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7.2.2 compressing static resources through gzipresourceresolver
2020-11-06 01:14:00 【Memory】
All the source code in the project can be found in the linked repository :https://github.com/chenhaoxiang/uifuture-ssm
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7.2.2 adopt GzipResourceResolver Compress static resources
The previous use of cache , But the first time the file is loaded, it will not go to the cache . In order to reduce the amount of data transferred , In this case, resource compression is needed . Modern browsers , Basically, it's all about supporting gzip Agreed , Support client decompression processing , The main purpose is to reduce the amount of transmission , Speed up . For example, put the front of bootstrap.css Compress it into bootstrap.css.gz.
GZIP Compression is Linux The compression method commonly used in . stay Linux Under the system , You can use the command to recurse the files in the directory and compress each file in the directory separately .”gzip -r /java/static/”, That is, traversal compression /java/static/ All the files in the directory . Be careful , The source file will be deleted .
But in the case of files being compressed , If you load directly bootstrap.css,Spring MVC It can't be handled normally , We hope to ask for bootstrap.css When it's time to return correctly bootstrap.css.gz. At this time, you need to add a resource parser to handle compression (GzipResourceResolver).
Code list 7-16:MvcConfig Class addResourceHandlers Method
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