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Marubeni official website applet configuration tutorial is coming (with detailed steps)

2022-07-08 00:50:00 Kit

Marubeni official website applet tutorial

The following tutorial is from our @ Provided by Manchuan , thank !

Pre construction preparation

You need to have a record + One server , You also need to have one WordPress Website .

Online experience Marubeni official website applet

Front end download address :


Get the official backend file of Marubeni and contact the author

Statement : This time the back-end file is not a plug-in , The whole backend includes (wp Blog Ontology + plug-in unit ) 了

First step Build applet backend

We got the compressed file , It includes , Ontology files and database files

Let's put the sql Import the file into the database

hold wanzipro.zip Upload the file to the root directory of our website and extract

We go to the root directory of the website and open wp-config.php Click Save to modify the part prompted in the picture

Then we open the database and find wp_options This table changes the main part of the circle to your website domain name

In this way, the back-end ontology is basically finished .

We open the website background  https:// Your domain name /wp-admin 

Background account :guqule    password :bo123456..

The backstage is basically like this

Second parts Connect applet

We open the back end and find the applet - Basic settings change the enclosed here into your applet AppId and  AppSecret

We download the applet front end  【 Meatball applet 】 Enterprise official website applet ( Including a full set of back-end ) – DCloud Plug in market  

Import to HBuilderX

And then find  api  In the catalog base.js file   Change the place circled in the figure to your back-end URL and save

And then find  manifest.json file Click wechat applet To configure Put your wechat applet ID Fill it in

Then find the top of the tool   function - Run to the applet Simulator - WeChat developer tools   Upload

Then we open the web version WeChat public platform Find the menu bar on the left Development – Development management Open and click development settings to configure   Server domain name Modify and add your applet backend domain name

Finally, we find the left menu version management   Find the applet you just uploaded

Click submit for review ( The content must comply with the small program regulations ) Don't submit some illegal content .

