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Langchao Yunxi distributed database tracing (II) -- source code analysis
2022-07-08 00:28:00 【Inspur Yunxi database】
according to 【 Yunxi database Tracing( One )】 Introduce the use of opentracing requirement , This paper mainly introduces Yunxi database Tracing How to implement in the module Span,SpanContexts and Tracer Of .
Part 1 - Tracing Module call relation
1.1 Traincg List of files included in the module
Tracer.go : Defined opentracing Medium trace Implementation of related interfaces .Tracer_span.go : Defined opentracing Medium span Implementation of related operations .Tags.go : Defined opentracing About China tags Related interfaces of .Shadow.go : No opentracing The concept of , Here, we mainly realize and zipkin Communication for , be used for tracing Information is pushed to the outside zipkin in .
1.2 The calling relationship between various files
stay cluster_settings.go China will create tracer, For global use , Use this in other modules Tracer Realization span Creation and other operations of , For example, setting span name 、 Set up tag 、 increase log Wait for the operation .
Part 2 - Opentracing
Implementation in Yunxi database
The following is just a list of some interface implementations , Not all of them .
2.1 Span Interface implementation :
GetContext Realization :API Used to get Span Medium SpanContext, The main function is to create a map[string]string Type of baggageCopy, take span Medium mu.Baggage Read write baggageCopy, Create a new spanContext, And back to .
func (s *span) Context() opentracing.SpanContext {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
baggageCopy := make(map[string]string, len(s.mu.Baggage))
for k, v := range s.mu.Baggage {
baggageCopy[k] = v
sc := &spanContext{
spanMeta: s.spanMeta,
Baggage: baggageCopy,
if s.shadowTr != nil {
sc.shadowTr = s.shadowTr
sc.shadowCtx = s.shadowSpan.Context()
if s.isRecording() {
sc.recordingGroup = s.mu.recordingGroup
sc.recordingType = s.mu.recordingType
return sc
Finished Realization :API Used to end a Span Recording and tracking of .
func (s *span) Finish() {
SetTag Realization : Used to direct the specified Span add to Tag Information .
func (s *span) SetTag(key string, value interface{}) opentracing.Span {
return s.setTagInner(key, value, false /* locked */)
Log Realization : Used to direct the specified Span add to Log Information .
func (s *span) LogKV(alternatingKeyValues ...interface{}) {
fields, err := otlog.InterleavedKVToFields(alternatingKeyValues...)
if err != nil {
s.LogFields(otlog.Error(err), otlog.String("function", "LogKV"))
SetBaggageItem Realization : Used to direct the specified Span increase Baggage Information , It is mainly used for cross process tracking .
func (s *span) SetBaggageItem(restrictedKey, value string) opentracing.Span {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return s.setBaggageItemLocked(restrictedKey, value)
BaggageItem Realization : Used to get the specified Baggage Information .
func (s *span) BaggageItem(restrictedKey string) string {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return s.mu.Baggage[restrictedKey]
SetOperationName Realization : Used to set Span The name of .
func (s *span) SetOperationName(operationName string) opentracing.Span { if s.shadowTr != nil { s.shadowSpan.SetOperationName(operationName) } s.operation = operationName return s}
Tracer Realization : Used to get Span Which is it? Tracer.
// Tracer is part of the opentracing.Span interface.
func (s *span) Tracer() opentracing.Tracer {
return s.tracer
2.2 SpanContext Interface implementation :
ForeachBaggageItem Realization : Used to traverse the spanContext Medium baggage Information .
func (sc *spanContext) ForeachBaggageItem(handler func(k, v string) bool) {
for k, v := range sc.Baggage {
if !handler(k, v) {
2.3 Tracer Interface implementation :
Inject Realization : Used to direct to carrier In the injection SpanContext Information
// Inject is part of the opentracing.Tracer interface.
func (t *Tracer) Inject(
osc opentracing.SpanContext, format interface{}, carrier interface{},
) error {
// We only
support the HTTPHeaders/TextMap format.
if format != opentracing.HTTPHeaders && format != opentracing.TextMap {
return opentracing.ErrUnsupportedFormat
mapWriter, ok := carrier.(opentracing.TextMapWriter)
if !ok {
return opentracing.ErrInvalidCarrier
sc, ok := osc.(*spanContext)
if !ok {
return opentracing.ErrInvalidSpanContext
mapWriter.Set(fieldNameTraceID, strconv.FormatUint(sc.TraceID, 16))
mapWriter.Set(fieldNameSpanID, strconv.FormatUint(sc.SpanID, 16))
for k, v := range sc.Baggage {
mapWriter.Set(prefixBaggage+k, v)
return nil
Extract Realization : For from carrier To take out SpanContext Information .
func (t *Tracer) Extract(format interface{}, carrier interface{}) (opentracing.SpanContext, error) {
// We only
support the HTTPHeaders/TextMap format.
if format != opentracing.HTTPHeaders && format != opentracing.TextMap {
return noopSpanContext{}, opentracing.ErrUnsupportedFormat
mapReader, ok := carrier.(opentracing.TextMapReader)
if !ok {
return noopSpanContext{}, opentracing.ErrInvalidCarrier
var sc spanContext
err :=
mapReader.ForeachKey(func(k, v string) error {
switch k = strings.ToLower(k); k {
case fieldNameTraceID:
var err error
sc.TraceID, err = strconv.ParseUint(v, 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return opentracing.ErrSpanContextCorrupted
case fieldNameSpanID:
var err error
sc.SpanID, err = strconv.ParseUint(v, 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return opentracing.ErrSpanContextCorrupted
case fieldNameShadowType:
shadowType = v
if strings.HasPrefix(k, prefixBaggage) {
if sc.Baggage == nil {
sc.Baggage = make(map[string]string)
sc.Baggage[strings.TrimPrefix(k, prefixBaggage)] = v
} else if strings.HasPrefix(k, prefixShadow) {
if shadowCarrier == nil {
shadowCarrier = make(opentracing.TextMapCarrier)
// We build a
shadow textmap with the original shadow keys.
shadowCarrier.Set(strings.TrimPrefix(k, prefixShadow), v)
return nil
if err != nil {
return noopSpanContext{}, err
if sc.TraceID == 0 &&
sc.SpanID == 0 {
return noopSpanContext{}, nil
return &sc, nil
StartSpan Interface implementation : Used to create a new Span, It can be different according to the incoming opts To make a difference Span The initialization .
func (t *Tracer) StartSpan(
operationName string, opts ...opentracing.StartSpanOption,
) opentracing.Span {
// Fast paths to
avoid the allocation of StartSpanOptions below when tracing
// is disabled: if we have no options
or a single SpanReference (the common
// case) with a noop context, return a
noop span now.
if len(opts) == 1 {
if o, ok := opts[0].(opentracing.SpanReference); ok {
if IsNoopContext(o.ReferencedContext) {
return &t.noopSpan
shadowTr := t.getShadowTracer()
return s
2.4 noop span Realization :
noop span Realization : Make the monitoring code independent Tracer and Span The return value of , Prevent abnormal exit of program .
type noopSpan struct {
tracer *Tracer
var _ opentracing.Span = &noopSpan{}
func (n *noopSpan) Context() opentracing.SpanContext { return noopSpanContext{} }
func (n *noopSpan) BaggageItem(key string) string { return "" }
func (n *noopSpan) SetTag(key string, value interface{}) opentracing.Span { return n }
func (n *noopSpan) Finish() {}
func (n *noopSpan) FinishWithOptions(opts opentracing.FinishOptions) {}
func (n *noopSpan) SetOperationName(operationName string) opentracing.Span { return n }
func (n *noopSpan) Tracer() opentracing.Tracer { return n.tracer }
func (n *noopSpan) LogFields(fields ...otlog.Field) {}
func (n *noopSpan) LogKV(keyVals ...interface{}) {}
func (n *noopSpan) LogEvent(event string) {}
func (n *noopSpan) LogEventWithPayload(event string, payload interface{}) {}
func (n *noopSpan) Log(data opentracing.LogData) {}
func (n *noopSpan) SetBaggageItem(key, val string) opentracing.Span {
if key == Snowball {
panic("attempting to set Snowball on a noop span; use the Recordable option
to StartSpan")
return n
Part3 - Yunxi database
Opentracing Simple use examples
3.1 Turn on Tracer Recording test
Yunxi database Started span It's all no operator span, Manual call required StartRecording, take span Convert to executable record state , Can be normal to span To operate .
func TestTracerRecording(t *testing.T) {
tr := NewTracer()
noop1 := tr.StartSpan("noop")
if _, noop := noop1.(*noopSpan); !noop {
t.Error("expected noop span")
noop1.LogKV("hello", "void")
noop2 := tr.StartSpan("noop2", opentracing.ChildOf(noop1.Context()))
if _, noop := noop2.(*noopSpan); !noop {
t.Error("expected noop child span")
s1 := tr.StartSpan("a", Recordable)
if _, noop := s1.(*noopSpan); noop {
t.Error("Recordable (but not recording) span should not be noop")
if !IsBlackHoleSpan(s1) {
t.Error("Recordable span should be black hole")
// Unless recording is actually started, child spans are still noop.
noop3 := tr.StartSpan("noop3", opentracing.ChildOf(s1.Context()))
if _, noop := noop3.(*noopSpan); !noop {
t.Error("expected noop child span")
s1.LogKV("x", 1)
StartRecording(s1, SingleNodeRecording)
s1.LogKV("x", 2)
s2 := tr.StartSpan("b", opentracing.ChildOf(s1.Context()))
if IsBlackHoleSpan(s2) {
t.Error("recording span should not be black hole")
s2.LogKV("x", 3)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: unfinished=
x: 2
span b:
tags: unfinished=
x: 3
`); err != nil {
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s2), `
span b:
tags: unfinished=
x: 3
`); err != nil {
s3 := tr.StartSpan("c", opentracing.FollowsFrom(s2.Context()))
s3.LogKV("x", 4)
s3.SetTag("tag", "val")
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: unfinished=
x: 2
span b:
x: 3
span c:
tags: tag=val unfinished=
x: 4
`); err != nil {
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: unfinished=
x: 2
span b:
x: 3
span c:
tags: tag=val
x: 4
`); err != nil {
s1.LogKV("x", 100)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), ``); err != nil {
// The child span is still recording.
s3.LogKV("x", 5)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s3), `
span c:
tags: tag=val
x: 4
x: 5
`); err != nil {
3.2 establish childSpan test
test StartChildSpan, According to the existing span Create a new span, For already span The son of span.
func TestStartChildSpan(t *testing.T) {
tr := NewTracer()
sp1 := tr.StartSpan("parent", Recordable)
StartRecording(sp1, SingleNodeRecording)
sp2 := StartChildSpan("child", sp1, nil /* logTags */, false /*separateRecording*/)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(sp1), `
span parent:
span child:
`); err != nil {
sp1 = tr.StartSpan("parent", Recordable)
StartRecording(sp1, SingleNodeRecording)
sp2 = StartChildSpan("child", sp1, nil /* logTags */, true /*separateRecording*/)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(sp1), `
span parent:
`); err != nil {
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(sp2), `
span child:
`); err != nil {
sp1 = tr.StartSpan("parent", Recordable)
StartRecording(sp1, SingleNodeRecording)
sp2 = StartChildSpan(
"child", sp1, logtags.SingleTagBuffer("key", "val"), false, /*separateRecording*/
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(sp1), `
span parent:
span child:
tags: key=val
`); err != nil {
3.3 Cross process tracking test
Test the cross process tracking function , It's mainly about testing inject Interface and extract Interface ,Inject Used to direct to carrier In the injection SpanContext Information ,Extract For from carrier To take out SpanContext Information .
func TestTracerInjectExtract(t *testing.T) {
tr := NewTracer()
tr2 := NewTracer()
// Verify that noop spans become noop spans on the remote side.
noop1 := tr.StartSpan("noop")
if _, noop := noop1.(*noopSpan); !noop {
t.Fatalf("expected noop span: %+v", noop1)
carrier := make(opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier)
if err := tr.Inject(noop1.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier); err != nil {
if len(carrier) != 0 {
t.Errorf("noop span has carrier: %+v", carrier)
wireContext, err := tr2.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier)
if err != nil {
if _, noopCtx := wireContext.(noopSpanContext); !noopCtx {
t.Errorf("expected noop context: %v", wireContext)
noop2 := tr2.StartSpan("remote op", opentracing.FollowsFrom(wireContext))
if _, noop := noop2.(*noopSpan); !noop {
t.Fatalf("expected noop span: %+v", noop2)
// Verify that snowball tracing is propagated and triggers recording on the
// remote side.
s1 := tr.StartSpan("a", Recordable)
StartRecording(s1, SnowballRecording)
carrier = make(opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier)
if err := tr.Inject(s1.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier); err != nil {
wireContext, err = tr2.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier)
if err != nil {
s2 := tr2.StartSpan("remote op", opentracing.FollowsFrom(wireContext))
// Compare TraceIDs
trace1 := s1.Context().(*spanContext).TraceID
trace2 := s2.Context().(*spanContext).TraceID
if trace1 != trace2 {
t.Errorf("TraceID doesn't match: parent %d child %d", trace1, trace2)
s2.LogKV("x", 1)
// Verify that recording was started automatically.
rec := GetRecording(s2)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(rec, `
span remote op:
tags: sb=1
x: 1
`); err != nil {
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: sb=1 unfinished=
`); err != nil {
if err := ImportRemoteSpans(s1, rec); err != nil {
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: sb=1
span remote op:
tags: sb=1
x: 1
`); err != nil {
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