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The wechat red envelope cover designed by the object is free! 16888

2022-07-06 15:18:00 Jane said Python

hello , Hello everyone , I'm an old watch , I received a official account service notice last Saturday : I got the opportunity to customize the wechat red envelope cover , There are 20000 Share quota .

see , Just passed the audit yesterday , Let's share it with you now , Click directly to receive ~ On the official account 16888 individual , Other circles of friends share .

You can also directly scan the QR code below to get ,


You can also forward this article or copy the above picture to your friends , Share this lovely and auspicious red envelope cover to them .

Next, let's talk about the story of the red envelope cover ~


@ But the lovely thought of love , But the picture of lovely love

Jane said Python Sisi spent two days designing the customized red envelope cover for the year of the tiger , With tigers and characters as the main body , Pursue loveliness 、 Festive and lively style .

The main colors are orange of the tiger and red of the spring festival atmosphere , It is in harmony with the color of other unalterable parts of the red envelope , It looks festive and lively .

The boy in the sewing tiger doll suit is me ~ Said a meow ( Because I like cats ), Coupled with a red scarf , Cute and warm ; He also fused oranges and tiger heads , Tiger head is a big orange , Take meaning “ Good luck in the year of the tiger ”; Gold ingot 、 Red envelopes 、 Small embellishments such as blessing are auspicious and rich , Add wings like a tiger, make homophony like a tiger add a billion , Are the most sincere wishes to everyone .

Sisi said that her mouse drawing ability is limited , We have collected lovely and festive elements into this cover picture as much as possible , I hope you like it ~ Sisi is super !

Happy new year to you all , Good luck in the year of the tiger , above all : A healthy body .

The boy on the red envelope cover is also my latest IP Images , In the future, it will only fine tune when the anchor point does not move , I hope you can remember me , cousin , A learner who loves sharing .



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