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Taobao store release API interface (New), Taobao oauth2.0 store commodity API interface, Taobao commodity release API interface, Taobao commodity launch API interface, a complete set of launch store i

2022-07-07 05:33:00 wx_ one billion five hundred and ninety-seven million sixty-thr

Taobao store release API Interface ( new ), TaoBao oAuth2.0 Store goods API Interface , Taobao product release API Interface , Taobao products are on the shelves API Interface , A complete set of interface docking and sharing of released stores are as follows

1. Common parameters

name type must describe
keyString yes call key( Must be GET Way of splicing in URL in , Click to get the test key and secret
secretString yes Call key
api_nameString yes API The name of the interface ( Included in the request address )[item_search,item_get,item_search_shop etc. ]
cacheString no [yes,no] Default yes, The cached data... Will be called , It's quite fast
result_typeString no [json,jsonu,xml,serialize,var_export] Return data format , The default is json,jsonu The output content can be read directly in Chinese
langString no [cn,en,ru] Translation language , Default cn Simplified Chinese
versionString no API edition

2. The steps of product release are as follows :

Please refer to the address of the open platform : 


Identify authorized categories & brand

Involving interfaces :

taobao.itemcats.authorize.get( Query the list of authorized brands and categories of merchants )

taobao.itemcats.get( Get the standard commodity categories for sellers to publish commodities in the background )

3. Release

Remarks : Tmall needs products , Therefore, the product release only supports tmall stores ; TaoBao and Special edition products do not need to be attached to products , No product release required , Just publish products directly . 

Involving interfaces :

tmall.product.match.schema.get( Get matching product rules ) 

tmall.product.schema.match( product Matching interface )

tmall.product.schema.get( Product information acquisition schema obtain )

tmall.product.add.schema.get( Product release rule acquisition interface )

tmall.product.schema.add( Use Schema File release a product )

4. Release commodities ( Edit product )

Involving interfaces :

alibaba.item.publish.schema.get( Get product release rule information )

alibaba.item.publish.props.get( Product cascade attribute information acquisition )

alibaba.item.publish.submit( Product launch )
5. Product editing and updating involves interfaces

alibaba.item.edit.schema.get  ( Product editing and obtaining schema Information )

alibaba.item.edit.submit ( Edit and submit products schema Information )

alibaba.item.edit.fastupdate ( Product edit incremental update )

6. Request parameters

Request parameters :api=

Parameter description : Other parameters : Refer to the interface document of Taobao open platform , It is consistent with the parameters of Taobao https://open.taobao.com/api.htm?docId=140&docType=2

name type must describe
apiString The interface name of Taobao open platform ( Such as :taobao.picture.upload( Upload single picture ))
sessionString In exchange for authorization session_id
[ The other parameters ]String Other parameters : Refer to the interface document of Taobao open platform , It is consistent with the parameters of Taobao

7. Request example (CURL、PHP 、PHPsdk 、Java 、C# 、Python...)

# coding:utf-8
Compatible for python2.x and python3.x
requirement: pip install requests
from __future__ import print_function
import requests
#  Request example  url  The default request parameters have been changed URL code 
url = "https://vx19970108018/taobao/custom/?key=< Your own apiKey>&secret=< Your own apiSecret>&method="
headers = {
    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
    "Connection": "close"
if __name__ == "__main__":
    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    json_obj = r.json()



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