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Tujia, muniao, meituan... Home stay summer war will start

2022-07-07 07:07:00 dongchajia121

Travel across provinces “ Fuse ” Accurate to the county , To update the epidemic prevention and control plan , Then go to the travel card and cancel the asterisk mark , In the last half month , We can feel that the domestic tourism market has begun to accelerate the recovery . Local tourism enterprises began to step up the layout of summer tourism market , Tourism practitioners have also begun to return . As the most important summer battlefield in the B & B industry , This year's summer holiday has begun .

One 、 Summer vacation time , What does it mean ?

Affected by this year's epidemic , The radius of people's travel has been greatly shortened , In the first half of the year, the tourism industry also missed the Qingming Festival 、 Labor Day is an important node for blood circulation . The whole tourism industry is right 2022 The summer tourism market in has high hopes .

stay “ Narrow the scope of ” and “ Shorten the time ” Under the dual policy of , The inter provincial tourism market has further recovered , according to an uncompleted statistic , More than half of the scenic spots across the country have launched discount or free admission policies for the summer vacation , There is no lack of Huashan 、 Lushan Mountain 、 Huangguoshu Waterfall 、 Yuntai Mountain 、 Wuyi Mount 、 Zhangjiajie these national famous scenic spots , Tourist attractions are beginning to bustle again .

Stimulated by multiple positive news , Wooden bird B & B announced publicly , It is expected that the summer orders of the platform are expected to reach 2019 In the same period of 3 About times .

Another typical example is that Universal Studios in Beijing and Disneyland Resort in Shanghai have announced the restart schedule , Bring it to Beijing 、 The tourism industry in Shanghai and Shanghai is good .

Under the trend that the government has launched a series of economic recovery policies , The ship is showing signs of turning , Sales return of B & B supply side 、 Consumption release on the demand side 、 The expected stabilization has room to be expected . In this summer vacation , Who can go first , Who is likely to win more opportunities for the future .

Two 、 Summer war will begin

After aibiying quit , Way home 、 Woodbird 、 Meituan all extended olive branches to abiying's landlord , However, the number of houses available after the relocation of the three landlords has not been publicly announced , Still for Tujia 230 Thousands of sets of 、 Woodbird 135 Thousands of sets of 、 Meituan 72 Thousands of sets of . But from the consumer side , But there is a different answer .

Disclosure of information , From the perspective of download volume, which reflects user acceptance , Wooden bird has more than three . According to Qimai data , Due to the 6.30 In terms of the average daily downloads in the past seven days , Wooden bird homestay 11182> Tujia B & B 5832> Meituan B & B 3920, According to the data of various companies , On the contrary, the ranking and download volume of wooden bird B & B on the third-party platform exceed that of the recipients of aibiying heritage such as Tujia and meituan , Or it has a greater connection with the new media's customer acquisition that it has always claimed .

  For the home stay platform , The actions of sales promotion are similar , Mainly to launch theme activities , B & B landlord registration , Make a summary on the basis of their discounts . Like wooden bird B & B, platform coupons are superimposed every time , This is better done .

Key nodes , Such as summer vacation , It will be the watershed of annual orders by default . Summer vacation is actually for the tourism industry , It is a peak season market that must not be missed . For the B & B market , The order month focuses on summer vacation and November 、 Five or two holidays , This is also the reason why summer vacation has special strategic significance .

One side , The market demand in summer is the strongest . Summer means a large student market , Except for college students , There is also a strong demand for parent-child families to study and travel ; On the other hand , Summer is the best time to travel , This year, 1-5 The demand for travel in August was affected by the epidemic “ Under pressure ”, Summer vacation has become an important way to release demand in the near future “ Time window ”.

For major B & B platforms , Their profits usually come from commission income . In the article of titanium media , Wooden bird homestay CEO Huang Yue said , In fact, some agreements have been basically reached within the industry “ convention ”. such as , Each platform is put on the shelves for the house supply , Including preliminary review 、 Training, communication and other procedures are free , Only when an order is generated will it be charged 10% Commission ; When the landlord goes online on each platform , They usually keep the same price .

For the B & B platform , If you want to ensure the annual revenue , Then we must work hard on the order . Because the summer is a relatively long battle , The customer unit price of the platform's resident host will not increase in a short time according to the supply-demand relationship , Therefore, order promotion has become a necessary action .

Facing such an important summer , For the B & B booking platform under heavy pressure due to the epidemic this year , More cannot be absent .

3、 ... and 、 Great efforts will be made in summer

This year, , The B & B booking platform is about to experience a smoke filled summer war .

such as , Online offers .

The third year of the epidemic , For B & B landlords , Most of their appeals focus on the word "reincarnation . The outbreak of summer archives for them , It's a rare respite in the past six months . As you can imagine , B & B landlords hope that they will have a high enthusiasm to promote orders through concessions .

For the platform , Each family behaves differently .

Tujia B & B has always been inclined to do preferential summary , Add a theme that is APP go online . All the activities that have been online have adopted this routine . At present, Tujia B & B APP All theme activities on the end have been offline , I wonder if it will launch summer activities in the near future , Increase benefits such as coupons .

Wooden bird B & B has always provided platform coupons on the basis of landlord discounts , The amount is usually less than 100 yuan . Presumably, this idea will continue in the upcoming summer vacation , However, I don't know whether the amount will increase . Compared with Tujia B & B , Although there is no boss behind the wooden bird B & B , However, the wooden bird B & B has been offering preferential treatment to users all the time , This may also be the reason why it is not as popular as Tujia B & B in brand marketing .

The policy of meituan B & B has always been very clear , Target student groups , In the face of the current frequent release of favorable policies , The student group has the objective conditions to travel , Meituan B & B also recently launched the graduation season activities to seize the market , However, it is limited by the number of houses , Perhaps the order volume is less than that of muniao and Tujia .

Tujia and meituan are subsidiaries of the Group , Relatively dominant in terms of flow inlet . Wooden bird B & B began to operate delicately , Rely on new media channels to achieve 80% Our own flow makes blood autonomously .

What the B & B practitioners can expect is still “ Traffic ”. Only in the summer archives will more users' attention be welcomed , Can we have the opportunity to realize the long-term principle of B & B . And from this point , Considering that woodbird has the highest download volume among the three platforms , Maybe consumers have higher recognition of wooden bird .

In addition to releasing exclusive summer activities to further ignite this “ The battle of the gods ”, The deployment of online activities by major platforms is also the decisive place to win this key battle in the summer .

The new content overwhelmed the audience , The platform should be taken out “ fast ”、“ wide ”、“ Hang ” The content of the play , In order to successfully break through , But not every platform has the ability to complete the layout .

“ fast ” The new frequency of activities is fast .

According to Tujia B & B 、 Wooden bird homestay 、 Meituan B & B three APP Activity sorting , Enter the start of summer vacation in July , The number of online platform activities , So far , Wooden bird B & B is connected to three activities , Lead the way , Meituan B & B has two activities , Tujia B & B has no activity outflow at this stage .

Under such a quick layout , For now , Mu Niao B & B took the lead in covering the travel of different users , Use different themes 、 Style content attracts and meets the click through rate of different users , Meituan B & B has both breadth and focus , Tujia lie flat .

“ wide ” It covers a wide range of contents .

Judging from the current platform activities , Tujia B & B in terms of quantity , Not too much investment , There is a clear lack of track space .

For now , Meituan B & B currently has only summer and camping topics , Wooden bird B & B on the other side , Currently, there are three activities that have been launched , Including peripheral tours 、 Online popular B & B collection 、 Graduation season offers , The variety of types also makes it occupy a stronger track advantage and more user attention in the summer .

Both wooden bird B & B and meituan B & B have summer themed activities , But they are different . Meituan B & B focuses on the content of the scene , Set the seaside 、 In the mountains 、 plateau 、 Yamano's four theme scenes . Woodbird B & B focuses on the surrounding depth and online photography , In the surrounding theme , Each city has short scenic spots and food recommendations .

For the B & B booking platform , This highly anticipated traffic war in the summer , In the increasingly fierce competition , Guarantee of the number and type of online activities , It is the foundation to win this attention war .

“ Hang ” It lies in the segmentation and accuracy of users .

“ Hang ” Behind the playing method is more insight into the interests of mainstream users , It is a further mining of summer incremental users . Make good use of summer archives to stimulate the hormones of mainstream users , It's the best time to take advantage of summer vacation to occupy the market .

According to the wooden bird home stay 2021 The annual data report shows , Among the current home stay booking users ,18-24 % of users 46%, It shows that young people are still the main consumer group of B & B . How to attract these people to place orders , It has become the key to success in summer .

Look at recent activities , Whether it is to meet the current graduation season of college students and prospective college students 《 Graduation carnival season   Youth B & B trip 》 Or continue to grab the heat of camping 《 Go camping together 》, Are trying to target the current hot spots of young people .

The difference is that meituan B & B and muniao B & B choose different playing methods . Meituan still focuses on the scene , Wooden bird B & B focuses on the crowd , We can see from the activity , Meituan B & B went camping together and chose the camping scene loved by young people to create special activities , But from the details , The activity area is divided into “ Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing ”、“ Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai ”、“ South China ” as well as “ In other parts of the ”, It also confirms the problem of the small supply of meituan B & B , User perception may be impaired .

With the opening of summer Archives ,2022 The second half of the battle of the B & B reservation platform officially started .

Tujia B & B continues to rely on Ctrip's traffic introduction , Take the following strategy to ensure the basic price , Wooden bird B & B, as the only existing independent reservation platform, is poised for a long time , Try to overtake in this summer . And meituan B & B …… Although there is still a gap in the supply of meituan B & B , But backed by the local life flow of meituan and the deep cultivation of college students , This summer is still full of variables , And really perfect “ fast ”、“ wide ”、“ Hang ” The one who played the way of , Destined to be one step ahead .

