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How to use "bottom logic" to see the cards in the world?

2022-07-04 12:18:00 gqltt

source : How to use “ The underlying logic ”, See the cards in the world ?

My new book 《 The underlying logic 》, I'm finally going to meet you .

I often say , Only the underlying logic has vitality .

Because the underlying logic is facing changes , Can be applied to new changes , Will produce a new methodology .

If expressed by a formula , It's like this :

The underlying logic + environment variable = methodology

If you only master all walks of life “ dried food ” methodology , That's just “ Teach people to fish ”, As long as the environment changes ,“ dried food ” No longer applicable .

But if you master “ The underlying logic ”, That's it “ Teach them to fish ”, You can use the same underlying logic , Deduce the methodology of adapting to the current situation .

therefore , Only by mastering the underlying logic , Only by exploring the unchanging in all changes , To dynamically 、 Keep seeing the essence of things .

This is me in this book , What I want to share with you most :

How to use the underlying logic , See the cards in the world .

In this book , I want to share with you 5 Kinds of underlying logic :

1, The bottom logic of right and wrong

2, The underlying logic of thinking

3, The underlying logic of individual evolution

4, Understand the underlying logic of others

5, The bottom logic of social cooperation

Every kind of underlying logic , There are also different thinking models .

Today's content , I want to share with you 5 A model . Hope to inspire you .


The bottom logic of right and wrong


In life and work , We often think about : One thing , Who is right and who is wrong ?

A lot of times , There was a lot of debate , Because of different perspectives . Different perspectives , The conclusions are certainly different .

Right or wrong , They have their own “ The underlying logic ”.

That's what I often say , Three “ Right and wrong view ”.

Jurists' view of right and wrong 、 Economists' view of right and wrong 、 Businessmen's view of right and wrong .

What do you mean ?

Let me give you an example , You'll see .

The bad guys A, Will the victim B, Lured to the construction site without locking the door C.

B Drop dead , Whose fault is this ?

Jurists will say , It's the bad guys A The fault of . This is deliberate murder .

Yes . If the evidence is conclusive , In the eyes of jurists , This is it. A The fault of .

however , such “ Fast popularity ” View of right and wrong , It is not necessarily possible to avoid similar events happening again .

What jurists cannot do , Economists may be able to .

Economists would say , It's the construction site C The fault of .

ah ? Why? ?

because , The whole society in order to avoid victims B, By bad guys A Lure to the construction site C Cost of , Than the construction site C The cost of locking the door yourself , It's much higher .

Punished the construction site C, Although the construction site feels wronged , But in the future, all construction sites will lock the door .

that , Such tragedies may be greatly reduced .

all , Economists are from “ Total social cost ” The angle of , To judge whether a thing is right or wrong .

Although it sounds unreasonable , Even a little counter intuitive , But sometimes it's more than pure “ Morality and justice ” More long-term effect .

There's another angle , Businessmen's view of right and wrong . Businessmen will say , It's the victim B The fault of .

Whether you punish the bad guys A, Or punish the construction site C, The victim B Can't bring the dead back to life .

In the whole thing , The victim B The biggest loss .

B Only yourself to blame , You shouldn't be stupid enough to be A cheating .

such , Will protect B own .

therefore , Businessmen are from “ Profit maximization ” From the perspective of right and wrong .

therefore , Who is right and who is wrong ?

When discussing right and wrong , The bottom logic I want you to remember is :

1, Different positions , The conclusion will also be different .

2, If you're a critic , You can choose the position of jurists . If you're a policy maker , You can choose the position of economists . If you are the one who will suffer , I suggest you choose the position of the businessman .


The underlying logic of thinking

How to think ?

Many people will find the answer from history , Rely on your past experience .

however , Experience is not necessarily reliable .

You may have heard such a story .

During the second world war , Allied bombers lost a lot , The wings of a few returning aircraft are also full of bullet holes .

The Allies decided to increase the steel armor of some positions of the aircraft under limited conditions , Protect pilots' lives , Improve combat effectiveness .

Where to add it ?

Experience , Since the wings are full of bullet holes , Then strengthen the wings .

therefore , The commander decided , Strengthen the wings with steel armor .

At this time , A statistician who served as a consultant to the Allied forces said :

Commander , You see the wing shot , Can fly back , Maybe it's just because it's strong ;

The nose and tail were not shot , Maybe it's because once shot , I can't fly back .

The commander was shocked , Quickly send troops to the battlefield to inspect the wreckage of the aircraft .

Sure enough , The plane that was shot down , They were all shot in the nose and tail .

The plane flying back , Maybe I don't know how I flew back , Only the downed plane knows . however , The plane that was shot down , But I can never speak .

therefore , Experience is sometimes unreliable .

What to do with that ?

An important method is : hypothesis - verification - Conclusion - adjustment .

Have a problem , Bold assumption , Careful verification , Come to the conclusion .

Then according to the conclusion , Make adjustments .

Let's take the example just now .

hypothesis : Steel armor should be added to the wings ;

verification : Go to see if the downed plane has many bullet marks on its wings ;

Conclusion : There were many bullets in the head and tail of the downed plane , There are not many wings , Adding steel armor to the wing has little effect ;

adjustment : Add steel armor on the nose and tail .

This is the assumption - verification - Conclusion - adjustment . To confirm the hypothesis , We should spare no pains , Don't bother to test the hypothesis , Until we come to the right conclusion .

however , Thinking in this way is , I have another suggestion :

Take the matter on its merits .

That is to say , Things are not people .

If the company's products cannot be sold , Let's have a meeting to discuss .

The product says , Sales is not good , Channels are not good enough .

The sales said , The market cannot , Marketing is not good enough .

The market says , It's research and development , The product is not good enough .

This begins to wrangle .

Discuss things , solve the problem , Instead of using things to target people .

therefore , How to think , The bottom logic I want you to remember is :

1, Experience is not necessarily reliable .

2, Use assumptions - verification - Conclusion - Adjustment method , Make the right judgment .

3, Take the matter on its merits .


The underlying logic of individual evolution

How to realize individual evolution ?

Maybe you'll say , Study .

however , What to learn ?

Our whole life , Only three things can be learned : knowledge 、 Skills and attitudes .

What is knowledge ?

knowledge , It is the law that has been found and proved . It is certain .

such as ,1+1=2, That will never equal 3, Nor can it be equal to 0.5. Another example , Supply is greater than demand , The price will fall .

The method of learning knowledge is simple and direct : Through memory .

Our previous learning process , Most of the learning is knowledge . And check whether there is a learned method , It's a question , Dictation , Fill in the blanks .

however , Knowledge has boundaries . It even has a shelf life . Many people step out of school the next day , It is estimated that I have forgotten half of my knowledge .

More important than learning knowledge , Learning skills .

What is skill ?

Skills are those you think you know , But if not , Things you will never really know .

Long ago , Someone taught me how to throw three oranges at the same time .

First of all , Throw the orange into the air with your left hand , second , Immediately hand the orange of your right hand to your left hand , And wait for the falling orange ; Third , When the rising orange reaches the highest point , Throw the next .

Very simple. . I remember it all at once .

But today , Neither will I .

Because I lack practice .

Skill is called skill , Except “ learn ”, More important “ xi ”.

Many skills you want , communicate 、 negotiation 、 writing 、 management …… All need practice .

In addition to knowledge and skills , And attitude .

Attitude is what you choose , The pair of colored glasses used to see the world .

such as , You think the world is friendly , Still full of malice ? Business interests , It is the incidental result of satisfying customers , Also said to meet customers , It is a means to obtain commercial benefits ?

The hardest thing to learn , It's attitude .

In everyone's heart , There is a door , No matter how outsiders shout , A collision , This door can only be opened from the inside .

attitude , Is your own “ heart ” The choice of .

If you want to summarize , I think it will help me today , Attitude is greater than 50%, Skills are probably 30%, Knowledge is less than 20%.

therefore , About individual evolution , The bottom logic I want you to remember is :

1, Don't take knowledge as a skill . Many pragmatists , Refuse to learn knowledge , Ignore the previous thinking , As a result, you can only invent the wheel yourself . We can only stand on the shoulders of our predecessors , To make progress .

2, Don't regard skills as knowledge . Many theorists , Thirst for knowledge , But ignore practice . Don't forget , It's on paper , We must know that we must do it .

3, What we can learn , Is knowledge 、 Skills and attitudes . Use your brain to learn , Learning skills by hand , Study hard, attitude .


Understand the underlying logic of others

About understanding others , An important underlying logic I want to share with you is : Sense of boundary .

Understand the sense of boundaries , Will make each other feel comfortable .

You talk face to face with a friend , You'll find that , Each other will always maintain a psychological safety distance .

Once you get closer , slightly “ Cross the border ”, The other party will instinctively step back .

this , It's a sense of boundary .

The essence of a sense of boundaries , In fact, it is the cognition of ownership .

What is your ? What is mine ? Each other should do things within their own scope .

baby , There is no sense of boundary .

Because before birth , And mother are one . I can't tell what is mine , What is someone else's .

Wait until you grow up , To realize that , It turns out that my mother and I are two different individuals .

At this time , A sense of boundaries will gradually form .

Teacher Wu Zhihong once made an analogy , Although some people have grown up , But psychologically, I'm still a baby .

therefore , Such a person , It's also called “ Big baby ”.

About ownership , People usually know the ownership of items .

This watch is yours , That computer is mine .

however , Ownership of some intangible things , A lot of people can't tell .

For example, the ownership of time , Ownership of privacy .

Let me give you an example .

The company has a meeting , Discuss how to do something . Everyone expressed their own opinions , Fight for redness .

After the discussion , The boss decided , I finally decided to do this .

then , An employee stood up and said , I don't agree with ! It should not be done , This is wrong !

At this time , This employee just “ Transboundary ” 了 .

Why? ?

Because make suggestions , It is the right of employees . however , It's the boss's right to make decisions .

Clarify everyone's responsibilities and rights , It is also a sense of boundary .

You can participate in the discussion , Give advice . however , If the boss finally doesn't adopt , You should also accept this result .

Respect his rights , Also respect his boundaries .

Another example is a scene in life .

Friends ask you some questions on wechat , You happen to be free , So I answered by the way .

But sometimes you are very busy , Didn't reply in time .

then , He called immediately . You say? , It's not very convenient for me now , Otherwise, leave a message first , I'll reply to you when it's convenient .

This is a normal situation . But the other party was angry :

You don't treat me like a friend ! I thought you were a good person , I didn't expect it to be like this !

You should know by now , This friend , Is a typical lack of a sense of boundaries .

Other people's time , Belong to that person . No one has the right to occupy . Want to occupy others' time , It needs the consent of the other party .

therefore , About understanding others , The bottom logic I want you to remember is :

1, There must be a sense of boundary in your heart . Understand others from this perspective , You will understand many others' thoughts and ways of doing things .

2, Keep your boundaries , Also respect the boundaries of others .


The bottom logic of social cooperation


Understand others , It's more about getting along with individuals . But we will also cooperate with a wider range of people .

that , What is the underlying logic of social collaboration ?

The bottom logic of social cooperation , I once shared , Yes 3 A rule :

The laws of nature : Law of the jungle , Natural selection , The survival of the fittest ;

Ethnic Law : There is a purpose greater than the individual , So we get together , Form ethnic groups ;

Universal law : comply with the agreement , Across individuals and organizations , Everyone agrees and understands .

I'll tell you a story .

I like traveling very much . There is a , I went to Israel .

Looking at 《 Jerusalem 3000 year 》 when , I feel that some things in this world are insoluble .

Christianity 、 The entanglement between Islam and Judaism , Let Jerusalem suffer a lot , Have been invaded more than 40 times , Burned more than 20 times .

At that time, I thought , I am about to see Jerusalem , It will be full of life and death fighting among the three forces .

But when I set foot on the land of Jerusalem , But I found that three religions actually coexist in the same city for a long time .

Why? ?

Every religion has its own “ Ethnic Law ”, People get together for a common purpose , There is a consensus within the Group .

however “ ethnic groups ” There is no consensus connection .

therefore , I initially assumed that they would “ The laws of nature ”, Law of the jungle , Fight each other .

But in fact , They found the basic elements of inter group cooperation —— “ Universal law ”, That is to abide by the agreement .

Cooperation outside the ethnic group , I can disagree with you , But I respect you .

Both parties will do what is stipulated in the agreement , Say truce , There will be a truce .

“ Universal law ” Is what we call the spirit of contract .

After reading the story , Look back at our society . The overall development of society , According to “ The laws of nature ”、“ Ethnic Law ”、“ Universal law ” The sequence of continues to evolve iteratively .

At first, it was the natural law of primitive society , Law of the jungle . Endless competition , Can't cooperate .

Later, some people got together because of common goals , With the Ethnic Law , Form small group collaboration .

now , We need to achieve greater social collaboration , Between companies , Between countries , We should cooperate . So follow the universal law , Use integrity 、 Contract spirit .

That's the only way , To connect to a larger community , Achieve greater collaboration .

Step by step from the laws of nature , To the Ethnic Law , To the universal law , It is also the direction of civilization .

therefore , The underlying logic of social collaboration , What I want you to remember is :

1, Three different laws , The laws of nature , Ethnic Law , Universal law .

2, The later , The more collaboration can be achieved , The farther you may go .

Last words

This is the underlying logic I want to share with you today , and 5 A related thinking model .

Hope to inspire you .

In the book , There are more other thinking models , Help you build the underlying logic .

Actually “ The underlying logic ”, Not limited to the business world .

I hope you pass 《 The underlying logic 》 This book , After seeing the ever-changing world , Can still be calm 、 No anxiety .

I hope you can pass “ The underlying logic + environment variable ”, Continue to create new methodologies , See the cards in the world , Always like a fish in water .

Last , I also want to thank Huazhang company of China machine press , And the support of friends , Give Way 《 The underlying logic 》 Final book .

thank .

Last, last , I also want to invite you , Work with me through the underlying logic , See the cards in the world .

