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The concept, implementation and analysis of binary search tree (BST)

2022-07-07 11:06:00 Exy-


Binary search tree


BST Insertion of trees

 BST Tree search

BST The deletion of ( important )


Performance analysis

Binary search tree


Binary search tree is also called binary sort tree , It could be an empty tree , Or a binary tree with the following properties :

  • If its left subtree is not empty , Then the values of all nodes on the left subtree are smaller than the values of the root nodes
  • If its right subtree is not empty , Then the value of all nodes on the right subtree is greater than the value of the root node
  • Its left and right subtrees are also binary search trees

int ar[]={5,3,2,4,8,9,1};

BST Insertion of trees

  • If the tree is empty, it will be inserted directly ;
  • If it's not empty , Then insert according to the rules of binary search tree .
bool Insert(const K& key, const V& value)
		if (_root == nullptr)
			_root = new Node(key, value);
			return true;
		Node* cur = _root;
		Node* parent = nullptr;
		while (cur)
			if (cur->_key < key)
				parent = cur;
				cur = cur->_right;
			else if (cur->_key > key)
				parent = cur;
				cur = cur->_left;
				return false;

		cur = new Node(key, value);
		if (cur->_key > parent->_key)
			parent->_right = cur;
			parent->_left = cur;
		return true;


 BST Tree search

If the root node _root->_key== You're looking for key  Return the found node

If the root node _root->_key> You're looking for key  Look on its left sub tree

If the root node _root->_key< You're looking for key  Look on its right subtree

If the root node does not exist , Return null pointer

	Node* Find(const K& key)
		Node* cur = _root;
		while (cur)
			if (cur->_key < key)
				cur = cur->_right;
			else if (cur->_key > key)
				cur = cur->_left;

				return cur;
		return nullptr;

BST The deletion of ( important )

First of all, according to the key Find nodes , No return found false;

There are three cases of deletion

1. The left subtree of the node to be deleted is empty

  • The root node to delete , Let the root be equal to the right child node
  • The left child node that is an ordinary node and its parent node to be deleted is parent->_left = cur->_right
  • The right child node that is an ordinary node and its parent node to be deleted is parent->_right= cur->_right

2. The right subtree of the node to be deleted is empty

  • The root node to delete , Let the root be equal to the left child node
  • The left child node that is an ordinary node and its parent node to be deleted is parent->_left = cur->_left; 
  • The left child node that is an ordinary node and its parent node to be deleted is parent->_right = cur->_left;

3. The left and right child nodes of the deleted node are not empty :

  We use the substitution method here

Find the largest node of the left subtree ( The most right ) Or the smallest node of the right subtree

The code is as follows :

	bool Erase(const K& key)
		//1. Looking for nodes 
		Node* cur = _root;
		Node* parent = nullptr;
		while (cur)
			if (cur->_key < key)
				parent = cur;
				cur = cur->_right;
			else if (cur->_key > key)
				parent = cur;
				cur = cur->_left;
				if (cur->_left == nullptr)
					if (parent == nullptr)// The root node to delete 
						_root = cur->_right;
						if (cur == parent->_left)
							parent->_left = cur->_right;
							parent->_right = cur->_right;
					delete cur;
				else if (cur->_right == nullptr)
					if (parent == nullptr)
						_root = cur->_left;
						if (cur == parent->_left)
							parent->_left = cur->_left;

							parent->_right = cur->_left;
					delete cur;
					//  The substitution method deletes    The largest node of the left tree ( The rightmost node )  Or the smallest node of the right tree ( Leftmost node )
					Node* Parent = cur;  //  Be careful not to initialize null 
					Node* minNode = cur->_right;
					while (minNode->_left)
						Parent = minNode;
						minNode = minNode->_left;
					swap(cur->_key, minNode->_key);
					//  Convert to delete minNode

					//  because minNode As an empty node , You can delete 
					if (Parent->_right == minNode)
						Parent->_right = minNode->_right;
						Parent->_left = minNode->_right;
					delete minNode;
				return true;
        return false;


according to BST We can realize the characteristics of trees

  1. K Model :K The model has only key As a key , You only need to store Key that will do , The key is the value to be searched .
such as : Give a word word, Judge whether the word is spelled correctly , The specific way is as follows :
Take each word in the word set as key, Build a binary search tree
  Retrieve whether the word exists in the binary search tree , If it exists, it is spelled correctly , If it does not exist, it is misspelled .
2. KV Model : Every key key, All have corresponding values Value, namely <Key, Value> The key/value pair . This way in real life Very common in life : For example, an English Chinese dictionary is the corresponding relationship between English and Chinese , Through English, you can quickly find the corresponding Chinese   writing , Britain Chinese words and their corresponding Chinese <word, chinese> It forms a key value pair ; Another example is counting the number of words , After successful Statistics , Given Words can quickly find the number of times they appear , Words and their occurrences are <word, count> It forms a key value pair .
such as : Realize a simple English Chinese Dictionary dict, You can find the corresponding Chinese... In English , The specific implementation is as follows :
< word , Chinese meaning > Construct a binary search tree for key value pairs , Be careful : Binary search trees need to compare , When comparing key value pairs, only
Key When querying English words , Just give the English words , You can quickly find the corresponding key.   

Performance analysis

Insert and delete operations must first find , Search efficiency represents the performance of each operation in binary search tree .
Yes, yes. n A binary search tree of nodes , If the probability of finding each element is equal , Then the average search length of the binary search tree is the number of nodes in the binary search tree A function of depth , That is, the deeper the node , The more times you compare .
But for the same key set , If the order of key insertion is different , It is possible to get binary search trees with different structures
Therefore, the best efficiency of binary search tree is like a complete binary tree, and its average number of comparisons is :log2N
The worst is equivalent to a single branch tree , The average number of comparisons is :\frac{N}{2}
