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51 communicates with the Bluetooth module, and 51 drives the Bluetooth app to light up

2022-07-08 00:22:00 Youxin Electronics

Introduction of Bluetooth module

This experiment uses JDY31 Bluetooth module ,JDY-31 Bluetooth Based on Bluetooth 3.0 SPP Design ,
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Click on the picture to buy

Bluetooth module is serial communication , SCM also has serial communication , We only need to configure it to realize the communication between MCU and Bluetooth , Even more functions , This article is about just learning 51 It needs a lot of help to make a Bluetooth Car

Serial port configuration

STC89C52 Of UART There are four working modes :
Pattern 0: Synchronous shift register
Pattern 1:8 position UART, The baud rate is variable ( Commonly used )
Pattern 2:9 position UART, Baud rate is fixed
Pattern 3:9 position UART, The baud rate is variable
This experiment is configured with mode 1; 8 Bit auto reassembly

The program configuration of specific programs can be assisted by STC Official downloader , The downloader comes with a baud rate calculator , Just generate the copy code according to the following figure
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The default baud rate of Bluetooth module is 9600, So here we have to choose 4800 Double speed

Main code

Serial port initialization code :89C52 Single chip microcomputer doesn't have AUXR, You can get rid of these two sentences , And on again EA and ES interrupt

/** * @brief  Serial initialization [email protected] * @param  nothing  * @retval  nothing  */
void UART_Init()		
	SCON=0x50; 			//8 Bit data , Variable baud rate 
	PCON |=0x80; 		// Enable baud rate multiplier bit SMOD 
	TMOD &= 0x0F;		// Set timer mode 
	TMOD |= 0x20;		// Set timer mode 
	TL1 = 0xFA;		// Set the initial timing value 
	TH1 = 0xFA;		// Set time overload value 
	ET1 = 0;		// Disable timer %d interrupt 
	TR1 = 1;		// Timer 1 Start timing 
	EA=1;           // Open total interrupt 
	ES=1;			// Enable serial port interrupt 

Serial port sends data :SBUF Serial port data buffer register ,

   * @brief				 Serial port sends a byte of data 
   * @param				Byte 	 To send a byte of data 
   * @retval			 nothing 
void UART_SendByte(unsigned char Byte)

Main code

void main ()
	UART_Init();  			 // Serial initialization 

void UART_Routine() interrupt 4    // Serial port interrupt number 
		P1=SBUF;			   // Receive data control P1
		RI=0;                  // Set the serial port receiving register to zero 

Experimental wiring

Do not connect Bluetooth when downloading SCM , Download the program before connecting , Otherwise the download will fail

Single chip microcomputer Bluetooth module

mobile phone APP To configure

1, Download at mobile store SPP Bluetooth serial port , This Bluetooth module Apple phone is not available ,
2, It opens at APP Upper right corner Connect the corresponding Bluetooth
3, Customize a button in the place of switch , The configuration is as follows :
 Insert picture description here
After configuration, you can start operation

Experimental phenomena

 Insert picture description here


The data transmitted by Bluetooth exists SBUF In the register , All kinds of operation control can be carried out by processing the received data , This article is equivalent to a serial communication template , If you need a complete project, you can leave a message below


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