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Reading notes 004: Wang Yangming's quotations

2022-07-08 00:00:00 Cloth scholar Python

Two and a half saints

as everyone knows , In the long history of 5000 years of Chinese civilization, a total of “ two and a half ” saint , Namely :

Wang Yangming
Zeng guofan ( Half )

There are many famous figures in history , Why are there only three saints ?
Because the standard of becoming a saint is very high , The following must be met “ Three immortality ”:

Speaking is

Wang Yangming 11 Years old, famous in creation 《 Moon Mountain House 》 The poem

Wang Shouren's father, Wang Hua, drank with his friends in Jinshan Temple , here 11 Wang Yangming wrote a poem

《 Jinshan Temple 》
Jinshan is as big as a fist , Break Weiyang underwater sky ;
Drunk on miaogatai last month , The jade flute blows through the cave and the Dragon sleeps .

Wang Hua and others don't think 11 How can a - year-old child make such a good poem , Therefore, it is believed that Wang Yangming recited poems from other places , So there is a more famous 《 Moon Mountain House 》 The poem !

《 Moon Mountain House 》
The mountain is near the moon and the moon is far away , The mountain is bigger than the moon .
If someone has eyes as big as heaven , When the mountains are higher, the moon is wider .

Excerpt from Wang Yangming's Psychology

  1. The study of Buddhism and Taoism is just a piece of paper , So it's not easy to distinguish , Just aspire to the sacred , In the future, we will be able to see through .

  2. The true mingled with the false , Let the enemy panic , There is no order in moving , Can take advantage of the situation , Win the greatest victory at the least cost .

  3. True confidence is believing in your conscience ! Conscience tells you when to do something , Then do it , Don't worry about 、 Don't worry about .

  4. When a son cannot blame his parents for their wrong words and deeds , The best way is to cry , How can we please his mistakes !

  5. Contrast psychology and Neo Confucianism , The direction of psychology is from the heart to the object , The heart controls everything , Self esteem and fearlessness , Make people always keep a strong interest in the external world .

  6. In Chinese history , Most people who start businesses together can't escape the end of four sameness. They are in the same boat, have a strange dream, fight in the same room, and die together .

  7. Learning is valuable to the heart . Ask for it in the heart instead of , Although the words come from Confucius , I dare not think so , Besides, it's too late .

  8. Don't talk about other people's rights and wrongs , When it comes to blaming others , Take it as one of your selfish desires to restrain .

  9. You bet , The value of life lies in its ability to reject vulgarity , Can be brilliant , But you can also lose any meaning in drifting , Become a walking corpse .

  10. One person can affect most people temporarily , It can also affect a few people forever , But it cannot affect most people forever .

  11. No matter when 、 And where , What reason , Human nature cannot , Will not be extinguished , It will always stand between heaven and earth .

  12. When nothing happens , Will be lecherous 、 Avarice 、 Admiring fame and other selfish desires are all searched out , We must uproot the root of the disease , Make it never recur , That's happy .

  13. One must practice Kung Fu in things. It's good to do Kung Fu . If it's quiet , In case of trouble , No progress at all . That static time Kung Fu also seems to converge , And the practice of drowning also .

  14. Where are the skills , Just try to learn , Keep this heart still . If you have to say that you have skills , Then this immobility is the only skill .

  15. Saints are the same as the people in heaven and earth , Confucianism 、 The Buddha 、 The old 、 Zhuang is for my use , It is called the avenue . Er Shi is selfish , It is called the path .

  16. You must show your fangs , In order to effectively control all people , Even the emperor is no exception .

  17. The so-called responsibility to the world , The popular explanation is that all the world belongs to Lao Tzu , World affairs are my private affairs .

  18. This station RAR If there are drawings in the package , There will be drawing preview in the web content , If there is no drawing preview, there is no drawing .

  19. Facing external evaluation , Especially when slander , Instead of getting angry , But also take it as an opportunity to exercise a strong heart .

  20. Long Chang's suffering made him realize , The existence of the environment is not transferred by one's own will , If you want to make contributions , First of all, we must respect the environment , along .

  21. So be a saint , In pure reason , Instead of talent . So although mortal , And willing to learn , Make this heart pure and natural , You can also be a saint .

  22. In fact, in this world , As long as you dare to cheat , Any miracle is possible . As the saying goes : Only unexpected , No, I can't .

  23. Where your mind goes , What is right is right , The wrong one knows the wrong , There can be no concealment .

  24. Silence is not immobility , Moving is not static . Caution, fear is thought , Why should we distinguish between dynamic and static ?

  25. No good, no disgusting body , There are good and evil actions , To know good and to know evil is conscience , To do good and to do evil is a good thing .

  26. Know the ending is tragic , Can't change , But still have to continue , This is the greatest sorrow of life .

  27. Confucius ? Seek it from the heart but also , Although his words are ordinary , Dare not think it is not , Besides, it comes from Confucius ?

  28. History is defined by events , The Tao is called the Sutra ; Things are the way , Tao is immediate ; Spring and autumn are also classics , The five classics are also history .

  29. Of course, the principle of heaven is in my heart , But if a person with weak willpower , Living in a dirty environment , It's hard to show the truth .

  30. There is filial piety in people's hearts 、 benevolence , So you don't have to look for anything outside , As long as we let the filial piety and benevolence in our hearts naturally show, everything will be fine .

  31. The truest filial piety in the universe , Just don't let your parents worry . I know this , You will know how to be filial to your parents .

  32. The principle of heaven is in the heart , But because of the secular influence and their own inattention to self-cultivation , Although Tianli didn't leave his heart , But I was deceived .

  33. The truth is in my heart , Let's practice , Just to verify this truth , In fact, the ultimate goal is to temper our hearts .

  34. We should get rid of the selfish desire of lust and profit , It is necessary to search out the root causes of those lecherous, fame and wealth during meditation , Then dispel .

  35. Ears cannot hear right and wrong , How much leisure has been saved ; You can't say right or wrong , How much leisure has been saved ; Knowing right and wrong is enough .

  36. Things in the world , It's not difficult to get it , Then it will be easy to lose ; It will accumulate soon , Then its development will not be great .

  37. Qian Dehong asked again ,“ To conscience ” Is there any one from noumenon to Kung Fu , Summary of simple Jingyi ?

  38. Yesterday, clothes Python wear jade , Everyone says glory , Take off your clothes and go to bed , Just a poor man , Who ever added a penny ? therefore , Honor and disgrace are not in people , People are fascinated by themselves .

  39. The only difference between the strong and the weak is , Is the faith firm enough . If both sides are strong , It depends on whose faith is stronger .

  40. Everyone has a conscience , Everyone's conscience will come to a truth . Boyi 、 Although Shuqi is dead , But their conscience is in everyone's heart .

  41. The enemy is in full swing , We should attack them when they win and are unprepared , How can we retreat at this critical moment ?

  42. Never guess others with malice first , Otherwise, you will become evil first , Once that happens , Is the loss of conscience .

  43. The so-called military genius , Just don't go to military school , Someone who can fight with a pirated copy of Sun Tzu's art of war .

  44. People have to go through a different disaster to be reborn , Become a real problem solver .

  45. Fight bravely for the justice you believe , Don't be a shrinking turtle , Otherwise, you will live for thousands of years , But a thousand year old beast .

  46. Mind learning teaches many people to use power , But more importantly , It teaches us when not to , This is the reason why it has a long history .


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