当前位置:网站首页>Prompt configure: error: required tool not found: libtool solution when configuring and installing crosstool ng tool

Prompt configure: error: required tool not found: libtool solution when configuring and installing crosstool ng tool

2022-07-08 00:12:00 chengwei1128

crosstool-NG Tools are used to compile and generate cross compilation tool chains .
stay ./configure The configuration phase , Especially for new systems , Generally, some tools are missing , The version does not meet the requirements and other errors .
General tips are missing xxx when , We use “sudo apt-get install xxx” You can install it online . But sometimes the missing tools don't work in this way , for example :

checking for GNU libtool >= 2.4... no

configure: error: Required tool not found: libtool

First we install online libtool:

sudo apt-get install libtool

After installation , Re execute again ./configure Configuration command , Discovery or configuration error , Report the same mistake :

checking for GNU libtool >= 2.4... no

configure: error: Required tool not found: libtool

So I tried to reinstall again libtool, System prompt :

 Reading package list ...  complete 
 Analyzing package dependency tree 
 Reading status information ...  complete 
libtool  It's the latest edition  (2.4.6-14).
 The upgrade  0  Software package , New installation  0  Software package , To uninstall  0  Software package , Yes  210  Packages not upgraded .

You can see that the current system has been installed libtool, And the version is the latest version 2.4.6-14, It's enough “GNU libtool >= 2.4” The requirements of . But the configuration is still wrong .
Later, after online inquiry , Find out ** terms of settlement ** yes : Install... On this basis libtool-bin that will do . as follows :

sudo apt-get install libtool-bin

After installation , Reconfigure , Found this error disappear .

