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1330: [example 8.3] minimum steps

2022-07-05 15:03:00 A program ape who beats the keyboard violently

1330:【 example 8.3】 Minimum steps

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【 Title Description 】

In all kinds of chess , The way a piece moves is always certain , For example, in Chinese chess, the horse walks “ Japan ”. One primary school student thought that if a horse could walk in two ways, it would be more interesting , therefore , He stipulated that the horse can press “ Japan ” go , You can walk like an elephant “ field ” word . His deskmate usually likes to play go , It's interesting to know this later , Just want to try , In a (100×100) Choose any two points on your Go board A、B,A Point on the sunspot ,B Point on the white , For two horses . Chess pieces can be pressed “ Japan ” Word walk , You can also press “ field ” Word walk , Two people walk on a dark horse , A white horse . Who walks to the upper left corner with the least number of steps? The coordinate is (1,1) At the same time , Who wins . Now he asks you for help , Here you are. A、B The coordinates of two points , Want to know two positions to (1,1) Point to the minimum number of possible steps .

【 Input 】

A、B The coordinates of two points .

【 Output 】

Minimum steps .

【 sample input 】

12 16
18 10

【 sample output 】


【 Algorithm analysis 】

because A、B Two points are input randomly , Therefore, the mathematical law of calculating the minimum number of steps cannot be found , It can only be solved by breadth first search .

(1) Determine the starting point

from (n,m) Start with a breadth first search , Can be found from (n,m) The minimum number of steps to all reachable points on the chessboard . What is required in the question is the dark horse (x1,yy1) And white horse (x2,y2) arrive (1,1) The minimum number of steps of the target point . Although the starting points of the two paths are different , But their destination is the same . If we will end (1,1) As a starting point , In this way, you only need one breadth first search to get (x1,yy1) and (x2,y2) arrive (1,1) The minimum number of steps .

(2) data structure

set up queue—— queue , Storage slave (1,1) Reachable point (queue[k][1..2]) And the minimum number of steps required to reach this point (queue[k][3])(0\leqslantk\leqslant192+1). The first pointer of the queue is head, The tail pointer is tail. At the beginning ,queue Only one element in the is (1,1), The minimum number of steps is 0.

a—— Record (1,1) The minimum number of steps required to reach each point . obviously , The answer is a[x1][yy1] and a[x2][y2]. At the beginning ,a[1][1] by 0, All other element values are set to -1.

dx、dy—— Position increment array after moving . Ma you 12 Different expansion directions :

Horse walk “ Japan ”:


Horse walk “ field ”:


We will i The position increment in the direction is stored in the constant array dx[i]、dy[i] in (0\leqslanti\leqslant11):

int dx[12]={-1,-1,-1,1,2,2,2,2,1,-1,-2,-2},dy[12]={-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,2,2,1};

(3) constraint condition

(1) Don't go beyond the boundary . Because of all possible footholds of horses a Both in a Within the scope of , So once the horse goes out of bounds , Just put it a The value assigned to 0, Express “ Has been extended , And (1,1) It takes at least 0 Step ”. This seems absurd , But it can simply and effectively prevent the horse from falling into these boundary points again .

(2) This point has not been reached in previous extensions . If you have ever arrived , According to the principle of breadth first search , The number of steps required to reach this point previously must be less than the current number of steps , Therefore, there is absolutely no need to expand .

The resulting , The position of the horse after jumping (n,m) The constraint of whether you can join the team is a[n][m]<0.

(4) Algorithm flow

【AC Code 】

using namespace std;
const int N=1e3+10;
inline int fread()
	char ch=getchar();
	int n=0,m=1;
	while(ch<'0' or ch>'9')
	while(ch>='0' and ch<='9')n=(n<<3)+(n<<1)+ch-48,ch=getchar();
	return n*m;
int dx[12]={-1,-1,-1,1,2,2,2,2,1,-1,-2,-2},dy[12]={-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,2,2,1},a[N][N],q[10000][4],x1,yy1,x2,y2,head=1,tail=1;// Initial position join the team 
signed main()
	memset(a,0xff,sizeof a),q[1][1]=q[1][2]=1,q[1][3]=0,x1=fread(),yy1=fread(),x2=fread(),y2=fread();//a Initialization of an array , Read the starting positions of black and white horses 
		for(int i=0;i<12;i++)// enumeration 12 Expansion directions 
			int n=q[head][1]+dx[i],m=q[head][2]+dy[i];// Calculate Horse Press i Position after direction jump 
			if(n>0 and m>0)
				if(a[n][m]==-1)// if (n,m) Meet the constraints 
					a[n][m]=q[head][3]+1,tail++,q[tail][1]=n,q[tail][2]=m,q[tail][3]=a[n][m];// Calculation (1,1) To (n,m) The minimum number of steps ,(1,1) to (n,m) Join the team with the minimum number of steps 
					if(a[x1][yy1]>0 and a[x2][y2]>0)// Output the solution of the problem 
						return 0;
	return 0;

I like to use arrays to simulate queues ( It's not because I don't want to remember the queue's operation function ) .



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