作为一名设计师,最头疼的事莫过于缺少灵感或素材。每当我在对面新的创意需求时,求助一些顶级的资源或灵感网站,往往是最快获取思路的方法。 因此,我的收藏夹里总是填满了各类 设计工具 、插件、网站、资源,想着它们能使我的工作更省省力,让我早日成为一名优秀的设计师。 从业3年来,我对自己的收藏...
2022-07-07 12:35【51CTO】
服务器数据恢复环境: 某品牌StorageWorks服务器; 8块SAS硬盘组成raid5,一块热备盘。 服务器故障: 服务器运行过程中有两块硬盘先后离线,服务器瘫痪,lun无法正常使用。服务器管理员联系我们数据恢复中心进行数据恢复。 我们数据恢复中心的服务器数据恢复工程师对服务器中所有磁盘进行物...
2022-07-07 12:36【51CTO】
阅读更多electron remote 报错
登录后复制 '登录后一键下载全文代码' require 'electron' .remote 解决方法地址: require is not defined app.on 'ready', = { mainWindow = new BrowserWindow { webPreferences: { ...
2022-07-07 12:37【51CTO】
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2022-07-07 12:35【小辉_Super】
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本篇文章是对PHP跳出循环的方法以及continue、break、exit的区别进行了详细的分析介绍,需要的朋友参考下 PHP中的循环结构大致有for循环,while循环,do{} while 循环以及foreach循环几种,不管哪种循环中,在 PHP中跳出循环大致有这么几种方式: 代码: 代码如下...
2022-07-07 12:37【全栈程序员站长】
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2022-07-07 12:37【全栈程序员站长】
点击上方“ 小白学视觉 ”,选择加' 星标 '或“ 置顶 ” 重磅干货,第一时间送达 摘要:本文融合了 Are we ready for Autonomous Driving? The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite 和 Vision meets Robotics: The...
2022-07-07 12:37【小白学视觉】
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Directory structure null pages: Under this directory is the page of the applet utils: What is stored here is public js, Providing a common way t...
2022-07-07 14:26【InfoQ】
阅读更多Internal sort - insert sort
Internal sorting is divided into : Insertion sort , Exchange sort , Selection sort , Merge sort , Cardinality sorting these five . 1. Insertion sort ...
2022-07-07 14:26【InfoQ】
阅读更多Navigation - are you sure you want to take a look at such an easy-to-use navigation framework?
Preface * What is? Navigation? Official documents are a little difficult to understand . therefore , Here I would like to sum up with my own words ...
2022-07-07 14:26【InfoQ】
阅读更多Data connection mode in low code platform (Part 2)
1. Previous review In this article ( On ) In this article, we talk about the classic single based API Data connection mode of communication , An...
2022-07-07 14:26【InfoQ】
阅读更多2022pagc Golden Sail award | rongyun won the "outstanding product technology service provider of the year"
6 month 29 Japan ,2022 PAGC nbsp; The global product and growth conference was held in Shenzhen . The conference is held “ Golden Sail award cer...
2022-07-07 14:26【InfoQ】
阅读更多Ian Goodfellow, the inventor of Gan, officially joined deepmind as research scientist
Goodfellow stay Twitter Announce , He has joined by Oriol Vinyals Responsible team , The latter is DeepMind Research Director, Participated in Alp...
2022-07-07 14:27【Zhiyuan community】
阅读更多Nllb-200: meta open source new model, which can translate 200 languages
Six months ago ,Meta Launched an ambitious ' No language barrier '(No Language Left Behind,NLLB) project , Train AI to translate seamlessly between ...
2022-07-07 14:27【Zhiyuan community】
阅读更多Mlgo: Google AI releases industrial compiler optimized machine learning framework
MLGO Use reinforcement learning training ML Strategy , Integrate into LLVM in , To replace complex heuristic methods , Reduce code size and improve pe...
2022-07-07 14:27【Zhiyuan community】
阅读更多Demis hassabis talks about alphafold's future goals
In an interview last week ,DeepMind cofounder Demis Hassabis Talked about AlphaFold、 Nuclear fusion 、 Topics such as quantum simulation , He mentione...
2022-07-07 14:27【Zhiyuan community】
阅读更多Cvpr2022 | backdoor attack based on frequency injection in medical image analysis
This work was jointly completed by JD Exploration Research Institute and Northwestern Polytechnic University , Has been CVPR2022 receive . In this ...
2022-07-07 14:27【Zhiyuan community】
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百度 飞桨 EasyDL面向企业开发者提供零门槛AI开发平台,一站式支持智能标注、模型训练、服务部署等功能,内置丰富的预训练模型,支持公有云/本地服务器/设备端等灵活部署,已在工业、零售、制造、医疗等领域落地。 工业零件划痕自动识别 通过训练物体检测定制化AI模型,实现对于“工业零件划痕”的智能识别...
多商戶商城系統,也稱為B2B2C(BBC)平臺電商模式多商家商城系統。可以快速幫助企業搭建類似拼多多/京東/天猫/淘寶的綜合商城。 多商戶商城系統支持商家入駐加盟,同時滿足平臺自營、旗艦店等多種經營方式。平臺可以通過收取商家入駐費,訂單交易服務費,提現手續費,短信通道費等多手段方式,實現整體盈利。 ...
Catalog One EXT2 Overview of file system structure 2 Toc492810848 1.1 EXT2 File system structure block diagram 2 Toc492810849 1.2 EXT2...
The gun startles the dragon , many “ lock ” Zhou Zhi 1. Why lock it ? What is the meaning of lock ? 1 Multi threaded access to shared data , Secur...
1、Json.parse Json.Stringfy )无法实现函数和undefined的深拷贝,如何解决呢? 来手写个深拷贝吧 function deepClone target { if target instanceof Object { let dist if target instance...
一、獲取代碼方式 獲取代碼方式1: 完整代碼已上傳我的資源: 【紋理特征提取】基於matlab局部二值模式LBP圖像紋理特征提取【含Matlab源碼 1931期】 獲取代碼方式2: 通過訂閱紫極神光博客 付費專欄 ,憑支付憑證, 私信博主 ,可獲得此代碼。 備注: 訂閱紫極神光博客 付費專欄 ...
全长 721 字,预计阅读 3 分钟 作者:MiX 微信交流:MixMetaverse 在 5~6 月份的一级市场融资报告中,即便熊市依旧,但是 GameFi 和 NFT 的应用场景、基础设施以及技术服务类最受重视,总计融资量达到了总量的16%,位列第一。 GameFi 融合了 DeFi ...
The experimental requirements are shown in Fig https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/fa074383999741f5996f7f635e2e7f99.png?x oss process=image/watermark,type ...
Don't talk about model selection , The main consideration is info Level of data : General information : As a general rule , We all encapsulate a r...
开始: 在网络上,看到有SQL Server 2000和SQL Server 2005 的存储过程加密和解密的方法,后来分析了其中的代码,发现它们的原理都是一样的。后来自己根据实际的应用环境,编写了两个存储过程,一个加密存储过程(sp EncryptObject),和一个解密存储过程(sp En...