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HCIP---Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol related knowledge points
2022-08-01 21:36:00 【Newcomer_L】
1.禁用---When the interface is down;接口禁用生成树协议
2.阻塞---The first state entered by the Spanning Tree Protocol after an interface is activated.该状态下,An interface can only listenBPDU,不能转发BPDUand business frames,Can't learn eitherMAC地址
All interfaces are initially blocked,No configuration is sentBPDU,这样,All interfaces are not listeningBPDU,则20SAfter the aging time, it will enter the next stage.
3,侦听---STPRole election phase,In this state, you can send and receiveBPDU,但是不能转发业务数据,Can't learn eitherMAC地址.
In this state, forwarding of service data is not allowed,Mainly because to prevent when the characters are not fully selected,Temporary loops may occur,This causes service traffic to enter the loop.
The listening state needs to stay for a forward delay time,默认为15S,This time is the time for elections.即使,Character election ends early,It also needs to wait until the time arrives before entering the next state.
角色选举完成后,Not all interfaces enter the next learning state,Instead the root port and the designated port can proceed,Non-designated ports will fall back to the blocking state.
4,学习---This state needs to stay15S,Only learn what is in the business data frameMAC地址,But not forwarding.
Its purpose is to reduce the MACWhen the address is not recorded,Unknown unicast flood operation.
- 转发---Sending can be accepted normallyBPDU及业务数据
[sw1]stp mode ?---修改STPThe selected protocol version---Huawei devices select Yes by defaultMSTP协议
mstp Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) mode
rstp Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) mode
stp Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) mode
[sw1]stp mode stp
[sw1]stp enable ---Huawei devices are activated by defaultSTP,所以,This step can be omitted
[sw6]display stp---查看STP信息
[sw3]display stp brief ---查看STPRole and state information for the interface
[sw5]stp priority 28672---修改优先级的命令,必须按照4096的倍数来修改
[sw6-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]stp port priority ?---修改接口优先级的命令,必须按照16的倍数来进行修改
INTEGER<0-240> Port priority, in steps of 16
[sw1]stp root primary ---Set one switch to be the root bridge----Essentially the deviceBIDThe priority in is modified to 0.
[sw2]stp root secondary ---Set one switch to be the backup root bridge----Essentially the deviceBIDThe priority in is modified to 4096.
802.1DFlaws of Spanning Tree Protocol:
PVST ---基于VLAN的生成树协议---一个VLAN一棵树---PVSTThe problem is if there is a large number of switching networksVLAN时,A lot of trees are needed,Each tree needs to go through configurationBPDUto maintain the tree structure,This results in excessive resource usage.
RSTP ---快速生成树---802.1W ---There is only one tree in a switched network---RSTP可以向下兼容802.1D,需要按照802.1D的规则来执行.
802.1D ---根端口,指定端口,非指定端口
802.1W ---根端口,指定端口,替代(Alternate)端口,备份(Backup)端口
替代端口---The main purpose is to be a backup of the root port.Due to learned configuration sent by other bridges BPDU报文而阻塞的端口,What he provides is another path from the designated bridge to the root bridge,as a backup for the root port.When a root port fails,Then the optimal alternative port can directly become the root port,直接进入转发状态.
备份端口---The main purpose is to be a backup of the designated port.由于学习到自己发送的配置BPDU 报文而阻塞的端口.If the specified port fails,The specified port will be replaced at the first time,直接进入转发状态.
改进点2:The state type of the port has been modified
802.1D ---禁用,阻塞,侦听,学习,转发
802.1W ---DISCARDING---丢弃状态---The interface does not forward service traffic or learnMAC地址
学习---Interfaces can be learnedMAC地址,However, business traffic is not forwarded
转发---The interface can be learnedMAC地址,It can also forward business traffic
改进点3:对配置BPDUThe content of the message is modified
在RSTP当中,Build and maintain tree structures for useBPDU被称为RST BPDU,其BPDU的类型使用0X02 来表示,相当于802.1D当中的配置BPDU.
RSTP通过P/AA mechanism to ensure that a specified port can quickly enter the forwarding state from the discarding state,从而加速了生成树的收敛.在P/A机制当中,存在一个“同步状态”,In fact, all other interfaces are blocked,防止临时环路的产生.
1,when the topology is stable,配置BPDUThe delivery method has changed802.1D ---只有根网桥每隔2SActively send configurationBPDU,Other non-root bridges only passively forward
802.1W ---所有非根网桥,也可以每隔2SActively sends the configuration of the root bridgeBPDU.
802.1D ---最大老化时间---20S分区7.5HCIP中心暑假 的第3 页
802.1W ---一个接口在超时时间(三个周期---6S)内未收到BPDU,Neighbor negotiation is considered to have failed
1,根端口和指定端口的快速切换---Take advantage of alternate ports and backup ports
在802.1W当中,We can manually configure the interface connecting the terminal to the switch as an edge interface,These interfaces will not participate when they functionSTPElection of spanning tree roles,之后,These interfaces are disconnected,It also does not trigger fabric topology changes.
[sw5-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]stp edged-port enable ---Edge interface configuration commands
[sw5-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]stp bpdu-filter enable
---开启BPDU的过滤功能,Typically used in conjunction with edge interfaces.
There are protection mechanisms for edge interfaces,That is, when this interface receives the transmission from other switching devicesBPDU,It will be converted to a normal interface. 3,P/A机制
改进点6:Improvements to topology change mechanism
802.1D:Topology changes need to go throughTCNReport to the root bridge step by step,之后,It is delivered step by step from the root bridgeTC Set up the entire switching network,将MAC地址表从300SThe aging time is changed to15S老化.
802.1W:The topology change device is sent directlyTCFlag bit configurationBPDU,Then pass to all devices,All devices will be emptied directly upon receiptMAC地址表.
MSTP ---多生成树协议---802.1S
在MSTP当中,我们引入了instance实例的概念----Can be understood as one or more VLAN的集合
In order to distinguish and demarcate the differentinstance,我们设计了instance-ID ---12位二进制构成---其取值范围为0 -4094 ---Huawei devices will generate it by defaultinstance 0,并且,所有的VLAN Belong to by defaultinstance 0.
在BIDin the midst of,前2个字节为优先级,这个优先级,Actually only used before4位.后面12位
被称为扩展系统ID,this extension systemIDIts function is to carryinstance ID的.Used to distinguish different trees发送BPDU.----一个实例一棵树.
Region ---域---类似于OSPFthe area within,When a switching network is large,It can be divided into multipleMST 域,当然,If a switching network is small,divide only oneMST Domains also work.
1,具有相同的域名---Region name
2,Must have the same revision level----revision level
exist in the switched network10个VLAN,其中VLAN1 -5will go withSW1A link as the root spanning tree,vlan 6 -10走以SW2为根的树.And the two devices back up each other.
[sw1]stp mode mstp ---可以不用改,Because Huawei devices use it by defaultMSTP协议
[sw1]display stp region-configuration
---查看STP域配置信息Region name :4c1fcc3210c3
---The switch will exist by default in one by itselfSVI接口对应的MACaddress in the named domain
[sw1]stp region-configuration ---Enter domain view
[sw1-mst-region]region-name aa---定义域名
[sw1-mst-region]revision-level 1---修改修订等级
[sw1-mst-region]instance 1 vlan 1 to 5---Configuration instance and VLAN的对应关系
[sw1-mst-region]active region-configuration ----注意,This configuration must be done,Its role is to activate the domain configuration,如果不执行该命令,All configurations will not take effect.
[sw1]stp instance 1 root primary ---Set the device as an instance1的根网桥
[sw2]stp instance 1 root secondary ---Set the device as an instance1的备份根网桥
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