int socket,const struct sockaddr*address)
socklen_t address_len
Return value :
success :0
Failure is -1
UDP Programming –QQ
void *send_function(void *arg)
// Get socket
int sockfd=*(int*)arg;
// Define destination address
struct sockaddr_in dst_addr;
// Get keyboard input
char buf[128]="";
// Judge whether it is ip port
//sayto ip port
char ip[16]="";
unsigned short port=0;
sscanf(buf,"sayto %s %hu",ip,&port);
sendto(sockfd,buf,strlen(buf),0,(struct sockaddr*)&dst_addr,sizeof(dst_addr));
return NULL;
void *recv_function(void *arg)
int sockfd=*(int*)arg;
struct sockaddr_in from_addr;
socklen_t from_len=sizeof(from_addr);
unsigned char buf[1500]="";
char ip[16]="";
int len=recvfrom(sockfd,buf,sizeof(buf),0,(struct sockaddr*)&from_addr,&from_len);
printf("%s %hu:%s\n",inet_ntop(AF_INET,&from_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,ip,16),ntohs(from_addr.sin_port),buf);
return NULL;
int main(int argc,char const*argv[])
// Judgment parameters ,./a.out 8080
printf("./a.out 8080\n");
return 0;
// establish udp Socket
int sockfd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
//bind Bind fixed ports ,ip
struct sockaddr_in my_addr;
bind(sockfd,(struct sockaddr*)&my_addr,sizeof(my_addr));
// Create the sending thread
pthread_t send_tid;
// Create a receiving thread
pthread_t recv_tid;
// Close socket
return 0;
ead_t send_tid;
// Create a receiving thread
pthread_t recv_tid;
// Close socket
return 0;
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