当前位置:网站首页>The standby database has been delayed. Check that the MRP is wait_ for_ Log, apply after restarting MRP_ Log but wait again later_ for_ log

The standby database has been delayed. Check that the MRP is wait_ for_ Log, apply after restarting MRP_ Log but wait again later_ for_ log

2022-07-08 00:16:00 Drunken Xiaobai

select error,status from gv$archive_dest where dest_id=10;

 Insert picture description here

The analysis reason :
11g Changing the password in one instance will not be synchronized to other instances and standby databases , Although with scan Connect , however scan Is load distribution ip Of , Later, the connection will fall on an instance .
12CR2 The password file will be synchronized later , And the password file is saved in ASM Shared files .


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