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Open Visual Studio 2010 hangs when opening a SQL file sql file
2022-07-03 03:25:00 【French red wine sweet】
problem :
I launch VS 2010, and simply open any ordinary (or blank) .sql file and it shows up incorrectly drawn inside the IDE. I start VS 2010, Just open any ordinary ( Or blank ).sql file , It will be there IDE Internal display error .It draws the document tab, but nothing else. It draws document tabs , But nothing else .If I type on the keyboard, VS locks up. If I type ,VS Will lock .This only appears to be a problem with files that have the extension ".sql" and has no bearing on the actual content. For extension “.sql” And has nothing to do with the actual content , This seems to be just a problem .I also noticed that in the Solution Explorer, those .sql files show the icon that is the same one associated with .js files. I also noticed , In Solution Explorer , these .sql The icon displayed in the file is similar to .js Icon associated with the file .
Solution :
Reference resources : https://stackoom.com/en/question/EnVa边栏推荐
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