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What can be done for traffic safety?

2022-07-06 23:01:00 Titanium Auto

recently ,“ Public welfare Seminar on children's traffic safety in Western China 2022 year BMW Opening ceremony of children's traffic safety training camp ” Held in Beijing . Under the guidance of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of public security ,2022 The project will focus on innovative content , Strengthen social cooperation , Go into Qinghai Province , In Xining city and 5 A National Rural Revitalization key assistance County , Join hands with China Education Development Foundation 、 The youth volunteer action guidance center of the Youth League Central Committee trains local traffic policemen 、 Young teachers 、 College student volunteers 、 Owners and dealers , Work together to build beautiful villages 、 Safe country .

In terms of content design ,2022 year BMW The children's traffic safety training camp will be held with the China Education Development Foundation 、 Jointly developed by China children's press and publication “ Courtesy to the world ” The children's traffic safety civilized etiquette package is the core educational content , Continue to deepen “ Be polite to the world , Walk with children safely ” Public welfare advocacy ; In terms of social collaboration ,BMW The children's traffic safety training camp will be under the guidance of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of public security , Join hands with China Education Development Foundation 、 The youth volunteer action guidance center of the Youth League Central Committee trains more traffic policemen 、 Teachers' 、 College student volunteers , Go deep into rural schools in the West 、 Community . among , The project will cooperate with the youth volunteer action guidance center of the Youth League Central Committee , Support 100 the “ Colorful holidays ” Volunteer service demonstration team , Provide them with children's traffic safety training courses and “ Courtesy to the world ” Children's traffic safety civilized etiquette package , Assist volunteers to enter communities and schools to carry out children's traffic safety experience classes and “ Colorful holidays ” Volunteer service .

In recent years , The economy of the western region is developing rapidly , Car ownership has increased rapidly . With increasingly complex traffic conditions , The imbalance between the development of local traffic safety publicity content resources and educational forces has become increasingly prominent , The gap between urban and rural areas in traffic safety education still exists .2021 year 1 month , The traffic administration bureau of the Ministry of Public Security issued 《 Action plan for promotion of road traffic safety publicity and education (2021-2023)》, Put forward the task of consolidating the publicity and education of traffic safety in rural areas , Focus on supporting theme publicity and education projects in the central and western regions , Encourage the whole society to participate in traffic safety publicity activities , Continue to improve the level of publicity, persuasion, education and guidance in rural areas , Effectively improve the traffic safety awareness of the masses in rural areas 、 Civilization consciousness 、 Consciousness of rule of law , To promote the implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy , Creating a safe and stable road traffic environment provides important support .

BMW Group always takes sustainable development as the core of its corporate strategy , The strategy consists of environmental 、 The three pillars of society and Governance . The sustainable development strategy of BMW Group is not only about green , Pay more attention to people and society . At the Seminar , Mr. Gao Le, President and CEO of BMW Group Greater China, said :“ Uphold the ‘ Home in China ’ Idea , BMW Group continues to serve customers in China 、 For the local community 、 Create value for China's auto industry , Drive common development . BMW Group believes that , Good corporate citizens should not only focus on business success , Instead, we should pursue higher goals , Make greater contributions to social development . Focus on social issues , Deeply understand the needs of the government and society and continue to provide innovative solutions , At the same time, it is deeply integrated into stakeholders , yes BMW The children's traffic safety training camp has been carried out so far 18 Years of successful experience , It is also the successful experience of BMW Group in practicing corporate social responsibility in China .BMW The contribution of the children's traffic safety training camp to Chinese society , For BMW Group ‘ Home in China ’ The perfect interpretation of .”

For the pain points and root causes of the improvement of civilization consciousness ,2021 year ,BMW The children's traffic safety training camp will be a part of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation “ Ritual culture ” And traffic safety “ Civilization consciousness ” Organic integration , First put forward “ Courtesy to the world ” The theme , Sum up “ Civilized transportation ” The core connotation of is “ The ritual ”: That is, respect between people ; From person to person , The order between people and society .BMW The children's traffic safety training camp integrates the Chinese tradition with innovative thinking “ Ritual culture ” Specific traffic scenes integrated into modern society , Sort out “ The gift of walking ”“ The gift of riding ”“ The gift of driving ” The core content , It has been widely concerned and recognized in the whole society , And through offline City roadshows 、 Online topic interaction , Let the public know “ Courtesy to the world ” Produce a preliminary understanding .

meanwhile , Under the guidance of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of public security ,BMW The children's traffic safety training camp joins hands with the China children's press and publication Corporation , To the traffic police all over the country , And donations from schools along national and provincial roads “ Courtesy to the world ” Children's traffic safety civilized etiquette package , Help traffic safety education enter the classroom , The cumulative benefit of students exceeds 19 ten thousand . 

2022 year ,BMW The children's traffic safety training camp will be continuously promoted in the western region “ Courtesy to the world ” Public welfare advocacy , To be more concrete 、 Scene expression , Give Way “ Courtesy to the world ” The idea of public welfare advocacy is more vivid 、 More easily accepted by the general public . To make “ Courtesy to the world ” The concept has been further promoted and applied , To exert greater influence in society ,2022 year ,BMW The children's traffic safety training camp will be launched for the public “ Courtesy to the world ” Creative solicitation for civilized transportation . For the first time in the industry “ Help public welfare services with social innovative design ” The innovation attempt of , The results of this nationwide initiative will be displayed visually “ Courtesy to the world ” Idea , And applied to specific traffic scenes .

At this public welfare Seminar , All parties at the meeting expressed their views on improving children's traffic safety education , Build a safe village , The consensus of revitalizing beautiful villages .

Uphold the “ Home in China ” Idea , BMW Group continues to serve customers in China 、 For the local community 、 Create value for China's auto industry , Drive common development .BMW Believe in : Excellent enterprises focus not only on performance and profitability , But more “ coupling ” Stakeholders , Jointly solve practical social problems , Contribute to local society . Pay close attention to and deeply understand the social issues concerned by the Chinese government and society ,BMW Corporate social responsibility focuses on “ Cultural protection ”、“ Social development ” and “ Environmental protection ” Three social issues , adopt “BMW A trip to Chinese culture ”、“BMW Children's traffic safety training camp ”、“BMW Tong Yue's house ” And “BMW Beautiful home action ” Four flagship projects , Continue to contribute to a better Chinese society .


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