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Multi rotor aircraft control using PID and LQR controllers
2022-07-02 13:53:00 【Phillweston】
Task content
Through adjustment PID and LQR Controller to realize stable hovering of multi rotor aircraft , It is used in both simulation and actual system .
Reference Content
LQR Basic reference content of control part :
Reference link :
Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) With Python Code Example
design scheme
A: Altitude and yaw control ——PID controller
about PID Parameter shaping of , You can refer to the following three schemes ( Choose one according to the actual situation , Or compare various schemes )
Using Ziegler - Nichols' law (Ziegler-Nichols method) Get the initial estimate .
This method is based on system stability analysis PID Setting method . There is no need to consider any characteristic requirements in the design process , The setting method is very simple , But the control effect is ideal . The specific setting method is as follows :
First , Suppose only proportional control , Set up k d = k i = 0 k_{d}=k_{i}=0 kd=ki=0, Then increase the proportional coefficient until the system has constant amplitude oscillation for the first time ( The poles of the closed-loop system are jω On the shaft ), At this time, obtain the critical gain when the system starts oscillation K m K_{m} Km;
Then multiply the scale coefficient by the corresponding parameter according to the following table , This is multiplied by 0.6
Type of regulator K p T i T d P 0.5 K e ∞ 0 P I 0.45 K e 1 1.2 T e 0 P I D 0.6 K e 0.5 T e 0.125 T e \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|}\hline \text{ Type of regulator } & K_{p} & T_{i} & T_{d}\\\hline P & 0.5K_{e} & \infty & 0\\\hline PI & 0.45K_{e} & \frac{1}{1.2}T_{e} & 0 \\\hline PID & 0.6K_{e} & 0.5T_{e} & 0.125T_{e} \\\hline \end{array} Type of regulator PPIPIDKp0.5Ke0.45Ke0.6KeTi∞1.21Te0.5TeTd000.125Te
Other parameters are calculated according to the following formula :
K p = 0.6 ∗ K m K d = K p ∗ π 4 ω K i = K p ∗ ω π K_{p}=0.6*K_{m}\\K_{d}=K_{p}*\frac{\pi}{4\omega}\\K_{i}=K_{p}*\frac{\omega}{\pi} Kp=0.6∗KmKd=Kp∗4ωπKi=Kp∗πω
among K p K_{p} Kp Is the proportional control parameter , K i K_{i} Ki Is the integral control parameter , K d K_{d} Kd Is the differential control parameter , ω \omega ω Is the frequency of oscillation .
Use the above rule to determine PID The parameters of the controller , Make the overshoot of the system at 10%~60% Between , The average value is about 25%.
Use simulation to obtain the corresponding gain value .
Modify the corresponding gain value in the real system .
Method : Slowly increase P Until the oscillation starts , Then slowly add a small amount D To suppress oscillation , Then slowly add a small amount I To correct any steady-state errors .
B1:x,y position control ——LQR controller
For multi rotor aircraft , The linear equation of motion shows that for x coordinate p x p_{x} px and y coordinate p y p_{y} py And roll angle β \beta β And pitch angle γ \gamma γ Complete decoupling between .
[ p ˙ x p ¨ x β ˙ ] = [ 0 1 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 ] [ p x p ˙ x β ] + [ 0 0 1 ] [ ω y ] \left[\begin{array}{l}\dot{p}_{x} \\\ddot{p}_{x} \\\dot{\beta}\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{lll}0 & 1 & 0 \\0 & 0 & g \\0 & 0 & 0\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{l}p_{x} \\\dot{p}_{x} \\\beta\end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{l}0 \\0 \\1\end{array}\right]\left[\omega_{y}\right] ⎣⎡p˙xp¨xβ˙⎦⎤=⎣⎡0001000g0⎦⎤⎣⎡pxp˙xβ⎦⎤+⎣⎡001⎦⎤[ωy]
[ p ˙ y p ¨ y γ ˙ ] = [ 0 1 0 0 0 − g 0 0 0 ] [ p y p ˙ y γ ] + [ 0 0 1 ] [ ω x ] \left[\begin{array}{c}\dot{p}_{y} \\\ddot{p}_{y} \\\dot{\gamma}\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0 & 1 & 0 \\0 & 0 & -g \\0 & 0 & 0\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}p_{y} \\\dot{p}_{y} \\\gamma\end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{l}0 \\0 \\1\end{array}\right]\left[\omega_{x}\right] ⎣⎡p˙yp¨yγ˙⎦⎤=⎣⎡0001000−g0⎦⎤⎣⎡pyp˙yγ⎦⎤+⎣⎡001⎦⎤[ωx]
therefore , We can use the pitch rate ω y \omega_{y} ωy To control a body coordinate x Position error , And roll rate ω x \omega_{x} ωx To control a body coordinate y Position error .( Inner ring → Outer loop control )
The goal of this task is to separate each x and y To design a LQR controller .
Linear Quadratic Regulator, Acronyms LQR Represents linear quadratic regulator . The name itself specifies the settings applicable to this controller design method :
- The dynamics of the system is linear ,
- Cost function to minimize (cost function) It's twice ,
- The systematic controller adjusts the state to zero .
The following information summarizes the synthesis of an infinitesimal bound LQR Steps and equations of the controller . The resulting controller is called “ Linear state feedback controller ”, Matrix is usually used “K” Express . State feedback matrix K There is one line for each input of the system , There is a column for each state of the system .
Continuous time and discrete-time linear system dynamics are recorded as
x ˙ = A x + B u , x k + 1 = A D x k + B D u k \dot{x}=A x+B u, \quad x_{k+1}=A_{\mathrm{D}} x_{k}+B_{\mathrm{D}} u_{k} x˙=Ax+Bu,xk+1=ADxk+BDuk
In order to integrate continuous time system matrix A and B Convert to discrete-time system matrix A D A_{D} AD and B D B_{D} BD, Use MATLAB function c2d, Specify zero order hold (zero order hold) As a discretization method .
Need to choose Q and R cost function (cost function) Matrix to achieve the desired flight performance of the aircraft . In infinite time span (infinite-horizon) Of LQR The cost function is :
J ∞ = ∫ 0 ∞ ( x ( t ) ⊤ Q x ( t ) + u ( t ) ⊤ R u ( t ) ) d t J_{\infty}=\int_{0}^{\infty}\left(x(t)^{\top} Q x(t)+u(t)^{\top} R u(t)\right) d t J∞=∫0∞(x(t)⊤Qx(t)+u(t)⊤Ru(t))dt
Q Is the state cost matrix , The number of rows and columns is the same as the number of States , The matrix weighs the relative importance of each state in the state vector , and R Is the input cost matrix , The number of lines is the same as that of control input , The number of columns is the same as that of the control input , This matrix penalizes the workload of the actuator .
Choose Q and R Cost function matrix , Different elements of the state vector should be considered . for example , Maybe you want to punish 10 Centimeter x Position deviation and yaw 5 The amount of degree deviation is the same .
Use MATLAB function care and dare Calculate continuous and discrete time Riccati Algebraic equations . You can refer to MATLAB Read the help documentation to understand the calculation of these functions .
Continuous time linear time invariant (LTI) Infinite time span LQR The design equation system is ( Directly from the control system I The notes ):
0 = − A ⊤ P ∞ − P ∞ A + P ∞ B R − 1 B ⊤ P ∞ − Q u ( t ) = − K ∞ x ( t ) K ∞ = R − 1 B ⊤ P ∞ \begin{aligned}0 &=-A^{\top} P_{\infty}-P_{\infty} A+P_{\infty} B R^{-1} B^{\top} P_{\infty}-Q \\u(t) &=-K_{\infty} x(t) \\K_{\infty} &=R^{-1} B^{\top} P_{\infty}\end{aligned} 0u(t)K∞=−A⊤P∞−P∞A+P∞BR−1B⊤P∞−Q=−K∞x(t)=R−1B⊤P∞
among :
The first equation is to solve P ∞ P_{\infty} P∞ Of Riccati equation
The second is the achieved control rate u ( t ) u(t) u(t)
The third is the state feedback gain matrix K ∞ K_{\infty} K∞
discrete time LTI Infinite time span of the system LQR The design equation is :
0 = − P ∞ , D + A D ⊤ P D , ∞ A D − A D ⊤ P D , ∞ B D ( B D ⊤ P D , ∞ B D + R ) − 1 B D ⊤ P D , ∞ A D + Q u D ( k ) = − K D , ∞ x D ( k ) K D , ∞ = ( B D ⊤ P D , ∞ B D + R ) − 1 B D ⊤ P D , ∞ A D \begin{aligned}0 &=-P_{\infty, \mathrm{D}}+A_{\mathrm{D}}^{\top} P_{\mathrm{D}, \infty} A_{\mathrm{D}}-A_{\mathrm{D}}^{\top} P_{\mathrm{D}, \infty} B_{\mathrm{D}}\left(B_{\mathrm{D}}^{\top} P_{\mathrm{D}, \infty} B_{\mathrm{D}}+R\right)^{-1} B_{\mathrm{D}}^{\top} P_{\mathrm{D}, \infty} A_{\mathrm{D}}+Q \\u_{\mathrm{D}}(k) &=-K_{\mathrm{D}, \infty} x_{\mathrm{D}}(k) \\K_{\mathrm{D}, \infty} &=\left(B_{\mathrm{D}}^{\top} P_{\mathrm{D}, \infty} B_{\mathrm{D}}+R\right)^{-1} B_{\mathrm{D}}^{\top} P_{\mathrm{D}, \infty} A_{\mathrm{D}}\end{aligned} 0uD(k)KD,∞=−P∞,D+AD⊤PD,∞AD−AD⊤PD,∞BD(BD⊤PD,∞BD+R)−1BD⊤PD,∞AD+Q=−KD,∞xD(k)=(BD⊤PD,∞BD+R)−1BD⊤PD,∞AD
Subscript ( . ) D (.)_{D} (.)D Represents the variables applicable to discrete-time systems
care and dare Functions can return the state feedback gain matrix , If you use this matrix , You need to pay attention to the symbol convention .
B2:x,y position control ——PID controller
If you still want to (x, y) Position realizes a PID controller , This is the related task description .
be based on A In the scheme, we implement a PID Further tasks of the controller : Design 、 Implement and adjust a PID Controller to control x and y Location .
Think about it , stay B The linearized equation of motion provided in the scheme , Shows x The position and pitch angle are the same as y Complete decoupling between position and roll angle .
therefore , We can use the pitch rate ω y \omega_{y} ωy To control the body coordinates x Position error , And the roll rate ω x \omega_{x} ωx To control the body coordinates y Position error .
Due to pitch ( Or roll ) Dynamic ratio of angle x( or y) The dynamics of position is fast enough , Therefore, we can also use a nested controller to reasonably control the position error .“ External control ” Ring one x Position error , And request a pitch angle β To correct the error , then “ Inner ring ” Take the requested pitch angle β The error of the , And ask for a coordinate about the body y Angular rate of axis ωy To correct the error .
C: by x,y Position add integrator
Once you have completed the previous B Tasks (x, y) Positional LQR Implementation of the controller , Please observe the following (x, y) Steady state offset at set point . Try to adjust the position of the battery in the aircraft by a few millimeters , And observe the steady-state offset again .
Observe the steady-state offset , And in each x and y Add an integrator to the position controller , To eliminate the steady-state offset .
Algorithm logic
B1:x,y position control ——LQR controller
LQR Use a technique called dynamic programming . When the aircraft moves around the world , At each time step t It's about , Use a series of for loop ( Where we run each for loop N Time ) Calculate the best control input , These cycle outputs correspond to the... Of the minimum total cost u( Control input ).
initialization LQR function : Pass in 7 Parameters .
LQR(Actual State x, Desired State xf, Q, R, A, B, dt);
x_error = Actual State x – Desired State xf
Initialize time step N
Will usually N Set to some arbitrary integer , Such as 50.LQR The solution to the problem is obtained recursively , Start with the last time step , And work backwards in time to the first time step .
let me put it another way ,for loop ( We will reach these cycles in one second ) It takes a lot of iterations ( In this case 50 Time ) To achieve P The stability value of ( We will introduce it in the next step P).
initialization P Include for N+1 An empty list of elements
loop i from N To 1, Use the following formula (Riccati equation ) Calculation P[i-1]
P[i-1] = Q + ATP[i]A – (ATP[i]B)(R + BTP[i]B)-1(BTP[i]A)
initialization K and u They contain N An empty list of elements
loop i from 0 To N-1, Calculate the state feedback gain matrix with the following formula K[i]
K[i] = -(R + BTP[i+1]B)-1BTP[i+1]A
K The optimal feedback gain value will be maintained . This is an important matrix , When multiplied by the state error x ( t ) x(t) x(t) when , The best control input will be generated u ( t ) u(t) u(t)( Please refer to the next step ).
loop i from 0 To N-1, Use the following formula to calculate the control input
u[i] = K[i] @ x_error
We are right. for Cycle are N Sub iteration , Until we get the optimal control input u The stability value of ( for example u = [ Linear velocity v, angular velocity ω]). I suppose when N = 50 When reaching a stable value .
Return to the optimal control quantity u_star
u_star = u[N-1]
Optimal control input u_star. This is the last value we calculated in the previous step above . It is located in u At the end of the list .
Return to the best control input . These inputs will be sent to our aircraft , So that it can move to a new state ( Namely new x Location ,y Position and yaw angle γ).
Code content ( part )
Take the two wheeled car as an example , analysis LQR Code design of control system
import numpy as np
# Description: Linear Quadratic Regulator example
# (two-wheeled differential drive robot car)
######################## DEFINE CONSTANTS #####################################
# Supress scientific notation when printing NumPy arrays
# Optional Variables
max_linear_velocity = 3.0 # meters per second
max_angular_velocity = 1.5708 # radians per second
def getB(yaw, deltat):
""" Calculates and returns the B matrix 3x2 matix ---> number of states x number of control inputs Expresses how the state of the system [x,y,yaw] changes from t-1 to t due to the control commands (i.e. control inputs). :param yaw: The yaw angle (rotation angle around the z axis) in radians :param deltat: The change in time from timestep t-1 to t in seconds :return: B matrix ---> 3x2 NumPy array """
B = np.array([ [np.cos(yaw)*deltat, 0],
[np.sin(yaw)*deltat, 0],
[0, deltat]])
return B
def state_space_model(A, state_t_minus_1, B, control_input_t_minus_1):
""" Calculates the state at time t given the state at time t-1 and the control inputs applied at time t-1 :param: A The A state transition matrix 3x3 NumPy Array :param: state_t_minus_1 The state at time t-1 3x1 NumPy Array given the state is [x,y,yaw angle] ---> [meters, meters, radians] :param: B The B state transition matrix 3x2 NumPy Array :param: control_input_t_minus_1 Optimal control inputs at time t-1 2x1 NumPy Array given the control input vector is [linear velocity of the car, angular velocity of the car] [meters per second, radians per second] :return: State estimate at time t 3x1 NumPy Array given the state is [x,y,yaw angle] ---> [meters, meters, radians] """
# These next 6 lines of code which place limits on the angular and linear
# velocities of the robot car can be removed if you desire.
control_input_t_minus_1[0] = np.clip(control_input_t_minus_1[0],
control_input_t_minus_1[1] = np.clip(control_input_t_minus_1[1],
state_estimate_t = (A @ state_t_minus_1) + (B @ control_input_t_minus_1)
return state_estimate_t
def lqr(actual_state_x, desired_state_xf, Q, R, A, B, dt):
""" Discrete-time linear quadratic regulator for a nonlinear system. Compute the optimal control inputs given a nonlinear system, cost matrices, current state, and a final state. Compute the control variables that minimize the cumulative cost. Solve for P using the dynamic programming method. :param actual_state_x: The current state of the system 3x1 NumPy Array given the state is [x,y,yaw angle] ---> [meters, meters, radians] :param desired_state_xf: The desired state of the system 3x1 NumPy Array given the state is [x,y,yaw angle] ---> [meters, meters, radians] :param Q: The state cost matrix 3x3 NumPy Array :param R: The input cost matrix 2x2 NumPy Array :param dt: The size of the timestep in seconds -> float :return: u_star: Optimal action u for the current state 2x1 NumPy Array given the control input vector is [linear velocity of the car, angular velocity of the car] [meters per second, radians per second] """
# We want the system to stabilize at desired_state_xf.
x_error = actual_state_x - desired_state_xf
# Solutions to discrete LQR problems are obtained using the dynamic
# programming method.
# The optimal solution is obtained recursively, starting at the last
# timestep and working backwards.
# You can play with this number
N = 50
# Create a list of N + 1 elements
P = [None] * (N + 1)
Qf = Q
# LQR via Dynamic Programming
P[N] = Qf
# For i = N, ..., 1
for i in range(N, 0, -1):
# Discrete-time Algebraic Riccati equation to calculate the optimal
# state cost matrix
P[i-1] = Q + A.T @ P[i] @ A - (A.T @ P[i] @ B) @ np.linalg.pinv(
R + B.T @ P[i] @ B) @ (B.T @ P[i] @ A)
# Create a list of N elements
K = [None] * N
u = [None] * N
# For i = 0, ..., N - 1
for i in range(N):
# Calculate the optimal feedback gain K
K[i] = -np.linalg.pinv(R + B.T @ P[i+1] @ B) @ B.T @ P[i+1] @ A
u[i] = K[i] @ x_error
# Optimal control input is u_star
u_star = u[N-1]
return u_star
def main():
# Let the time interval be 1.0 seconds
dt = 1.0
# Actual state
# Our robot starts out at the origin (x=0 meters, y=0 meters), and
# the yaw angle is 0 radians.
actual_state_x = np.array([0,0,0])
# Desired state [x,y,yaw angle]
# [meters, meters, radians]
desired_state_xf = np.array([2.000,2.000,np.pi/2])
# A matrix
# 3x3 matrix -> number of states x number of states matrix
# Expresses how the state of the system [x,y,yaw] changes
# from t-1 to t when no control command is executed.
# Typically a robot on wheels only drives when the wheels are told to turn.
# For this case, A is the identity matrix.
# Note: A is sometimes F in the literature.
A = np.array([ [1.0, 0, 0],
[ 0,1.0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1.0]])
# R matrix
# The control input cost matrix
# Experiment with different R matrices
# This matrix penalizes actuator effort (i.e. rotation of the
# motors on the wheels that drive the linear velocity and angular velocity).
# The R matrix has the same number of rows as the number of control
# inputs and same number of columns as the number of
# control inputs.
# This matrix has positive values along the diagonal and 0s elsewhere.
# We can target control inputs where we want low actuator effort
# by making the corresponding value of R large.
R = np.array([[0.01, 0], # Penalty for linear velocity effort
[ 0, 0.01]]) # Penalty for angular velocity effort
# Q matrix
# The state cost matrix.
# Experiment with different Q matrices.
# Q helps us weigh the relative importance of each state in the
# state vector (X, Y, YAW ANGLE).
# Q is a square matrix that has the same number of rows as
# there are states.
# Q penalizes bad performance.
# Q has positive values along the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
# Q enables us to target states where we want low error by making the
# corresponding value of Q large.
Q = np.array([[0.639, 0, 0], # Penalize X position error
[0, 1.0, 0], # Penalize Y position error
[0, 0, 1.0]]) # Penalize YAW ANGLE heading error
# Launch the robot, and have it move to the desired goal destination
for i in range(100):
print(f'iteration = {
i} seconds')
print(f'Current State = {
print(f'Desired State = {
state_error = actual_state_x - desired_state_xf
state_error_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(state_error)
print(f'State Error Magnitude = {
B = getB(actual_state_x[2], dt)
# LQR returns the optimal control input
optimal_control_input = lqr(actual_state_x,
Q, R, A, B, dt)
print(f'Control Input = {
# We apply the optimal control to the robot
# so we can get a new actual (estimated) state.
actual_state_x = state_space_model(A, actual_state_x, B,
# Stop as soon as we reach the goal
# Feel free to change this threshold value.
if state_error_magnitude < 0.01:
print("\nGoal Has Been Reached Successfully!")
# Entry point for the program
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