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Applet system update prompt, and force the applet to restart and use the new version

2022-07-06 22:17:00 kaka-333

Wechat development documents api Address :UpdateManager | Wechat open documents

app.js In file

 onLaunch: function () { // Start the applet to execute once 



getNewSystem() {

      if (wx.canIUse('getUpdateManager')){

        const updateManager = wx.getUpdateManager()// Manage applet updates 

        updateManager.onCheckForUpdate(function (res) {


          if (res.hasUpdate) {//res.hasUpdate return boolean type 

            updateManager.onUpdateReady(function () {


                title: ' Update hints ',

                content: ' The new version is ready , Restart the current application ?',

                success(res) {

                  if (res.confirm) {

                    //  The new version has been downloaded , call applyUpdate Apply new version and restart 






            //  Execute when the download of the new version fails 

            updateManager.onUpdateFailed(function () {


                title: ' Find a new version ',

                content: ' Please delete the current applet , Search again and open ...',






        // If the applet needs to experience in the latest wechat version , Here are some tips 


          title: ' Update hints ',

          content: ' Current wechat version is too low , This feature is not available , Please upgrade to the latest wechat version and try again .'




