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NSI packaging script add file details

2022-07-01 18:33:00 flysh05

When the file version is not specified in the script , File name , Document description , The installation package file created does not contain this information , It's all blank , Here's the picture :

Choose NIS Packaged installation package file , Right click , Select Properties :

[ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-awqO08yW-1644931690897)(https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/26915479-dddef97b1768dc14.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip|imageView2/2/w/576/format/webp)]

The script is as follows :

VIProductVersion “${PRODUCT_VERSION}”

VIAddVersionKey /LANG= L A N G _ E N G L I S H " P r o d u c t N a m e " " {LANG\_ENGLISH} "ProductName" " LANG_ENGLISH"ProductName""{PRODUCT_NAME}"

VIAddVersionKey /LANG= L A N G _ E N G L I S H " C o m m e n t s " " {LANG\_ENGLISH} "Comments" " LANG_ENGLISH"Comments""{PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}"

VIAddVersionKey /LANG= L A N G _ E N G L I S H " C o m p a n y N a m e " " {LANG\_ENGLISH} "CompanyName" " LANG_ENGLISH"CompanyName""{PRODUCT_PUBLISHER}"

VIAddVersionKey /LANG= L A N G _ E N G L I S H " L e g a l T r a d e m a r k s " " {LANG\_ENGLISH} "LegalTrademarks" " LANG_ENGLISH"LegalTrademarks""{PRODUCT_NAME} Application is a trademark of ${PRODUCT_PUBLISHER} company"

VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} “LegalCopyright” “Copyright ${PRODUCT_PUBLISHER} company”

VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} “FileDescription” “System software for factory”

VIAddVersionKey /LANG= L A N G _ E N G L I S H " F i l e V e r s i o n " " {LANG\_ENGLISH} "FileVersion" " LANG_ENGLISH"FileVersion""{PRODUCT_VERSION}"

VIAddVersionKey /LANG= L A N G _ E N G L I S H " I n t e r n a l N a m e " " P G M M S e t u p {LANG\_ENGLISH} "InternalName" "PGMMSetup LANG_ENGLISH"InternalName""PGMMSetup{PRODUCT_VERSION}.exe"

 Insert picture description here

The corresponding information is shown in the figure above .


