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Enterprises do not want to replace the old system that has been used for ten years

2022-07-06 22:49:00 51CTO

There is such a joke , Throwing a stone on the street can hit sevenoreight JAVA, It can be seen that this reflects the internal volume of the industry at the same time , It also witnessed the glory of China's technology inclusive era , In this environment , Some enterprises are unwilling to replace the old system that has been used for more than ten years , The problem is worth exploring ;

 Enterprises do not want to replace the old system that has been used for ten years _ Microservices

The trees wait but the wind blows , Last two or three years ,” Digital transformation ”、“ Localization replaces ”、“ Information upgrading ” All kinds of strong winds swept , After all, big trees attract wind , Especially the big tree with unstable foundation , Can't bear the wind , Drift with the wind , Instead, the trees growing in that barren land , A thousand millstones and a thousand blows are still strong , East west south north wind ;

These enterprises are reluctant to replace the old system that has been used for ten years , On the one hand, feelings , That is more likely to be for other reasons , Now let's have an exploratory chat from various reasons :

One 、 Fry concept , Low value

In the past six or seven years , stay B End IT field , All kinds of new concepts 、 Patterns emerge in an endless stream , If the software manufacturers don't do something with these new concepts , It's considered that it can't keep up with the times , Even Internet companies appear traditional before this new concept ;

Low code / Zero code :

Its concept was born in this way , Because the enterprise has strong personalized business , Frequent changes , The original information system can't keep up with the new business scenario , Therefore, you need to customize and change the system to adapt to the business , Be agile ;

Through the analysis of products in some related fields on the market , Can customize the implementation form 、 technological process 、 Simple reports and other businesses , All business processing stays on the surface , For example, enterprise management software ERP, The application is complex , High coupling degree , Do accounting treatment 、 Costing 、 Financial statements, etc , Rely on simple low code / The concept of zero code is difficult to bring value ;

data / Business Center :

“ Tai Chung Tai , Small front desk ”, It's Alibaba 2015 The concept put forward in , By abstracting similar businesses , Precipitation of core competence to the middle stage , Front end applications are reused , Reduce the repetition of wheel building , This can support the front desk to quickly try and make mistakes 、 Rapid innovation , Since Alibaba proposed , It does not mean that other enterprises are Alibaba 、 Can play the same value ;

Two 、 Change technology , Do not change functions

Technology is developing and improving , it ,2008 Years ago ERP, For the most part C/S Of , Basic adoption C# perhaps VB.NET Language development , Later, ERP deviation Web, use Java Web The majority , There are also open source ERP, Part of it is Python Web Development , Of course , It's also useful PHP Developed , take ERP Software examples :

SAP: From the beginning C, The latter is mainly “ABAP/4” Language ;

Oracle Peoplesoft : from C++ To Java;

Oracle E-Business Suite:Java;

At the architecture level, it is also constantly iterating and upgrading , From monomer architecture to microservices , The load capacity is indeed increasing :

Monomer architecture : A typical three-level architecture , front end (Web/ Mobile terminal )+ Intermediate business logic layer + Database layer .

Distributed architecture : The middle tier is distributed + Database distribution , It is a concurrent extension of single architecture , Divide a large system into multiple business modules , Business modules are deployed on different servers , Each business module interacts with each other through the interface .

Microservice architecture : Mainly the middle layer decomposition , Split the system into many small applications ( Microservices ), Microservices can be deployed on different servers , It can also be deployed on different containers of the same server , The failure of one application will not affect other applications , The load of a single application will not affect other applications ;

Database selection , There are also more choices , There are mainly three kinds :

MySQL: The Swedish MYSQLAB Introduction , Relational database , Free open source , Apply to WEB Website 、 Log management 、 Embedded data warehouse and other systems ;

SQLServer: Microsoft Microsoft Introduction , Relational database , visualization 、 Good safety and stability , It is applicable to enterprise level massive data storage and query ;

Oracle: Oracle launched , Relational database , Cross platform , Safe and stable , Complicated structure , High requirements for Administrators , Commonly used in Finance 、 Telecom field ;

There is no denying that , Whether it's a development language 、 Technology Architecture 、 The progress of database technology has improved the reliability of applications 、 stability 、 Extensibility , But the function application seems to be the old function of more than ten years ago , For the majority of users, they may be concerned about business coverage , The underlying technology change did not play a decisive role ;

3、 ... and 、 Economic downturn , Inside the industry , Stability first

Competition gets bigger :

At present, there are more and more competitors in all walks of life , Plus the impact of the trade war , Many entrepreneurs are struggling to survive in the cracks , According to statistics , People who register companies every day , exceed 1.2 Thousands of families , System replacement is a potential risk , Dare not stride forward in the face of competition ;

Business narrows :

In order to make the enterprise live longer , Dare not try new business , Keep losing weight , Ultimately, the business is getting narrower , Only enterprises are best at 、 Profitable business , There is no time to consider whether it is digital transformation or information substitution ;

Profit thinning :

The competition is getting bigger 、 In the context of business narrowing , Price war is the last way to survive , It can be said to kill a thousand enemies , Self damage eight hundred , The consequence is to take the customer 、 Lost the cost , There is no energy to invest a lot of money to do system replacement ;

Stay stable :

The original business has been done for many years , The adaptive system has also been used for many years , A fixed mode of management thinking has been formed , In order to maintain stability , There is no need to do worthless software replacement ;

Four 、 Huge data , Difficult to switch

As an enterprise that has operated for many years , Historical data plays an important role to some extent , Replacing the system means discarding historical data , Even if business data can be transferred , It's not easy , Due to the difference of data structure between new and old systems , Data cleaning is extremely complicated ;

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