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Mathematical modeling -- what is mathematical modeling

2022-07-07 15:04:00 WangLanguager

This paper mainly introduces two examples of data modeling : Make dumplings 、 Roadblock

Introduce the whole process of data modeling

Introduce the basic methods and steps of mathematical modeling

One 、 introduction

mathematics : The foundation of each discipline , A tool for social progress

Solve any practical problem with mathematical methods , We must build a bridge between practice and Mathematics .

To solve the process : Practical problems are transformed into mathematical problems ; Solving mathematical problems ; Mathematical solutions return to practical problems .

This process of solving is called mathematical modeling , That is to establish a mathematical model for practical problems .

Two 、 Examples of mathematical modeling 1: Make dumplings

        Usually ,1kg Noodles ,1kg Stuffing , package 100 A dumpling ( Or Tangyuan ), today 1kg The face does not change , But the stuffing ratio 1kg More , ask : It should be more packages ( Each is smaller ), It's better to pack a few less ( Each is bigger )?

1、 problem : Round area S_{all} A skin of , Pack into volume V_{all} Dumplings ; It is divided into n Skin , The area of each small circle is :s_{small}, The wrapped volume is :v_{small} Dumplings .

V_{all} and  n\cdot v_{small} Who is big ?        【 qualitative analysis 】

 V_{all} Than  n\cdot v_{small} How much larger ?        【 quantitative analysis 】

2、 hypothesis (1)、 The thickness of dumpling skin is the same         (2)、 The shape of dumplings is the same

        modeling :S_{all}=n\cdot s_{small}        (1)

 S_{all}=k1\cdot R^{2}_{big}    ,  V_{all}=k2\cdot R^{2}_{big}, among R_{big} For the radius of dumplings , be V_{all}=k\cdot S^{\frac{3}{2}}_{all}        (2)

 s_{small}=k1\cdot r^{2}_{small},v_{small}=k2\cdot r^{2}_{small}, among r_{small} For the radius of small dumplings , be v_{small}=k\cdot s^{\frac{3}{2}}_{small}       (3)

from (1)、(2)、(3) Available :V_{all}=n^{\frac{3}{2}}v_{small}

application :V_{all}=\sqrt{n}\times (nv_{small})\geqslant nv_{small},        V_{all} yes nv_{small} Of \sqrt{n} times .

if 100 A dumpling can be made 1kg Stuffing , be 50 A dumpling can be made \sqrt{2}\approx 1.4kg Stuffing

3、 The basic key steps of dumpling modeling process

  (1) In mathematical language ( Volume and surface area ) Indicates a real phenomenon ( Stuffing and skin ).

(2) Make simplified and reasonable assumptions ( Same thickness , Same shape ).

(3) Use the inherent law contained in the problem ( Volume 、 Geometric relationship between surface area and radius )

        The results of this model can be used to explain many phenomena in daily life .

        Over time, the unit price of large package goods is cheaper than that of small package goods .

3、 ... and 、 Examples of mathematical modeling 2: Car barricade

1、 background : campus 、 In the middle of the road in the residential area , Roadblocks are often set up to limit the speed of cars .

2、 problem : If you want to limit the speed to no more than 40km/h, How far away should a barricade be set ?

3、 analysis : The speed of the car passing the barrier is close to zero , Accelerate after passing the barrier , The car accelerated to 40km/h when , Slow down because there is the next roadblock ahead , The speed at the barricade is close to zero .

        So fast 、 The deceleration cycle alternates to achieve the purpose of speed limit .

4、 hypothesis : The car performs equal acceleration and equal deceleration between two adjacent roadblocks .

                        You need to get the acceleration and deceleration of the car .

Method 1 : Access to information , Method 2 : To test

(1) Test data of accelerating car

Speed (km/h)010203040
Time (s)

(2) Test data of vehicle deceleration  


Speed (km/h)403020100
Time (s)

 5、 modeling : The distance the car accelerates S1, Time t1, The acceleration a1

                The distance the car slows down S2, Time t2, deceleration a2, The speed limit is :V_{max}

                be :S1=\frac{1}{2}\cdot a_{1}\cdot t_{1}^{2},        S2=\frac{1}{2}\cdot a_{2}\cdot t_{2}^{2}   ,        V_{max}=a_{1}\cdot t_{1},        V_{max}=a_{2}\cdot t_{2}

Total distance traveled between adjacent roadblocks :S=S1+S2=\frac{V_{max}^{2}}{2}\cdot (\frac{1}{a_{1}} + \frac{1}{a_{2}})

Given  V_{max}, From the test data a1 and a2, You can figure it out S.

The total distance traveled by vehicles between two adjacent roadblocks is designed as the distance between roadblocks .

Parameter estimation : The relationship between speed and time during design driving is :t=C_{1}\cdot v+C_{2}, Test data , Then use the least square method to calculate :



        S=\frac{V_{max}^{2}}{2}\cdot (\frac{1}{a_{1}} + \frac{1}{a_{2}})


be :S=65.5556m

The distance between roadblocks is 65 rice

6、 The basic key steps of barrier spacing modeling

(1) Make simplified and reasonable assumptions ( Wait for acceleration, wait for deceleration ).

(2) Use the inherent law contained in the problem ( Time 、 distance 、 Speed 、 The physical relationship between accelerations )

(3) Estimate the parameters of the model according to the test data ( Acceleration and deceleration )

         Mathematical modeling used in barricade design can also be used to solve other problems , for example : Design the height of the barricade 、 The shape of the barricade .

Four 、 What is a mathematical model (Mathematical Model) And mathematical modeling (Mathematical Modeling)?

1、 mathematical model : For a real object , For a specific purpose , According to its inherent law , Make the necessary simplifying assumptions , Use appropriate mathematical tools , Get a mathematical structure .

2、 mathematical modeling : The whole process of establishing mathematical model

3、 The whole process of mathematical modeling :

Information of real objects ——>【 describe 】——> mathematical model ——>【 solve 】——> Solutions to mathematical models ——>【 explain 】——> Solutions to real objects

two “ translation process ”: Real phenomena are translated into Mathematics Model , The solution of mathematical model is translated into the solution of real phenomenon .

practice ——> theory ——> practice

5、 ... and 、 The basic analysis method of mathematical modeling

(1) Mechanism analysis : Understanding of the characteristics of objective things , The quantitative law of internal mechanism .【 White box model 】

(2) Test and analysis : Statistical analysis of measured data , The model that best fits the data .【 Black box model 】

(3) Mechanism analysis 、 Test and analyze the combination of the two : Mechanism analysis and establishment of model mechanism , Test and analyze to determine the model parameters .【 Grey box model 】

        Mechanism analysis is mainly learned from case studies , Modeling mainly refers to mechanism analysis .

6、 ... and 、 Basic steps of mathematical modeling

Model preparation ——> The model assumes ——> Model composition ——> Model solving ——> model analysis ——> Model test ——> Model application

If the model test finds that the model is not suitable , The model assumptions need to be corrected again

7、 ... and 、 Summary of content

Have a preliminary understanding of what mathematical modeling is

(1) Mathematical modeling refers to transforming practical problems into mathematical problems , Then solve the mathematical problem , The whole process of returning to practical problems after solving mathematical problems and constantly revising mathematical models .

(2) Mathematical modeling widely exists in all fields of social life .





