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Zero basis to build a web search engine of its own

2020-11-06 20:53:00 Python advanced


Before that , I think we should all know more about search engines , It is through the user input text in the browser input box , To show some results , What do you think matches the content you're searching for , You just click on it .

【 One 、 Project preparation 】

browser :360 browser

Editor :Sublime Text 3

plug-in unit :Jquery-3.2.1.Min.Js

【 Two 、 Project implementation 】

Because it is to achieve a web search engine , So we need to borrow the website three swordsmen (Html+Css+Javascript), And then implement this function .

1. Open Baidu Analysis page structure

We can first look at Baidu's search engine :

You can see , Part of the search box is set , Like turning off autocomplete . And then we're just searching around to see what's changed :

You can see some of the keywords we're looking for , So we found the law of request :

https://www.baidu.com/s?+ Query character parameters 

This makes up a complete get request , And there are many keyword parameters that can be omitted , Just keep the important part . therefore , Tested , Come to the following conclusion :


This is the interface address of the request , Just put the keyword Parameters can be replaced by any search keywords to query and jump to the corresponding results page .

2. To write Html Input box , Search button

Read what I wrote before Html Series of articles , You will no longer be confused about this .

 <style type="text/css">
    *{            The inner and outer margins are initially 0
       position:absolute;  Absolute positioning 
       background-color:red;  The background color 
       border:1px solid gray;  Border settings 
       text-align:center  Text location 
    span:hover{  Hover style 
<input type="text" name="" placeholder=" Please enter what you want to search for ">  The text box 
<span>search</span>  Search button 

After writing, enter the browser to view , You can see :

You can see , It's a bit of a browser search box .

3. Import Jquery plug-in unit

<script src='jquery-3.2.1.min.js'></script>

4. To write js Script

This is the top priority , Open the browser ,network, Continue analysis :

You can see that the search results are inside . Then open the request url Address , After many experiments , It is found that only the parameters marked in the graph have changed :


So we can draw a conclusion , We just need to change these two values .

1). Create delete script

So I created a script tag first , It can be removed at any time when not in use , Avoid using memory , Causes the page to open slowly , Performance degradation :

var script=document.createElement('script');   establish script The label of 
script.id='jsonp';    Set up id by jsonp
script.src='https://www.baidu.com/sugrec?prod=pc&cb=getData&wd='+wd;   Set its address 
document.body.appendChild(script);    add to script Element to body in 

And then wait until it's not used , Delete it at any time :

var script=document.querySelector('#jsonp');  choice id by jsonp The elements of 
script.parentNode.removeChild(script);      Remove this element from its parent element 

2). Generate options drop-down menu

We can see it in the browser , Just one input text , It will pop up the corresponding option for us to choose , So how did this happen ?

function getlist(wd){    /* Get the drop-down list */
   var script=document.createElement('script');  /* establish script The label of */
   script.id='jsonp';   /* Set up id by jsonp*/
   script.src='https://www.baidu.com/sugrec?prod=pc&cb=getData&wd='+wd; /*  Set its address */
   document.body.appendChild(script);   /* add to script Element to body in */
function getData(data){  /* get data */
     var script=document.querySelector('#jsonp'); /* choice id by jsonp The elements of */
     script.parentNode.removeChild(script);  /* Remove this element from its parent element */
     $('ol').html('');  /*  Set the value of the sequence table to be empty */
     var da=data.g;   /*  Get search results */
  if(da){                     /* If the result exists, put the result in li In the label */
     $('<li><a target="_blank" href ="https://www.baidu.com/s?wd='+item.q+'">'+item.q+'</a></li>').appendTo('ol');

     /*  Determine if the keyboard is pressed */
      var wd=$(this).val();  /*  The value of the input box */
      if(wd==''){           /* If the value is empty , Then hide , Otherwise, it will show */

You can see , The search results have come out , And there's... Under the sequence table "li" Tags are also generated accordingly .

3). Mark the sequence of options

We can see , And finally it came out , But I want to give it a serial number , So you can know how many search results there are . There are many ways to set tags , You can start with a number , It can also be upper and lower case letters or Roman time . Here I choose numbers , It's simple .

Finally, this function is perfectly realized , Isn't it amazing , Go and have a try .

4). Search refresh

Seeing this, I believe you should all know that this function has been completed , We just need to click on whatever li Tags can be accessed to the corresponding page . therefore , I decided to add a refresh feature , It belongs to the refresh of the reconnection server :

<span onclick='window.location.reload()'>search</span>  Click and refresh immediately 

【 3、 ... and 、 Project summary 】

in general , For beginners, Xiaobai is a good practice project , I hope you can get something from it .

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