当前位置:网站首页>"An excellent programmer is worth five ordinary programmers", and the gap lies in these seven key points

"An excellent programmer is worth five ordinary programmers", and the gap lies in these seven key points

2022-07-08 00:17:00 TEST_ Two black

I believe everyone has their own pursuit and yearning , And as a IT Part of the industry , To be an excellent programmer is believed to be the dream of many people , Although the road of pursuit is extremely tortuous, we should also move forward bravely .

After statistics , An excellent programmer is equivalent to five ordinary programmers , But what is a good programmer ? We have to decide what is excellent first , In order to move in this direction .

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Many people think that a good programmer is a good programmer , These answers cannot be said to be wrong , But it can be said that it is more general , Because the excellent concept itself is a more abstract concept , If we simply define that we want to be a big bull or a big man , It's easy to get caught up in just shouting slogans , But I don't know how to take concrete action , In the long run, you will doubt yourself .

So we need to list the characteristics of good programmers , It is convenient for everyone to split , To achieve the goal of excellent programmers faster , Want to be a good programmer , We need to meet the following requirements :

One 、 careful

For many programmers , The written code may miss something here because of carelessness , Because of carelessness, there was no big test Bug, There are not a few problems caused by carelessness .

therefore , careful , It can effectively reduce the development cycle , Play a positive role in promoting the whole project .

Two 、 Bold

A lot of times , We know there is a problem in business logic , Maybe because I'm afraid of offending others , Maybe because I think this problem should not be raised by myself , Just keep silent .

Actually , At any time , As long as you feel something wrong , We should point out the problem directly , Then everyone is discussing , The whole scene may be intense , But if you think you are right , And the other party has no valid reason to convince you , Then you should boldly adhere to your opinions . Of course , If you think your logic is indeed flawed , We should also boldly admit the problem , Don't be naughty .

3、 ... and 、 Cheeky

Being thin skinned is a characteristic of programmers , When programmers encounter problems, they go to Baidu by themselves 、 Google answers , It took a long time , The reason for the problem is not found .

If you are doing experiments at home alone , No one can help you , Of course, you have no problem doing this , But if you are in the company , In the project team , You are surrounded by people , Asking for help is your first choice , Don't be mean , Who will not encounter problems , Maybe you have a problem , In others' eyes, it's just a small case Well , Did you pay for 4 Hours , Others spent 4 minute , In terms of efficiency , you 4 Minutes to learn 4 Hours of experience , And solved the problem , Why not do it .

Of course , The above are all soft requirements for programmers , Even if you can't , You can also become a programmer , Just the level .

Here are some hard indicators :

Four 、 Thinking logic

For a programmer , There are some aspects of your thinking logic that need to be different from ordinary people .

The most classic joke is : My girlfriend asked the programmer to buy steamed stuffed buns , If you meet a watermelon seller , Just one .

The result is , The programmer bought a steamed bun and went home .

Why? ? Because he met a watermelon seller .

Although this is a joke , But at the code level , On the business flow chart , It may really need to be understood in this way .

therefore , A programmer first needs to cultivate his own thinking logic , Otherwise , Your understanding of design documents may be problematic .

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5、 ... and 、 Coding ability

This must be a basic skill for a programmer to settle down , You need to be proficient in one or more languages , And can use it to write the required content .

A and B Chat ,

A ask B:“ What languages do you know ?”

B say :“ I can speak Chinese 、 english 、 Japanese .”

that B It's ordinary people ;

B say :“ I will Java,PHP,C#.”

that B Is the programmer .

6、 ... and 、 Document capability

A programmer who cannot write documents is not a good programmer .

Although a programmer writes the most code , And few programmers are willing to write documents , But a programmer must have a certain documentation ability , Of course , This document is either Word.

for example , Now we are going to do the analysis and design of a functional module , You should take out at least a few pages of the design , Let me explain to you , In this way, it is easier for people to understand , Dry just say , It's hard for others to understand your content .

If the work you do now needs to be assigned to others , You have a new arrangement , you Handover When you work , If you have good documentation habits , The person who takes over the work can get started easily , Otherwise , He can't read the document , Only to ask you .

7、 ... and 、 Coding habits

What is coding habit ? In short, it's , notes , Naming specification , Coding standards

Why do we have to write notes ? Because a month later , You may not understand your code .

Why should we abide by the naming rules ? Because a month later , You may not understand your code .

Why should we abide by the coding rules ? Because a month later , You may not understand your code .

You can't understand your code , Others can understand ? More impossible .

therefore , Be used to writing notes , Complete strictly according to the naming and coding specifications .

8、 ... and 、 Ability to collaborate

R & D is not a one-man battle , But a group of people's war . We must work together , Don't just care about yourself . Or the rest of the team will be killed , You won't live long .

It's not advisable to have a state of mind that matters not to yourself .

Nine 、 Learning ability

This can be said to be the ability to determine the future of programmers , I've seen a lot of 30 Multi year old programmers , except CRUD, I know almost nothing else , Did he 10 Haven't you learned anything in years ? No , He learned , Only what he learned was business knowledge , For technical knowledge , Just learn what he needs .

such , His ability is limited to the pattern of a company , If it's a big company , He may know more , If it's a small company , He may only CRUD 了 .

therefore , Customize your study plan , Learn knowledge beyond the scope of work , Is a required course for every programmer .

Finally, thank everyone who reads my article carefully , The following automatic network disk link is also a very comprehensive one that I spent a few days sorting out , I hope I can help you in need !
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These materials , For doing 【 software test 】 It should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse for advanced friends , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you !

Everything should be done as soon as possible , Especially in the technology industry , We must improve our technical skills . I hope that's helpful …….


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