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Error correction notes for the book Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision
2022-08-05 06:44:00 【ProfSnail】
Recently in mixed with Chinese and English reading《图像处理、分析与机器视觉,第四版》这本书,2020年4月第9Once the print,英文名称是《Image processing, analysis, and machine vision, the forth edition》.Feel when you read the Chinese translation version in some places is not very smooth,So to find the English version together control the reading.Because from dangdang online purchase version just like this,May be some errors in print update,So this blog as his English reading notes.In some places look over his smooth,May then forget.You decided to use this blog record this bad in some places in the book,给自己留个笔记.If you see where is not too smooth,Here is the revised once.
很可惜的是,Started writing this blog,Distance has read the book in the past a month,So many places before remember not too clear,Can only put the now encountered record in accordance with the order,Update.(by Zhang Wenniu)
另外,强烈建议使用《Python图像处理实战》这本书与《图像处理、分析与机器视觉》配套使用.When reading the latter,云山雾绕,I don't know how to introduce technology should be used,尤其是《图像处理、分析与机器视觉》A supporting reference《图像处理、分析与机器视觉——一种MATLAB的实现》Not in the domestic distribution,And without the book open ebook online,Original English books need 7800 to buy,In the original book looks confused.Only used《Python图像处理实战》,才能知道《图像处理、分析与机器视觉》This book introduces knowledge has a practical significance.
- 中文版第21Page at,“式(2.12)和式(2.13)Truncation can abate the noise of gaussian nature”,应该改为“式(2.11)和式(2.12)Truncation can abate the noise of gaussian nature”.
- 中文版第22Page at,“作为一个例子,Think of the British public telephone booth red”,原文是“recall,
e.g., the red of a British pillar box.”, pillar boxShould be translated the mailbox,So it should be translated into“作为一个例子,Think of the British post red”.下图为pillar box. - 中文版31At the pages of a translation in doubt.原文”In order to maintain a linear transfer function of the whole display chain with CRT, there is a need to compensate the non-linear transfer function by an inverse curve.“,In the book of"In order to maintain the whole display chain andCRTConversion function of linear relationship,Need a reverse curve to compensate nonlinear transformation function“.The individual feels the first half of the sentence should be said for the wholeCRTDisplay in the chain of linear transformation function relation,Rather than express chain andCRTThere is linear relationship.Translation as“In order to maintain a cathode ray tube display chain linear transformation function,Need a reverse curve to compensate nonlinear transformation function.
- 中文版43Page in the translation.原文“We will be interested in the time complexity as opposed to memory complexity—we would like to know how many steps it takes to calculate the Fourier spectrum as a function of the size of the input.",The book translation”We are interested in the relative to the time complexity of storage complexity——We would like to know as a function of the input size calculation of Fourier spectrum need how many steps“.This paragraph should be in show that algorithm under the condition of the size of a given input,Estimate the time complexity of Fourier transform algorithm.Here are some Chinese translation circle.
- 中文版61Page at,中文版”f+z’Is the distance between main point and the focal point of the image;zIs the distance between the object plane and focus image plane and the distance between focus“,f+z‘Should be the main point and the distance between image plane,In this text and translation are not quite right about.修改为:“f+z’Is the main point and the image plane distance between;zIs the distance between the object plane and focus,z’Is a focus of image plane and the distance between the“.
- 中文版61Page at,翻译存疑.中文版”景深(depth of focus)And a deep(The focal length)(depth of field)“,The two nouns in wikipedia translation”焦深(depth of focus)和景深(depth of filed)“.
- 中文版73Page at,原版为”Imagine a satellite image of a piece of land, and the task of counting planes standing at an airport; the a priori knowledge is the position of the airport, which can be deduced, for instance, from a map.“, 中文版”Imagine a land satellite image,Now the task is to count the number of planes in the airport,A priori knowledge is the location of the airport,This can be deduced from,For example from the map know“.Because after the article also involves whether reasoning the plane arrive in、To leave or maintenance of,So I think that should be here”Stay in the airport the plane“翻译出来.
- 中文版94Page at,“This choice is points linear,To make the whole filter is a nonlinear”,笔误,应该为“The choice of operation is nonlinear,To make the whole filter is a nonlinear”.
- 中文版107Page at,“Based on singular value decomposition (SVD) to estimate can be used with(SVD,见第3.2.9节)The least squares method;”,笔误,应该是“The estimation can be used with singular value decomposition(SVD,见第3.2.9节)The least squares method;”.
- 中文版108Page in doubt.公式5.61In the original Chinese version and Chinese version areG = F.*,But according to the context logic to see,The formula should beG = F.*H,用于表示F和HElement method to obtain the output Fourier spectrumG.
- 中文版137Page at,中文版“边缘图像(In order to show the low contrast image enhancement)“,In the original English is”Edge image(low contrast edges enhanced for display)“,应当是”边缘图像(为了显示,The low contrast edge enhanced)”.
- 中文版153Page at,“Down will consider something cannot be expressed in analytical form shape.”,笔误,应该为“Then consider some cannot be expressed in analytical form the shape of the case”.
- 中文版153Page at,“Suppose we are looking for satisfy the equationf(x, a)=0The curve of the example,起重工aIs a said curve parametersn维变量”,笔误,应该为“Suppose we are looking for satisfy the equationf(x, a)=0The curve of the example,其中aIs a said curve parametersn维变量”.
- 中文版156Page at,“一个”反向映射“Step is used to identify each edge pixel associated maximum score accumulator unit,And testing that is associated with the pixels of the rest of the votes”,原文是“A ‘back projection’ step identifies the accumulator cell of highest score associated with each edge pixel, and other votes associated with that pixel are deleted.",The Chinese version of the translator is to“deleted”As by mistake“detected”了,实际上是“删除”,而非“检测”.修改为“一个“反向映射”Step is used to identify each edge pixel associated maximum score accumulator unit,And delete that is associated with the pixels of the rest of the votes”.
- 中文版156Page at,“So you have significantly enhanced the response effect,Because of the accumulator space even more votes are noise”,笔误,不是“偶数”,而是“绝大多数”.改为“So you have significantly enhanced the response effect,Because the accumulator space of the vast majority of the votes are noise”.
- 中文版167Page at,“If directly to all of the smaller than the size of the pre-selected area critical region merge with no need for the size of small area with the first sort,The algorithm will carry out much faster”,英文原版是“Such an algorithm will execute much faster if all regions smaller than a pre-selected size are merged with their neighbors without having to order them first.",笔误,多了一个“期”字. Another translation”A method of improve the running speed is,For less than a predefined threshold size of the area and adjacent area to merge,Instead of sorting in advance“.
- 中文版168Page at,“Feigned case6.4.1节”,笔误,修改为“见第6.4.1节”.
- 中文版168Page at,“Positioning a known objects in an image of the short answer is to search for it perfect copy of the pixel level”,笔误“简单”写成了“简答”,修改为“Positioning a known objects in an image of the simplest way is to search for it the perfect copy of pixel level”.
- 中文版169Page at,“In the template are affine(Or the more complicated)”,笔误,多了一个“而”字.修改为“In the template are affine(Or even more complex)”.
- 中文版170Page at,“If we should select the most appropriate algorithm and parameters?”,笔误,“如何”误写为“如果”.修改为“We should be how to select the most appropriate algorithm and parameters?”
- 中文版171Page at,“This area is first about the true value area and regional segmentation and normalize”,Reading is not smooth,Such translation can smooth some:“Normalized to the region below the sum of two area,True value region and segmentation region”.
- 中文版176Page at,“But the process can be suitable template matching control strategy is introduced to accelerate.测评”,笔误,Should be in the end.
- 中文版186Page at,“Multiple nuclear density estimate f ~ h , K ( x ) \tilde{f}_{h,K}(\textbf{x}) f~h,K(x)在点xThe defined as”,笔误,“出”改为“处”.
- 中文版194Page at,“The main pot improvements include finite elementsnake”,多了一个“锅”字.
- 中文版205页,The algorithm of the page to see very angry,I think introduce algorithm,When there is a conditional jump statement,循环语句的时候,Should not appear ambiguity,Lead to read Chinese look confused about.Have a look at the original algorithm is introduced,将g加入队列Q的时机,是当 f m a x > f c ( d ) f_{max}>f_c(d) fmax>fc(d)的时候,And into the Chinese version,Chinese indentation, leading to look like don't need thisifCycle conditions determine,将g加入队列Q了一样.This problem caused in the picture7.26的时候,On when the pixel to join the queueQ,产生了疑惑.
- 中文版205Page at,“图7.26 ( c ) (c) (c)是数组 f c f_c fc的初始化,对应算法7.5的第4步”.Is not corresponding to the first4步,But the corresponding to the first3步.
- 中文版208Page at,“In a three-dimensional figure in the search path ways,It easy to make the boundary of the optimal discrimination”,多了一个“对”字.应该修改为“In a three-dimensional figure in the search path ways,The boundary of the optimal identification easier”.
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