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MATLAB Programming and Applications 2.6 Strings
2022-08-03 10:33:00 【Ding Jiaxiong】
2. 第2章 MATLAB数据及其运算
2.6 字符串
实际应用中,有两种基本的数据类型,One is numeric data,One is character data or string data.Numerical data is easier to understand,Refers to data that can participate in numerical operations,又分为整型、浮点型和复数型.Character data is less emphasized in everyday applications,But there are a lot of them,For example, count the number of occurrences of different English letters in an English article,按姓名排序,等等.String data consists of several characters,These characters can be any characters allowed in a computer system.
2.6.1 字符串的表示
在 MATLAB中,字符串是用单引号括起来的字符序列.
>> xm = 'Hello world'
xm =
'Hello world'
>> 'I''m a student.'
ans =
'I'm a student.'
MATLABTreat a string as a row vector,每个元素对应一个字符,It is referenced in the same way as a numeric vector.
>> A = 'ABCDEF';
>> A(1:3)
ans =
>> ch = ['abcdef';'123456']
ch =
2×6 char 数组
>> ch(2,3)
ans =
This requires that the number of characters in each line be equal.为此,Spaces are sometimes used to adjust the length of each line,make them equal to each other.
- 取第1~~5个字符组成的子字符串.
- 将字符串倒过来重新排列.
- 将字符串中的小写字母变成相应的大写字母,其余字符不变.
- 统计字符串中小写字母的个数.
>> ch = 'ABc123d4e56Fg9';
>> subch = ch(1:5); % 取子字符串
>> subch
subch =
>> revch = ch(end:-1:1) %reverse the string
revch =
>> k = find(ch >= 'a' & ch <= 'z') % Find the position of lowercase letters
k =
3 7 9 13
>> ch(k) = ch(k) - ('a' - 'A') %Change lowercase letters to corresponding uppercase letters based on position
ch =
>> length(k) %小写字母的个数
ans =
2.6.2 字符串的操作
字符串的执行 eval(s)
An important function that works well with strings is eval,Its function is to take the content of the learning string as the corresponding MATLAB的命令来执行.
>> t = pi; >> m = '[t,sin(t),cos(t)]'; >> y = eval(m) y = 3.1416 0.0000 -1.0000
字符串是以ASCHI码形式存储的,abs和 double函数都可以用来获取字符串矩阵所对应的ASCII码数值矩阵.相反,char函数可以把 ASCI码矩阵转换为字符串矩阵.
>> s1 = 'MATLAB'; >> a = abs(s1) a = 77 65 84 76 65 66 >> char(a + 32) ans = 'matlab'
MATLABThere are also many functions for converting between string and numeric data:
- setstr 函数将ASCIIThe code value is converted into the corresponding character
- str2num函数或str2doubleThe function converts a string of numbers to a number
- num2str函数将数值转换成字符串
- int2strThe function converts an integer to a string.
在 MATLAB中,要将两个字符串连接在一起,有两种常见方法:One is to use a string vector,二是用strcat函数.
String vectors can be used to concatenate several strings,That is, use square brackets to enclose several strings,resulting in a longer string.
>> f = 70; >> c = (f - 32) / 1.8; >> ['Room temperature is ',num2str(c) , ' degrees C.'] ans = 'Room temperature is 21.1111 degrees C.'
strcatThe number of strings can be concatenated.
>> strcat('ss','ff','DD','1234') ans = 'ssffDD1234'
字符串的比较有两种方法:Use relational operators or learn string comparison functions.
When two strings have the same length,Strings can be compared using relational operators,The rules for comparison are byASCIIValue sizes are compared character by character,比较的结果是一个数值向量,Its elements are the result of the comparison of the corresponding characters.
>> 'www0' >= 'W123' ans = 1×4 logical 数组 1 1 1 0
- strcmp(s1,s2):用来比较字符串s1和s2是否相等,如果相等,返回1,否则返回0.
- strncmp(s1,s2,n):用来比较前n个字符是否相等,如果相等,返回1,否则返回0.
- strcmpi(s1,s2):在忽略字母大小写前提下,比较字符串s1和s2是否相等,如果相等,返回1,否则返回0.
- strcmpi(sl,s2,n):在忽略字符串大小写前提下,比较前n个字符是否相等,如果相等,返回1,否则返回0.
>> strcmp('www0','W123') ans = logical 0 >> strncmpi('www0','W123',1) ans = logical 1
MATLAB提供了许多函数,Used to find and replace characters in a string.
findstr(s1 , s2) :返回短字符串在长字符串中的开始位置.
>> p = findstr('This is a test!','is') p = 3 6
strrep(s1 , s2 , s3) : 将字符串s1中的所有子字符串s2替换为字符串s3.
>> result = strrep('This is a test!','test','class') result = 'This is a class!'
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