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Introduction knowledge system of Web front-end engineers

2022-07-07 23:55:00 Xiao Zhang, run quickly.

Windows Common shortcut key


                a) Temporarily type out capital letters

                b) Cooperate with the direction keys to select text



                b) Use with direction keys , Realize jumping in words


                Jump directly to the beginning of the current line / ending (Shift+Home/End  Select a row )

        4、Backspace/Delete: towards the left / Right delete

        5、Insert: stay “ Insert ” and “ Replace ” Switching between modes

        6、Windows: Open the start menu

                a)Windows+D    Display desktop

                b)Windows+E    Open Explorer ( My computer )

                c)Windows+R    Open the run window (cmd window )       

                        notepad( Notepad )

                        mspaint( Drawing board )

                        calc( Calculator )

        7、Alt+Tab: Switch window to the right

        8、Alt+Shift+Tab: Switch window to the left

History of Internet industry

        1950-1960 year : The era of personal software development

                Ada: The world's first programmer    Debug( debugging bug)

        1970-1980 year : Team software development era

                Windows The Chinese file name in is incompatible with other systems , It will cause garbled code and cannot be opened

        1990 year : The era of engineering software development

                appear “ Software Crisis ” => Begin to think about Develop software from an engineering perspective

        2000 year : Internet software development era

                “ The Internet bubble burst ” => C/S Software ( client > The server > client ) towards B/S Software ( Client only ) transition => There are web development engineers

                B/S Software architecture

                        B:browser    browser , Also known as “ The user agent ”, Replace the user to find the server where the target is located , And request the corresponding file , Download the post rendering in the browser .

                        S:sever      The server , Store all the files necessary for the website

        2010 year : Mobile Internet development era

                3G A smart phone => WEB Former Development Engineer => Applet / Little games => The front frame

Software life cycle ——(“ Three periods and eight stages ”)

1、 Software definition period

        a) Feasibility analysis stage ——《 Feasibility study report 》

                technical 、 Manpower 、 On funds 、 On the time 、 Rate of return 、 policy / law / Habitually

        b) Demand analysis stage ——《 Requirements specification / Project requirements specification 》

                Functional requirement points         Non functional requirement points

2、 Software development period

        a) Outline design stage —— Project architect

                Subsystem division 、 Module definition 、 implementation technique 、 Frame selection

        b) Detailed design stage —— Project design document

                page 、 object 、 function 、 Algorithm

        c) Development and implementation stage

                UI The designer => Front-end development engineer ( Development page ) => Back end Development Engineer ( Access data )

        d) Project testing phase ——《 Test report 》

                α( Internal measurement )     β( Public survey )

                Black box testing ( A functional test )    White box testing ( Structural testing )

3、 Software maintenance period

        a) Project deployment phase —— Migrate code from the development environment to the production environment

        b) Project maintenance phase —— Responsible for later code maintenance 、 correct 、 Function, etc


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