693. 行程排序
Powered by: NEFU AB IN Link 文章目录 693. 行程排序 font color6495ED size6693 font 8 题意 font size4 facefont 10 思路 font size4 facefont 18 代码 font size4 facefo...
2022-08-05 06:42【NEFU AB-IN】
阅读更多691. 立方体IV
Powered by: NEFU AB IN Link 文章目录 691. 立方体IV font color6495ED size6691 IVfont 8 题意 font size4 facefont 10 思路 font size4 facefont 20 代码 font size4 fac...
2022-08-05 06:42【NEFU AB-IN】
阅读更多4520. 质数
Powered by: NEFU AB IN Link 文章目录 4520. 质数 font color6495ED size64520 font 7 题意 font size4 facefont 9 思路 font size4 facefont 13 代码 font size4 facefon...
2022-08-05 06:42【NEFU AB-IN】
阅读更多3555. 二叉树
Powered by: NEFU AB IN Link 文章目录 3555. 二叉树 font color6495ED size63555 font 8 题意 font size4 facefont 10 思路 font size4 facefont 16 代码 font size4 facef...
2022-08-05 06:42【NEFU AB-IN】
T0 树上最远点对 热身题qwq 传送门: 树上最远点对 problemId=1766 t a g tagtag: 树上最远点对的结论??? 分析 对于一个点集,其中的最远点对是 x 1 , y 1 x 1, y 1 x1,y1 ,另一个点集,最远点对是 x 2 , x 2 x 2, x ...
2022-08-05 06:42【aWty_】
阅读更多2022.8.2 模拟赛
T1 取石子 我们就让甲先行动一步,则会产生先拿 a aa 和先拿 b bb 两种结果。这样问题就转化成了总数为 n − a n an−a 或者 n − b n bn−b,乙先手问后手是否必败。我们令 f i f ifi 表示石子数位 i ii 时先手是否必胜,则有: f i = 1 − f i...
2022-08-05 06:42【aWty_】
TRACE32——SMP多核调试 很多时候我们需要调试SMP多核芯片,或者一个复杂的处理器里的SMP多核部分,例如英飞凌TC275TF有三个Tricore 内核、NXP S32G274A中含有四个Cortex A53的内核都可以工作在SMP模式下。 图片 https://img blog.csdn...
2022-08-05 06:42【Rainmicro】
阅读更多Cannot compare or sort text, ntext, and image data types
When I was developing a file management system recently, I encountered a problem: the original local database was SQL2008, and there was a field Share...
2022-08-05 07:11【51CTO】
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What is Hash Hash Chinese translation is hash, and it is called "hash". It is a general term for a class of functions.The input of any length (also kn...
2022-08-05 07:11【code and thinking】
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1. Write a program in 5 steps import org.apache.flink.api.scala.object flinkTest { def main args: Array String : Unit = { //first: build env val env =...
2022-08-05 07:11【hzp666】
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kingbaseES V8R6 cluster, no vip, libpq to connect to the database, how to configure the connection string?
2022-08-05 07:11【Ink Sky Wheel】
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Feiteng's terminal installs the deb client package, which can be used after the installation is complete, but after the terminal restarts, the network...
2022-08-05 07:11【Ink Sky Wheel】
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This article is only for personal understanding, I hope for advice, it will be beneficial and better. One day, in order to complete a project, I start...
2022-08-05 07:11【like a few dollars】
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Article directory order by query order by 2 group by group query group by 41 Performance problems 85 order by query It is to query in ascending or des...
2022-08-05 07:11【_Sauron】
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2022-08-05 07:11【_Sauron】
阅读更多"Automatic Data Collection Based on R Language"--Chapter 3 XML and JSON
Mark~ fill the hole tomorrow
2022-08-05 07:11【51CTO】
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Activity address: CSDN 21-day Learning Challenge re-regular expression Regular expression is powerful, but it is still relatively complex, and it is n...
2022-08-05 07:11【m0_52339560】
阅读更多A small problem with mysql using the in function
A small problem found when using mysql, pay attention to the variable type, it should be a string with quotation marks after login and copy 'one-click...
2022-08-05 07:11【51CTO】
阅读更多Invalid operator for data type.The operator is add and the type is text.
When I was developing a file management system recently, I encountered another problem: the original local database was SQL2008, and there was a field...
2022-08-05 07:11【51CTO】
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目录 使用工具 %E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7 add subdirectory 关联子构建系统 add subdirectory %E5%85%B3%E8%81%94%E5%AD%90%E6%9E%84%E5%BB%BA%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9...
2022-08-05 06:42【ly_zszcyx】
First, you need to install MinGW compiler, support for compiling c + + code.Install MinGW compiler 1. Download the MinGW, download links for: w64 / To...
https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/1e5e182eb23a4ee68e01f317e62419dd.png 题解:(想说的都在注释里) struct ListNode/ insertionSortList struct ListNode/ head { if head==N...
最近在中英文混合着阅读《图像处理、分析与机器视觉,第四版》这本书,2020年4月第9次印刷版,英文名称是《Image processing, analysis, and machine vision, the forth edition》。读中文翻译版的时候感觉有些地方不是很通顺,所...
监控界的内卷 非一日练成 冬卷三九,夏卷三伏 https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/2da7ffae3b2546cdac02e07d70e3bf6d.png 翻车、救火的痛,除了消防员 运维工程师最懂 监控盲区的系统故障就象, 头顶的达摩克里斯之剑, 啥时掉下来说不准, 反正精...
1)拉取镜像 docker pull redis 这是我在 VMware 的 CentOS 中装过的 redis 版本,拉取该指定版本使用 docker pull redis:5.0.12 命令, 不过下面在docker中安装,我们使用最新的 https://img blog.csdni...
题意:设F i 表示s串的一个前缀 1…i 的中所有区间交长度为k的倍数的board串数量,求∏ i = 1 ∣ s ∣ f i + 1 prod {i=1}^{ s }{ f i +1 }∏i=1∣s∣ f i +1 做法:z函数,差分 先求出s串的z函数 exkmp ,设z i 表示s串的z...
From the selection of the queue container to the step-by-step iteration of the algorithm, this is an article that gradually deduces the idea of "non...
On July 21, 2022, Beijing time, the Cyberspace Administration of China imposed a fine of RMB 8.026 billion on Didi Global Co., Ltd. in accordance with...
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这是我遇到的问题的全写: Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: Could not set property 'providerName' of 'class com.smbms.pojo.Bill' with value...