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Precise drag and drop within a contentable
2022-07-06 22:52:00 【javail】
problem :
The Setup Set up
So, I have a contenteditable div -- I'm making a WYSIWYG editor: bold, italics, formatting, whatever, and most lately: inserting fancy images (in a fancy box, with a caption). therefore , I have one contenteditable div—— I am making a WYSIWYG editor : bold 、 Italics 、 Format, etc. , lately : Insert a beautiful image ( In a beautiful frame , With title ).
<a class="fancy" href="i.jpg" target="_blank"> <img alt="" src="i.jpg" /> Optional Caption goes Here!</a>
The user adds these fancy images with a dialog I present them with: they fill out the details, upload the image, and then much like the other editor functions, I use document.execCommand('insertHTML',false,fancy_image_html);
Users add these beautiful images through the dialog box I show them : They fill in the details , Upload image , Then it is very similar to other editor functions , I use document.execCommand('insertHTML',false,fancy_image_html);
to plop it in at the user's selection. Put it into the user's choice .
Desired Functionality The required function
So, now that my user can plop in a fancy image -- they need to be able to move it around. therefore , Now my users can insert a beautiful image —— They need to be able to move it .The user needs to be able to click and drag the image (fancy box and all) to place it anywhere that they please within the contenteditable. Users need to be able to click and drag images ( Fancy boxes and all images ) To place it in contenteditable Anywhere they like .They need to be able to move it between paragraphs, or even within paragraphs -- between two words if they want. They need to be able to move it between paragraphs , Even in paragraphs —— If they want to , Can move between two words .
What gives me hope What gives me hope
Keep in mind -- in a contenteditable, plain old <img>
tags are already blessed by the user-agent with this lovely drag-and-drop capability. please remember —— In a content editable 、 ordinary <img>
In the label , User agents already have this cute drag and drop feature .By default, you can drag and drop <img>
tags around wherever you please; By default , You can drag and drop at will <img>
label ;the default drag-and-drop operation behaves as one would dream. The default drag and drop operation is just what people dream of .
So, considering how this default behavior already works so smashingly on our <img>
buddies -- and I only want to extend this behaviour a little bit to include a tad more HTML -- this seems like something that should be easily possible. therefore , Considering this default behavior in our <img>
Partners have been so effective —— I just want to expand this behavior a little to include more HTML—— This should seem easy to achieve .
My Efforts Thus Far My efforts so far
First, I set up my fancy <a>
tag with the draggable attribute, and disabled contenteditable (not sure if that's necessary, but it seems like it may as well be off): First , I use draggable Property sets my favorite <a>
label , And disabled contenteditable( Not sure if it is necessary , But it seems that it can also be turned off ):
<a class="fancy" [...] draggable="true" contenteditable="false">
Then, because the user could still drag the image out of the fancy <a>
box, I had to do some CSS. then , Because users can still drag images out of fancy <a>
box , I have to do something CSS.I'm working in Chrome, so I'm only showing you the -webkit- prefixes, though I used the others too. I am here Chrome Work in China , So I just show you -webkit- Prefix , Although I also use other prefixes .
.fancy { -webkit-user-select:none; -webkit-user-drag:element; } .fancy>img { -webkit-user-drag:none; }
Now the user can drag the whole fancy box, and the little partially-faded click-drag representation image reflects this -- I can see that I'm picking up the entire box now :) Now the user can drag the whole beautiful box , Partially faded click and drag indicates that the image reflects this —— I can see that I am now picking up the whole box :)
I've tried several combinations of different CSS properties, the above combo seems to make sense to me, and seems to work best. I tried several different CSS Combination of attributes , The above combination seems very meaningful to me , And it seems to work best .
I was hoping that this CSS alone would be enough for the browser to use the entire element as the draggable item, automagically granting the user the functionality I've been dreaming of... It does however, appear to be more complicated than that. I hope that's all CSS It's enough for the browser to use the entire element as a draggable , Automatically grant users the functions I dream of ...... However , It seems more complicated than this .
HTML5's JavaScript Drag and Drop APIHTML5 Of JavaScript Drag and drop API
This Drag and Drop stuff seems more complicated than it needs to be. This drag and drop thing Seems to be More complex than it needs .
So, I started getting deep into DnD api docs, and now I'm stuck. therefore , I began to delve into DnD api file , Now I'm trapped .So, here's what I've rigged up (yes, jQuery): therefore , This is what I set up ( Yes ,jQuery):
$('.fancy') .bind('dragstart',function(event){ //console.log('dragstart'); var dt=event.originalEvent.dataTransfer; dt.effectAllowed = 'all'; dt.setData('text/html',event.target.outerHTML); });$('.myContentEditable') .bind('dragenter',function(event){ //console.log('dragenter'); event.preventDefault(); }) .bind('dragleave',function(event){ //console.log('dragleave'); }) .bind('dragover',function(event){ //console.log('dragover'); event.preventDefault(); }) .bind('drop',function(event){ //console.log('drop'); var dt = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer; var content = dt.getData('text/html'); document.execCommand('insertHTML',false,content); event.preventDefault(); }) .bind('dragend',function(event){ //console.log('dragend'); });
So here's where I'm stuck: This almost completely works. So this is where I am trapped : This is almost completely effective .Almost completely. Almost completely .I have everything working, up until the very end. I'm working on everything , Until the last .In the drop event, I now have access to the fancy box's HTML content that I'm trying to have inserted at the drop location. In placement events , I can now access the beautiful box I tried to insert in the placement position HTML Content .All I need to do now, is insert it at the correct location! What I need to do now is to insert it in the right position !
The problem is I can't find the correct drop location, or any way to insert to it. The problem is I can't find the right place , Or can't find any way to insert it .I've been hoping to find some kind of 'dropLocation' object to dump my fancy box into, something like dropEvent.dropLocation.content=myFancyBoxHTML;
I've been hoping to find something “dropLocation” Object to dump my favorite box into it , for example dropEvent.dropLocation.content=myFancyBoxHTML;
, or perhaps, at least, some kind of drop location values with which to find my own way to put the content there?, Or at least some placement value , In order to find my own way to put the content there ?Am I given anything? Did I get anything ?
Am I doing it completely wrong? Is it completely wrong for me to do this ?Am I completely missing something? Did I miss anything completely ?
I tried to use document.execCommand('insertHTML',false,content);
I try to use document.execCommand('insertHTML',false,content);
like I expected I should be able to, but it unfortunately fails me here, as the selection caret is not located at the precise drop location as I'd hope. As I expected , I should be able to , But unfortunately , I failed here , Because the selected inserter is not in the exact position I want .
I discovered that if I comment out all of the event.preventDefault();
I found that if I annotated all event.preventDefault();
's, the selection caret becomes visible, and as one would hope, when the user prepares to drop, hovering their drag over the contenteditable, the little selection caret can be seen running along between characters following the user's cursor and drop operation -- indicating to the user that the selection caret represents the precise drop location.'s, Select the caret to become visible , As people hope , When the user is ready to place , Hover the drag mouse over contenteditable On , You can see that the small selection caret runs between the user cursor and the character after the placement operation - Indicates to the user that the selected caret indicates the precise placement position .I need the location of this selection caret. I need this to choose the position of the caret .
With some experiments, I tried execCommand-insertHTML'ing during the drop event, and the dragend event -- neither insert the HTML where the dropping-selection-caret was, instead it uses whatever location was selected prior to the drag operation. Through some experiments , I am here drop Events and dragend During the event, I tried execCommand-insertHTML'ing —— Neither in drop-selection-caret Insert HTML, Instead, use any location you select before the drag operation .
Because the selection caret is visible during dragover, I hatched a plan. Because you can see the selection inserter during dragging , So I made a plan .
For awhile, I was trying, in the dragover event, to insert a temporary marker, like <span class="selection-marker">|</span>
, just after $('.selection-marker').remove();
For a while , I tried to insert a temporary tag in the drag event , for example <span class="selection-marker">|</span>
, It's just $('.selection-marker').remove();
, in an attempt for the browser to constantly (during dragover) be deleting all selection markers and then adding one at the insertion point -- essentially leaving one marker wherever that insertion point is, at any moment., In order to make the browser constantly ( During dragging ) Delete all selection marks , Then add a —— Basically, a mark is left anywhere where the insertion point is located at any time .The plan of course, was to then replace this temporary marker with the dragged content which I have. Of course , The plan is to replace this temporary tag with the drag content I have .
None of this worked, of course: I couldn't get the selection-marker to insert at the apparently visible selection caret as planned -- again, the execCommand-insertedHTML placed itself wherever the selection caret was, prior to the drag operation. Of course , None of this worked : I can't insert the selection mark into the obvious selection inserter as planned —— Again , Before dragging ,execCommand-insertedHTML Place yourself wherever the selection caret is located .
Huff. call .So what have I missed? So what did I miss ?How is it done? How is it done ?
How do I obtain, or insert into, the precise location of a drag-and-drop operation? How to get or insert the exact location of the drag and drop operation ?I feel like this is, obviously, a common operation among drag-and-drops -- surely I must have overlooked an important and blatant detail of some kind? I think this is obviously a common operation in drag and drop —— Am I sure I have overlooked some important and obvious details ?Did I even have to get deep into JavaScript, or maybe there's a way to do this just with attributes like draggable, droppable, contenteditable, and some fancydancy CSS3? I even have to understand JavaScript, Or maybe there's a way to just use things like draggable、droppable、contenteditable And some fancy CSS3 And so on ?
I'm still on the hunt -- still tinkering around -- I'll post back as soon as I find out what I've been failing at :) I'm still looking for - Still mending - Once I find that I have been failing , I will reply immediately :)
The Hunt Continues (edits after original post) Hunting continues ( Edit after original post )
Farrukh posted a good suggestion -- use:Farrukh Put forward a good suggestion —— Use :
console.log( window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) );
To see where the selection caret actually is. Check the actual position of the selected caret .I plopped this into the dragover event, which is when I figure the selection caret is visibily hopping around between my editable content in the contenteditable. I put it in dragover Incident , When I found the choice of caret in contenteditable When my editable content obviously jumps around in .
Alas, the Range object that is returned, reports offset indices that belong to the selection caret prior to the drag-and-drop operation. alas , Back to Range Object reports the offset index belonging to the selection inserter before the drag and drop operation .
It was a valiant effort. This is a heroic effort .Thanks Farrukh. Thank Farouk .
So what's going on here? So what's going on here ?I am getting the sensation that the little selection caret I see hopping around, isn't the selection caret at all! I have a feeling , The little choice caret I see is not a choice caret at all !I think it's an imposter! I think it's a liar !
Upon Further Inspection! Upon further examination !
Turns out, it is an imposter! original , This is an impostor !The real selection caret remains in place during the entire drag operation! During the entire drag operation , real Select the caret to remain in place !You can see the little bugger! You can see bugs !
I was readingMDN Drag and Drop Docs , and found this: I'm reading MDN Drag and Drop Docs , Found this :
Naturally, you may need to move the insertion marker around a dragover event as well. Of course , You may also need to move the insertion mark around the drag event .You can use the event's clientX and clientY properties as with other mouse events to determine the location of the mouse pointer. You can use events as you would any other mouse event clientX and clientY Property to determine the position of the mouse pointer .
Yikes, does this mean I'm supposed to figure it out for myself, based on clientX and clientY ?? Oh dear , Does this mean that I should be based on clientX and clientY own To figure out what ?Using mouse coordinates to determine the location of the selection caret myself? Use the mouse coordinates to determine the position of the selected inserter ?Scary!! Fear !!
I'll look into doing so tomorrow -- unless myself, or somebody else here reading this, can find a sane solution :) I will consider doing this tomorrow - Unless I or others here can find a rational solution :)
Solution :
Reference resources : https://stackoom.com/en/question/zaXD边栏推荐
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