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Redis -- data type and operation
2022-07-01 17:30:00 【zyanwei2018】
Remote connection
redis-cli -h host -p port -a password
# Chinese garbled
Basic data type
- String
# establish key
> set name zhangsan
# obtain key
> get name
# Set multiple items and get multiple items at the same time
> set name zhangsan
> set age 18
> mset city wuhan country China
> mget name age city country
1) "zhangsan"
2) "18"
3) "wuhan"
4) "China"
# Delete key
> del name
(integer) 1
> get name
# Check for presence
> exists name
(integer) 1
> exists age
(integer) 0
- Numeric String
> set n 11
> get n
# Add one... In turn
> incr n
(integer) 12
# One in turn
> decr n
(integer) 11
# Gat fixed value
> incrby n 10
(integer) 14
# Subtract a specific value
> decrby n 10
(integer) 4
string Unordered collection of type , The bottom is HashTable data structure ,
String elements are unordered , And can't repeat
# add to
> sadd friends zhangsan
(integer) 1
> sadd friends lisi
(integer) 1
# see
> smembers friends
1) "lisi"
2) "zhangsan"
# Remove the specified value
> srem friends lisi
# Random delete
> spop friends
# Determine whether an element exists
> sismember friends zhangsan
(integer) 1
# add to
> zadd country 1 China
(integer) 1
> zadd country 1 UK
(integer) 1
# see
> zrange country 0 -1
1) "China"
2) "UK"
> zrange country 0 -1 withscores
1) "China"
2) "1"
3) "UK"
4) "1"
# Remove the specified value
> zrem country UK
(integer) 1
# Insert from the left
> lpush rlist zhangsan lisi
(integer) 2
> lpush rlist wangwu
(integer) 3
# Insert from the right
> rpush rlist chenliu
(integer) 4
# see
> lrange rlist 0 -1
1) "wangwu"
2) "lisi"
3) "zhangsan"
4) "chenliu"
# Delete from the left
> lpop rlist
# Delete from the left
> rpop rlist
> lrange rlist 0 -1
1) "lisi"
2) "zhangsan"
# The view index is 1 Of key value
> lindex rlist 1
# Change the index to 1 Of key value
> lset rlist 1 lili
> lrange rlist 0 -1
1) "lisi"
2) "lili"
Be similar to Java Medium Map, It's a String Type of field and value Mapping table ( Key value pair set ), And it is especially suitable for storing objects
# hset
> hmset user name zhangsan age 18 sex male
# hget
> hget user name
# hmget
> hmget user name
1) "zhangsan"
# Check all values
hkeys user
1) "name"
2) "age"
3) "sex"
4) "height"
# modify
> hset user height 145
(integer) 0
> hmget user height
1) "145"
- Expiration time
- expire: Set expiration time
- ttl: Get expiration time , return -1 Indicates no settings ,-2 Indicates that the data does not exist
> set name zhangsan
> expire name 20
(integer) 1
> ttl name
(integer) 4
> ttl name
(integer) -2
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