2022-07-06 16:23:00 【华为云】
MySQL主从复制(MySQL Replication)是指从一个MySQL主服务器(master)将数据拷贝到另一台或多台MySQL从服务器(slaves)的过程。将主数据库的DDL和DML操作通过二进制日志(binlog)传到从服务器(slave)上,然后在从服务器上对这些日志重新执行,从而使得主从服务器的数据保持同步。
- 数据备份(Data Backup)
只是简单的对数据库进行备份,降低数据丢失的风险, - 线下统计
用于报表等对数据时效性要求不高的场合。 - 负载均衡(Load Balance)、读写分离
主要用在MySQL集群,解决单点故障或做故障切换;以降低单台服务器的负载和风险,如实现读写分离,可以使得服务器访问负荷比较均衡。 - 数据分发(Data DistributIOn)、灾备
主要用于多数据中心或异地备份,实现数据分发与同步。 - 高可用和数据容错(High Availability and Failover)
-- 搭建3主1从-- 配置网络环境docker pull mysql:5.7.30docker network create --subnet= mysql-network-- 创建参数目录mkdir -p /lhrmysqltest2/master1/conf.dmkdir -p /lhrmysqltest2/master2/conf.dmkdir -p /lhrmysqltest2/master3/conf.dmkdir -p /lhrmysqltest2/slave/conf.d-- 删除之前的docker rm -f mysql5730M33265 mysql5730M33266 mysql5730M33267 mysql5730S33268-- 申请主库1docker run -d --name mysql5730M33265 \ -h master1 -p 33265:3306 --net=mysql-network --ip \ -v /lhrmysqltest2/master1/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=lhr \ mysql:5.7.30-- 申请主库2docker run -d --name mysql5730M33266 \ -h master2 -p 33266:3306 --net=mysql-network --ip \ -v /lhrmysqltest2/master2/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=lhr \ mysql:5.7.30-- 申请主库3docker run -d --name mysql5730M33267 \ -h master3 -p 33267:3306 --net=mysql-network --ip \ -v /lhrmysqltest2/master3/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=lhr \ mysql:5.7.30-- 申请从库docker run -d --name mysql5730S33268 \ -h slave1 -p 33268:3306 --net=mysql-network --ip \ -v /lhrmysqltest2/slave/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=lhr \ mysql:5.7.30-- 配置主库1的参数cat > /lhrmysqltest2/master1/conf.d/my.cnf << "EOF"[mysqld]port=3306character_set_server=utf8mb4secure_file_priv=server-id = 573033265log-bin =binlog_format=rowexpire_logs_days = 30max_binlog_size = 100Mbinlog-ignore-db = mysqlbinlog-ignore-db = information_schemabinlog-ignore-db = performance_schemabinlog-ignore-db = sysreplicate_ignore_db=information_schemareplicate_ignore_db=performance_schemareplicate_ignore_db=mysqlreplicate_ignore_db=sysgtid-mode=ONenforce-gtid-consistency=onskip_name_resolvereport_host= 配置主库2的参数cat > /lhrmysqltest2/master2/conf.d/my.cnf << "EOF"[mysqld]port=3306character_set_server=utf8mb4secure_file_priv=server-id = 573033266log-bin = binlog_format=rowexpire_logs_days = 30max_binlog_size = 100Mbinlog-ignore-db = mysqlbinlog-ignore-db = information_schemabinlog-ignore-db = performance_schemabinlog-ignore-db = sysreplicate_ignore_db=information_schemareplicate_ignore_db=performance_schemareplicate_ignore_db=mysqlreplicate_ignore_db=sysgtid-mode=ONenforce-gtid-consistency=ONskip_name_resolvereport_host= 配置主库3的参数cat > /lhrmysqltest2/master3/conf.d/my.cnf << "EOF"[mysqld]port=3306character_set_server=utf8mb4secure_file_priv=server-id = 573033267log-bin = binlog_format=rowexpire_logs_days = 30max_binlog_size = 100Mbinlog-ignore-db = mysqlbinlog-ignore-db = information_schemabinlog-ignore-db = performance_schemabinlog-ignore-db = sysreplicate_ignore_db=information_schemareplicate_ignore_db=performance_schemareplicate_ignore_db=mysqlreplicate_ignore_db=sysgtid-mode=ONenforce-gtid-consistency=ONskip_name_resolvereport_host= 配置从库的参数cat > /lhrmysqltest2/slave/conf.d/my.cnf << "EOF"[mysqld]port=3306character_set_server=utf8mb4secure_file_priv=server-id = 573033268log-bin = binlog_format=rowexpire_logs_days = 30max_binlog_size = 100Mbinlog-ignore-db = mysqlbinlog-ignore-db = information_schemabinlog-ignore-db = performance_schemabinlog-ignore-db = sysreplicate_ignore_db=information_schemareplicate_ignore_db=performance_schemareplicate_ignore_db=mysqlreplicate_ignore_db=sysgtid-mode=ONenforce-gtid-consistency=ONskip_name_resolvereport_host= = tablerelay-log-info-repository = tableEOF-- 重启主机docker restart mysql5730M33265docker restart mysql5730M33266docker restart mysql5730M33267docker restart mysql5730S33268docker psdocker exec -it mysql5730M33265 bashdocker exec -it mysql5730M33265 mysql -uroot -plhrmysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33265 -e "select @@hostname,@@server_id,@@server_uuid"mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33266 -e "select @@hostname,@@server_id,@@server_uuid"mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33267 -e "select @@hostname,@@server_id,@@server_uuid"mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33268 -e "select @@hostname,@@server_id,@@server_uuid"
-- 在3台主库分别创建复制用户mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33265mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33266mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33267grant replication slave on *.* to repl@'%' identified by 'lhr';select user,host,grant_priv,password_last_changed,authentication_string from mysql.user; show master status \G;show slave hosts;select @@hostname,@@server_id,@@server_uuid;
-- 从库做以下配置mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33268-- 配置主库1到从库的复制路径change master to master_host='',master_port=3306,master_user='repl',master_password='lhr',master_auto_position=1 FOR CHANNEL 'Master1';-- 配置主库2到从库的复制路径change master to master_host='',master_port=3306,master_user='repl',master_password='lhr',master_auto_position=1 FOR CHANNEL 'Master2';-- 配置主库3到从库的复制路径change master to master_host='',master_port=3306,master_user='repl',master_password='lhr',master_auto_position=1 FOR CHANNEL 'Master3';-- 启动所有SLAVEmysql> START SLAVE;-- 也可以单独启动需要同步的通道mysql> START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL 'master1';mysql> START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL 'master2';mysql> START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL 'master3';
-- 在从库查询show slave status \G;-- 如果要查看单一信道的复制的详细状态,可以使用以下命令:mysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS FOR CHANNEL 'master1'\G;-- 通过表查询select a.master_log_pos,a.host,a.user_name,a.user_password,a.port,a.uuid,a.channel_name from mysql.slave_master_info a;select * from mysql.slave_relay_log_info;select * from mysql.slave_worker_info;select * from mysql.gtid_executed;-- 在 performance_schema 库中,提供了复制相关的一些视图,可供查看复制相关的信息。select * from performance_schema.replication_applier_configuration;select * from performance_schema.replication_applier_status;select * from performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_coordinator;select * from performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_worker;select * from performance_schema.replication_connection_configuration;select * from performance_schema.replication_connection_status;select * from performance_schema.replication_group_member_stats;select * from performance_schema.replication_group_members;-- 合并SQLselect rcc.CHANNEL_NAME,rcc.`HOST`,rcc.`PORT`,rcc.`USER`,rcc.CONNECTION_RETRY_COUNT,rcc.CONNECTION_RETRY_INTERVAL,rcs.SOURCE_UUID,rcs.THREAD_ID,rcs.SERVICE_STATE,rcs.COUNT_RECEIVED_HEARTBEATS,rcs.LAST_HEARTBEAT_TIMESTAMP,rcs.LAST_ERROR_NUMBER,rcs.LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE,rcs.LAST_ERROR_TIMESTAMPfrom performance_schema.replication_connection_configuration rcc, performance_schema.replication_connection_status rcswhere rcc.CHANNEL_NAME=rcs.CHANNEL_NAME;-- 线程查询SELECT *FROM performance_schema.threads aWHERE a.`NAME` IN ( 'thread/sql/slave_IO', 'thread/sql/slave_sql' ) or a.PROCESSLIST_COMMAND in ('Binlog Dump','Binlog Dump GTID') ;SELECT * FROM information_schema.`PROCESSLIST` a where a.USER='system user' or a.command in ('Binlog Dump','Binlog Dump GTID') ;MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * -> FROM performance_schema.threads a -> WHERE a.`NAME` IN ( 'thread/sql/slave_IO', 'thread/sql/slave_sql' ) or a.PROCESSLIST_COMMAND in ('Binlog Dump','Binlog Dump GTID') ;+-----------+----------------------+------------+----------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------+------------------+------+--------------+---------+-----------------+--------------+| THREAD_ID | NAME | TYPE | PROCESSLIST_ID | PROCESSLIST_USER | PROCESSLIST_HOST | PROCESSLIST_DB | PROCESSLIST_COMMAND | PROCESSLIST_TIME | PROCESSLIST_STATE | PROCESSLIST_INFO | PARENT_THREAD_ID | ROLE | INSTRUMENTED | HISTORY | CONNECTION_TYPE | THREAD_OS_ID |+-----------+----------------------+------------+----------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------+------------------+------+--------------+---------+-----------------+--------------+| 29 | thread/sql/slave_io | FOREGROUND | 4 | root | | NULL | Connect | 252 | Waiting for master to send event | NULL | 28 | NULL | YES | YES | NULL | 75 || 30 | thread/sql/slave_sql | FOREGROUND | 5 | root | | NULL | Connect | 325 | Slave has read all relay log; waiting for more updates | NULL | 28 | NULL | YES | YES | NULL | 76 || 31 | thread/sql/slave_io | FOREGROUND | 6 | root | | NULL | Connect | 252 | Waiting for master to send event | NULL | 28 | NULL | YES | YES | NULL | 77 || 32 | thread/sql/slave_sql | FOREGROUND | 7 | root | | NULL | Connect | 322 | Slave has read all relay log; waiting for more updates | NULL | 28 | NULL | YES | YES | NULL | 78 || 33 | thread/sql/slave_io | FOREGROUND | 8 | root | | NULL | Connect | 252 | Waiting for master to send event | NULL | 28 | NULL | YES | YES | NULL | 79 || 34 | thread/sql/slave_sql | FOREGROUND | 9 | root | | NULL | Connect | 320 | Slave has read all relay log; waiting for more updates | NULL | 28 | NULL | YES | YES | NULL | 80 |+-----------+----------------------+------------+----------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------+------------------+------+--------------+---------+-----------------+--------------+6 rows in set (0.09 sec)
-- 测试多源-- mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33265create database master1;use master1;CREATE TABLE `test1` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,`count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL);insert into test1 values(1,1);-- mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33266create database master2;use master2;CREATE TABLE `test2` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,`count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL);insert into test2 values(2,2);-- mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33267create database master3;use master3;CREATE TABLE `test3` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,`count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL);insert into test3 values(3,3);-- 从库查询-- mysql -uroot -plhr -h192.168.66.35 -P33268show databases;SELECT * FROM master1.test1;SELECT * FROM master2.test2;SELECT * FROM master3.test3;
MySQL [(none)]> show databases;+--------------------+| Database |+--------------------+| information_schema || master1 || master2 || master3 || mysql || performance_schema || sys |+--------------------+7 rows in set (0.05 sec)MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM master1.test1;+------+-------+| id | count |+------+-------+| 1 | 1 |+------+-------+1 row in set (0.06 sec)MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM master2.test2;+------+-------+| id | count |+------+-------+| 2 | 2 |+------+-------+1 row in set (0.05 sec)MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM master3.test3;+------+-------+| id | count |+------+-------+| 3 | 3 |+------+-------+1 row in set (0.05 sec)MySQL [(none)]>
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