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Huawei employs millions of data governance experts! The 100 billion market behind it deserves attention

2022-07-05 00:36:00 51CTO

Last weekend, , Only after chatting with relatives and children in their junior year of this year , In addition to preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination , He also took part in 6 A data management engineer certification exam at the end of the month . The author was surprised , This is not a certification exam that everyone knows .

original , During the period of university , He has been communicating with an elder , The senior graduated from computer major , I took the post of Data Engineer , Now he is a senior data governance project manager , Well paid .

Good prospects , High pay , How many people dream of this position .

One 、200 Ten thousand annual salary hires data management experts ?

I don't know , The author searched on a recruitment website “ Data governance ” I was surprised . To hire data governance experts , Some big domestic factories can even give annual salary 200 Salary of 10000 yuan (130K-160K*16 pay ).

 Huawei employs millions of data governance experts ! The 100 billion market behind it deserves attention _ Data management
chart 1: Huawei 200 Ten thousand annual salary hires data management experts

Does it feel , Wealth and freedom are just around the corner .

Annual salary 200 Million data governance experts , What qualifications are needed and what jobs are you responsible for ?

In terms of seniority , need 10 At least years of relevant working experience in the field of data governance , Proficient in data management 、 Data management 、 Data security theory , Yes 5 Years or above experience in leading delivery of large-scale data governance projects ; On the job , Need to lead the top-level design of data governance , perfect DataOPS technological process , Including the overall data strategy 、 Data policy 、 Data standards 、 Data management procedures 、 Data management metrics 、 Data requirements specification, etc .

however , Recruitment data shows , It is not common for big factories with annual salary of one million to dig people . A friend of the author's group company is recruiting a data governance project manager , a monthly salary 3.5 All the . The reason is , Although the group company has always felt that the data quality is low , But there is always no suitable talent to manage , With the new IT The person in charge takes office , Data governance is officially put on the agenda .

 Huawei employs millions of data governance experts ! The 100 billion market behind it deserves attention _ project manager _02
chart 2: A group recruits data management project manager

warning taken from the overturned cart in front , The competition in a market comes first from the competition of talents , Especially the Internet industry . therefore , The competition of digital transformation , It must also start with the snatch of data talents such as data governance .

Two 、 Why is the data governance market hot ?

Let's first look at market research institutions IDC The latest data .

IDC stay 2022 year 6 Released in 《 China's data governance market share ,2021》 The report . data display , China data governance platform market 2021 The annual scale is up to 23.9 One hundred million yuan , Annual growth of 24.5%, Data governance solutions market 2021 The annual scale is up to 26.6 One hundred million yuan , Annual growth of 20.5%. The report shows a rapidly growing Chinese data governance market .

For this annual growth rate of more than 20% Industry , No one is not impressed by the data governance market . The emergence of new business opportunities , It also attracts the help of entrepreneurs and capital . A number of new technology and new product start-ups in the field of data governance were born and successively obtained capital gains , such as 2021 year 10 month ,DaaS( Data as a service ) Software manufacturer Macon software received tens of millions of Yuan Pre-A Round of funding , By the dark horse Fund 、 Aggregate capital joint investment .

Before that , SASAC in 2020 year 9 A document was issued in August 《 Notice on accelerating the digital transformation of state-owned enterprises 》. The notice mentioned that state-owned enterprise groups should speed up the construction of data governance system , Clear data governance centralized management department , Strengthen data standardization 、 Metadata and master data management , Regularly assess data governance capability maturity .

This is the first time that China has made it clear that “ Data governance ” Written into the work guidance of digital transformation of state-owned enterprises . It plays a guiding role in the development of data governance market , It's more like a shot in the arm for the data governance market .

 Huawei employs millions of data governance experts ! The 100 billion market behind it deserves attention _ data _03
chart 3: Maicong DaaS Platform product architecture

In order to meet the market demand of data governance in the new era , Macon software pushes the next generation of data center —— Maicong DaaS platform , The new generation of data governance tools can help enterprises quickly implement data governance projects , at present 500 Strong group companies have 30 Selected by many companies .

3、 ... and 、 What does data governance do ?

Said along while , What is data governance ?

Some international institutions have given definitions . International Association for data management (DAMA) It is believed that data governance is a collection of activities that exercise power and control over data asset management . International Institute of data governance (DGI) It is believed that data governance is a system that realizes decision-making power and division of responsibilities through a series of information related processes .

Use a vernacular to explain , Data governance is the process of processing enterprise data from bad to good through a scheme . Of course , This statement is somewhat generalized , In fact, the data “ good ” And “ Not good. ” It involves data quality 、 Data unification 、 Data permissions and other aspects .

Data governance is not a technology but a management system , The ultimate goal is to increase the value of data , Prepare data for enterprise digital transformation .

Huawei 200 Ten thousand annual salary hires data management experts ! The 100 billion market behind it deserves attention
Some people say , Data governance is a dirty job , Not at all . Data governance will bring different sources in the enterprise 、 Different businesses 、 Data from different users , From non-standard format to unified planning data 、 From no rules to unified rules 、 From scattered data to high-quality data stored by unified classification and classification .

More Than This , In the process of data governance , It requires the participation of all employees from top to bottom , Involving managers of different departments 、 Communication and coordination of employees , Without the support of the top leaders, it is difficult to carry out in the end .

therefore , Some people pointed out that data governance has once again become the focus of enterprises , It is inseparable from the top leaders' focus . Digital transformation strategy requires enterprises to make an overall plan from the overall situation , Poor promotion of data governance will naturally affect the process of digital transformation . therefore , Many mature enterprises set up data governance ( Or data asset management ) Full time departments and positions of . This makes data governance a high priority project , It is easier to obtain the resources of the enterprise and the support of the top leaders , So as to land smoothly .

