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Reptile practice (VIII): reptile expression pack

2022-07-08 00:16:00 A-L-Kun

Reptile battle ( 8、 ... and ): Crawl for the expression bag

One 、 Website analysis

1、 Demand analysis

stay QQ In the bucket diagram , Why do some people always have endless plans , today , Here is the doutu applet , Finally, I can say goodbye to the pain of fighting without winning .

here , We need to be right about Send expression website Crawl the data of the whole station , Let you have many expression packs

2、 Page analysis

Through packet capturing analysis , We found that , Page link data is in the page , Not loaded data , so , We can request the website directly , To crawl data

here , We are right. https://fabiaoqing.com/bqb/lists/type/hot.html Analyze links ,

https://fabiaoqing.com/bqb/lists/type/hot/page/1.html   first page 
https://fabiaoqing.com/bqb/lists/type/hot/page/2.html   The second page 
https://fabiaoqing.com/bqb/lists/type/hot/page/n.html   The first  n  page 

 Lovers map 

At the same time, for other types of expression package links , It's all similar

4、 Details page analysis

Through packet capturing analysis , We found that , The link of the image is also saved on the page source code , meanwhile , it is to be noted that , To achieve lazy loading , The website didn't put pictures in src Attribute above , It's in data-original Inside ; however , When we download the image data , Will find , The picture is a little small , that , How should we solve it ?

Click on another picture , Go to the details page of each picture , You can find a big picture in it , Should we visit the details page to get the download link of the image ? Can it not be so troublesome ?

Let's first compare the links of the two figures , It is found that there is a word difference between the two links , Then we can use replace Replace to get the big picture directly , Instead of visiting the details page


5、 Process analysis

  1. Use for Loop through each link
  2. Get links to each kind of expression package
  3. Analyze each expression package in each type of expression package

Two 、 Write code

1、 Number of pages parsed

import requests, os, re  #  Guide pack 
from lxml import etree  #  This use xpath Parsing data 
from fake_useragent import UserAgent  #  Random request header 

if not os.path.exists("./ emoticon "):
    os.mkdir("./ emoticon ")
add_url = "https://fabiaoqing.com"  #  Used to splice expression packs url
#  Let's prepare a basic url list , Of course, this can also be obtained by using crawlers 
base_urls = [
headers = {
    "user-agent": UserAgent().random,
def get_num(url):
    """ Analyze how many pages there are in each major expression package """
    resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    resp.encoding = resp.apparent_encoding
    html = etree.HTML(resp.text)
    temp = html.xpath('//*[@id="mobilepage"]/text()')[0]  #  Locate where the number of pages is stored 
    num = int(re.search("\d+", temp).group())  #  Regular matching numbers 
    return num  #  Return results 
page = get_num(base_urls[0] % 1)

2、 Get a kind of expression package

def get_eve_express(page_url):
    resp = requests.get(page_url, headers=headers)
    resp.encoding = resp.apparent_encoding
    html = etree.HTML(resp.text)
    a = html.xpath('//*[@id="bqblist"]/a')  #  Get the pictures of each type a Tag Links 
    #  Traverse a label 
    for i in a:
        href = i.xpath("./@href")[0]
        href = add_url + href  # url  Splicing 
        title = i.xpath("./@title")[0]
        dic = {
            "href": href,
            "title": title
        #  Here, call the function to parse and download the expression package , below , Let's take a random dictionary to test 

get_eve_express(base_urls[0] % 1)

3、 Save the expression pack

test_dic = {'href': 'https://fabiaoqing.com/bqb/detail/id/54885.html', 'title': ' Guard dog expression bag  \u200b_ Doutu expression pack (8 A look )'}
def get_down_url(dic):
    """ Download and store emoticons """
    if not os.path.exists(f"./ emoticon /{dic['title']}"):
        os.mkdir(f"./ emoticon /{dic['title']}")
    resp = requests.get(dic['href'], headers=headers)
    info = re.findall('<img class="bqbppdetail lazy" data-original="(?P<href>.*?)" src', resp.text)
    for i in info:
        #  Replace the picture with a larger one 
        i = i.replace("bmiddle", "large")
        resp = requests.get(i)
        name = i.split("/")[-1]
        with open(f"./ emoticon /{dic['title']}/{name}", "wb") as f:
    print(f"{dic['title']} The series expression package is saved !")


3、 ... and 、 Master code

import requests, os, re  #  Guide pack 
from lxml import etree  #  This use xpath Parsing data 
from fake_useragent import UserAgent  #  Random request header 

if not os.path.exists("./ emoticon "):
    os.mkdir("./ emoticon ")
add_url = "https://fabiaoqing.com"  #  Used to splice expression packs url

#  Let's prepare a basic url list , Of course, this can also be obtained by using crawlers 
base_urls = [
headers = {
    "user-agent": UserAgent().random,
def get_num(url):
    """ Analyze how many pages there are in each major expression package """
    resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    resp.encoding = resp.apparent_encoding
    html = etree.HTML(resp.text)
    temp = html.xpath('//*[@id="mobilepage"]/text()')[0]  #  Locate where the number of pages is stored 
    num = int(re.search("\d+", temp).group())  #  Regular matching numbers 
    return num  #  Return results 

def get_down_url(dic):
    """ Download and store emoticons """
    if not os.path.exists(f"./ emoticon /{dic['title']}"):
        os.mkdir(f"./ emoticon /{dic['title']}")
    resp = requests.get(dic['href'], headers=headers)
    info = re.findall('<img class="bqbppdetail lazy" data-original="(?P<href>.*?)" src', resp.text)
    for i in info:
        #  Replace the picture with a larger one 
        i = i.replace("bmiddle", "large")
        resp = requests.get(i)
        name = i.split("/")[-1]
        with open(f"./ emoticon /{dic['title']}/{name}", "wb") as f:
    print(f"{dic['title']} The series expression package is saved !")

def get_eve_express(page_url):
    resp = requests.get(page_url, headers=headers)
    resp.encoding = resp.apparent_encoding
    html = etree.HTML(resp.text)
    a = html.xpath('//*[@id="bqblist"]/a')  #  Get the pictures of each type a Tag Links 
    #  Traverse a label 
    for i in a:
        href = i.xpath("./@href")[0]
        href = add_url + href  # url  Splicing 
        title = i.xpath("./@title")[0]
        dic = {
            "href": href,
            "title": title
        #  Here, call the function to parse and download the expression package , below , Let's take a random dictionary to test 
        #  Download emoticon pack 

def main():
    for i in base_urls:
        num = get_num(i % 1)  #  Get the number of pages , Once again for Loop traversal 
        for j in range(1, num + 1):
            get_eve_express(i % j) #  Download the pictures 

if __name__ == "__main__":
