当前位置:网站首页>German prime minister says Ukraine will not receive "NATO style" security guarantee

German prime minister says Ukraine will not receive "NATO style" security guarantee

2022-07-08 00:42:00 Oceanwide - International

According to the United States 《 Political newspaper 》 Local time 7 month 6 Reported Wednesday , German Chancellor Scholz said on the same day , Western countries are willing to provide security for Ukraine , But this kind of security will not be at the same level as NATO .

Reports said , Scholz said in response to questions from members of the Bundestag that day ,“ Obviously ” The security guarantee for Ukraine will not be equivalent to Article 5 of the NATO charter . Article 5 of the NATO charter stipulates , An attack on a NATO member state will be regarded as an attack on all Member States . Scholz also said , Security for Ukraine “ It must be tailored to the specific situation of the country ”, But Scholz didn't reveal more details .

Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine , NATO countries indirectly support Ukraine by providing weapons and equipment , But be careful to avoid being directly involved in the war .


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