当前位置:网站首页>[cloud service] there are so many ECS instances on alicloud server, how to select the type? Best practice note

[cloud service] there are so many ECS instances on alicloud server, how to select the type? Best practice note

2020-11-08 19:27:00 Noosphere

Selection best practices explain

Selection is not about choosing an instance specification , It's about understanding the key features of instance specifications , In stock shortage 、 The product is offline 、 Use preemptive instances and other scenarios , You can have a variety of alternative instance specifications , make the best of Alibaba cloud ECS Flexible features .

We are choosing Aliyun server When it comes to configuration , Most users choose 1 nucleus 2G,2 nucleus 4G,4 nucleus 8G,4 nucleus 16G,8 nucleus 16 These common configurations , Some novice users are making sure CPU And memory configuration , Often do not know how to choose instance specification , It may be helpful to refer to the following optional instance specifications and usage scenarios for common configurations .

at present 618 Alibaba cloud There are also big promotions , This is the best time to buy ! Click on the link to learn about , Now let's talk about Alibaba cloud What about the technical selection !

Understand the instance specification family

Start one ECS Before the example , You need to combine performance 、 Price 、 Workload and other factors , Make decisions that are cost-effective and stable . According to the business scenario and vCPU、 Memory 、 network performance 、 Storage throughput and other configuration division , Alibaba cloud ECS Provides a variety of instance specification families , An instance specification family includes multiple instance specifications . The format of instance specification family name is ecs.< Specification family >, The instance specification name is ecs.< Specification family >.<nx>large.

  • ecs: Cloud server ECS The product code of .
  • < Specification family >: It consists of small letters and numbers .

    • A lowercase letter is an abbreviation of a word , And it marks the performance area of the specification family . The meaning of some lowercase letters is as follows .

      • c: Generally, it means computational (computational)
      • g: Generally speaking, it means universal (general)
      • r: Generally, it means memory type (ram)
      • ne: Generally, it means network enhanced (network enhanced)
    • Numbers generally distinguish the release time between the same type of specification family . Larger numbers represent the next generation of specification families , Have a higher cost performance , Low price, good performance .
  • <nx>large: Represents the instance specification has vCPU Check the number ,n The bigger it is ,vCPU The higher the number of cores .

for example ,ecs.g6.2xlarge For universal g6 An instance specification in a specification family , Have 8 individual vCPU nucleus . Compared with g5、g4、sn2ne Specification family ,g6 It is a new generation of generic instance specification family .

Start the selection

In order to make it convenient for you to compare the performance of the instance when selecting the model , You can learn more about the instance from the following ways .

  • Instance specification family : Refer to the documentation for product details of the instance specification family , You don't need an account to log in .
  • DescribeInstanceTypes: call ECS API, Get the latest performance specifications , But you need to have a registered account .

    aliyun ecs DescribeInstanceTypes --InstanceTypeFamily ecs.g6
  • Cloud product pricing page : understand ECS Pricing information for resources 、 The latest offer 、 And a preliminary estimate of the cost of use .
  • ECS Custom purchase page : In the instance configuration section of the basic configuration page , Learn more about shopping guide .

Choose according to the usage scenario

The figure below shows Alibaba cloud ECS Some instance specification families and their corresponding business scenarios . Computing family

According to the typical application, it is recommended that

If you are using a software or application similar to the one in the figure below , You can select the instance specification family on the right . Select the instance according to the application load type

Self built service selection recommendation

If you are a self built service , Depending on the application you use , And refer to the selection principle , Select the corresponding instance specification family .

The application type

Common applications

Selection principle

Recommend instance specification family

Load balancing


Application features : Need to support high frequency of new connection operations .

  • CPU Ability to calculate : The demand is higher .
  • Memory : Not very demanding .

c6、hfc6 series

RPC product

  • SOFA
  • Dubbo

Application features : Network link intensive ; The process runs at a high memory consumption .

g6 series


  • Redis
  • Memcache
  • Solo
  • CPU Ability to calculate : Not very demanding .
  • Memory : The demand is higher .
  • Instance specification family :r6、re6 series
  • Block storage :SSD Cloud disk or ESSD Cloud disk

Configuration center


There will be a lot of I/O Read and write operations .

  • CPU Ability to calculate : Not very demanding .
  • Memory : Not very demanding .
  • Instance specification family :c6 series
  • Block storage :SSD Cloud disk or ESSD Cloud disk

Message queue

  • Kafka
  • RabbitMQ

In terms of message integrity , Cloud disk is preferred for storage .

  • CPU Ability to calculate : Not very demanding .
  • Memory and vCPU The ratio is usually 1:1.
  • Storage : Not very demanding .
  • Instance specification family :c6 series
  • Block storage :SSD Cloud disk or ESSD Cloud disk

Container arrangement


Through the combination of dragon and container , Can maximize the potential of Computing .

ebmc6、ebmg6 series

Big table storage


  • Generally, you can choose d series .
  • If the business exists super high IOPS(Input/Output Operations Per Second) demand , You can choose i series .
  • d1、d1ne、d2s series
  • i2 series


  • MySQL
  • NoSQL
  • There is a need for elastic expansion of storage , You can choose ECS and ESSD.
  • about I/O The needs of sensitive businesses , Preference i series .
  • Example specifications :c6、g6、r6 series

    Block storage :ESSD Cloud disk

  • i2 series


  • because Windows Of I/O Single channel features , Yes I/O The requirement of reading and writing ability is high , Preference ESSD.
  • ECS The logical and physical sectors of are set to 4K.
  • Instance specification family :c6、g6、r6 series
  • Block storage :ESSD Cloud disk

Text search


  • Choose memory and vCPU With a bigger one ECS specifications .
  • Daily need to export database data to ES file , Yes I/O There are requirements for reading and writing .
  • Example specifications :g6 series

    Block storage :ESSD Cloud disk

  • d1、d1ne、d2s series

Real time computing

  • Flink
  • Blink

Based on the amount of storage, you can choose ECS General specifications and cloud disk , You can also choose d series .

d1、d1ne、d2s series

Offline computing

  • Hadoop
  • HDFS
  • CDH

Preference d series .

d1、d1ne、d2s series

Common scenarios 、 Game clothes 、 Live video scene recommendation

In this kind of scenario , Performance requirements are expressed as CPU Computationally intensive , You need a relatively balanced ratio of processor and memory resources , Generally selected CPU Match with memory 1:2、 High efficiency cloud disk is selected as the system disk 、 Data disk selection SSD Cloud disk or ESSD Cloud disk . If the business needs stronger network performance , Such as video barrage, etc , You can choose a higher specification instance specification in the same series , Improve the network receiving and contracting ability (PPS).

Scene classification

Scene segmentation

Recommended specification family

Performance requirements

Processor to memory ratio

General applications

Balanced performance applications , Background applications

g series , Such as g6

Medium dominant frequency , Computationally intensive


High network receiving and contracting application

g series , Such as g6

High network PPS, Computationally intensive


High performance computing

c series , Such as c6

High dominant frequency , Computationally intensive


Game applications

High performance end game

c series , Such as c6

High dominant frequency


Mobile Games 、 Page to swim

g series , Such as g6

Medium dominant frequency


Live video

Video forwarding

g series , Such as g6

Medium dominant frequency , Computationally intensive


Live barrage

g series , Such as g6

High network PPS, Computationally intensive


Hadoop、Spark、Kafka Big data scenario recommendation

In this kind of scenario , Because it involves different nodes , Performance requirements are more complex , You need to balance the performance of each node , Including calculation 、 Storage throughput 、 Network performance, etc .

  • The management node : Treat as a generic scenario , Please see the Common scenarios 、 Game clothes 、 Live video scene recommendation chapter .
  • Computing node : Treat as a generic scenario , Please see the Common scenarios 、 Game clothes 、 Live video scene recommendation chapter . Depending on the size of the cluster , Different instance specifications need to be selected . for example 100 You can choose from the following nodes ecs.g6.4xlage,100 More than nodes can be selected ecs.g6.8xlage.

    explain   Computing node can adopt preemptive instance in billing mode , Achieve cost performance optimization . For more details , Please see the Overview of preemptive examples .

  • Data nodes : Requires high storage throughput 、 High network throughput 、 Balanced processor to memory ratio , It is recommended that you use big data type d Series specification family . for example MapReduce/Hive Can choose ecs.d1ne.6xlarge,Spark/Mlib Can choose ecs.d1ne.8xlarge.

 Big data type selection

database 、 cache 、 Search scene recommendation

In this kind of scenario , The ratio of processor to memory of instance specification is generally higher than 1:4, Part of the software to store I/O Reading and writing ability, timeliness and ductility can be more sensitive , It is recommended that you choose the specification family with high cost performance per unit memory .

Scene classification

Scene segmentation

Recommended specification family

Processor to memory ratio

Data disk

Relational database

High performance , Depending on the application layer, high availability

i series


Local SSD Storage 、 Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk

Small and medium databases

g series , Or other memory proportion is 1:4 Specification family of


Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk

High performance database

r series


Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk

Distributed cache

Memory consumption scenarios in

g series , Or other memory proportion is 1:4 Specification family of


Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk

High memory consumption scenarios

r series


Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk

NoSQL database

High performance , Application layer height is available

i series


Local SSD Storage 、 Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk

Small and medium databases

g series , Or other memory proportion is 1:4 Specification family of


Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk

High performance database

r series


Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk


Small cluster , Rely on cloud disk to ensure high availability of data

g series , Or other memory proportion is 1:4 Specification family of


Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk

Big clusters , High availability

d series


Local SSD Storage 、 Efficient cloud disk 、SSD Cloud disk

Take the database for example , In the traditional way , The business system is directly connected to OLTP database , Data redundancy is mostly through RAID Disk array implementation . choice Alibaba cloud ECS, Your light load 、 All overloaded databases can be deployed flexibly .

  • Light load database : Use enterprise class instance specification with cloud disk , Higher cost performance .
  • Overloading the database : High storage required IOPS And low read / write latency , It is recommended that you use local SSD type i Series instance specification family ( With high I/O Type local NVMeSSD Local dish ), To meet the requirements of large and overloaded database .

 Database selection

Deep learning 、 Image processing scene recommendation

In this kind of scenario , Applications need high performance GPU Accelerator , stay GPU and CPU The following suggestions are made on the proportioning .

  • Deep learning training :GPU And CPU The recommended ratio is 1:8 To 1:12 Between .
  • General deep learning :GPU And CPU The recommended ratio is 1:4 To 1:48 Between .
  • Image recognition reasoning :GPU And CPU The recommended ratio is 1:4 To 1:12 Between .
  • Speech recognition and synthetic reasoning :GPU And CPU The recommended ratio is 1:16 To 1:48 Between .

Verification and adjustment

When you complete the selection and start using ECS After the instance , It is recommended that you monitor information based on performance over a period of time , Verify that the selected instance specification is appropriate .

Suppose you choose ecs.g6.xlarge, Find instances through monitoring CPU Usage has been low , It is recommended that you log in to the instance to check whether the memory utilization is high , If the memory consumption is high , You can adjust to a more appropriate specification family for processor to memory resource ratio . For more details , Please refer to the following documentation :

Use cloud server ECS In the process of , If there is a shortage of inventory in the region 、 Instance specification family is off sale 、 Change to a more cost-effective specification family 、 Upgrade configuration, etc , You can change the configuration according to the characteristics of the instance specification family . The following table lists the configuration modification recommendations for some instance specification families , For more details , Please see the Summary of lifting and lowering modes And Introduction of example specification configuration change .

Current instance specification family

Preferred recommendation

Alternative recommendation


  • c6
  • g6
  • r6
  • c5、sn1ne
  • g5、sn2ne
  • r5、se1ne











  • c6
  • g6
  • r6
  • c5、sn1ne
  • g5、sn2ne
  • r5、se1ne
  • t1
  • s1、s2、s3
  • m1、m2
  • c1、c2
  • c6
  • g6
  • r6
  • c5、sn1ne
  • g5、sn2ne
  • r5、se1ne

Other related links

More application scenarios , Please see the Enterprise level configuration selection . Alibaba cloud Word of mouth for millions of users , Popular cloud products are highly recommended , Just follow me ,618 In the middle of the year, sales promotion is going on , Click to see
