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Android rights

2020-11-09 10:56:00 osc_emgrwx5d

One 、 brief introduction

          The purpose of permission is to protect user privacy , When accessing some sensitive data , You must obtain the user's authorization before using , such as : For example, reading sdcard、 Access to the address book, etc .

        stay Android6.0 On the previous device , The system will not alert the user of the permissions they are acquiring . Once the app is installed , This means that all permissions required by the application have been authorized . In this case, the application is free to collect user privacy information . Or send text messages at will . In order to solve this problem Android6.0 And then on the device , Applications need dynamic authorization , When you need to use a permission , A reminder box will pop up to ask for users' opinions , It can only be used after obtaining the user's consent .


Two 、 Authority classification

1.Normal Permissions( General jurisdiction ): This kind of permission generally does not involve user privacy , There is no need for user authorization , For example, the mobile phone vibrates 、 Access to the network, etc

2.Dangerous Permission( Dangerous authority ): This kind of permission is related to the privacy of users , The user is required to authorize , For example, reading sdcard、 Access to the address book, etc


3、 ... and 、 Permission list

name jurisdiction describe classification
Access registration properties ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES Allow to read or write registers check-in Database property table permissions General jurisdiction
Get the wrong position   ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION It allows users to obtain longitude and latitude information through wireless network or mobile base station Dangerous authority
Get the exact location ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION Allowed to pass through GPS Receiving satellite positioning information Dangerous authority
Access location additional commands   ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS Allows programs to access additional location provider instructions General jurisdiction
Get analog location information ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION Allows access to simulated location information , Generally used to help developers debug applications General jurisdiction
Get network status ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE Allow access to network information status General jurisdiction
Access notification policy ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY Tag permission for applications that allow access to notification policies General jurisdiction
obtain WiFi state ACCESS_WIFI_STATE Allow access to current WiFi The state of access and WLAN Hot information General jurisdiction
Account management ACCOUNT_MANAGER Allow the program to access account management through account verification ACCOUNT_MANAGER Related information General jurisdiction
Verify account AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS Allow an application to add voice mail system General jurisdiction
Allow to answer calls ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS Allow to answer calls General jurisdiction
Electricity Statistics BATTERY_STATS Allow access to battery power Statistics General jurisdiction
Only the system can be bound to accessibilityservice BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE request accessibilityservice service , To ensure that only the system can bind to it General jurisdiction
Bind widget BIND_APPWIDGET Allow applications to tell AppWidget Service applications can access AppWidget The data of General jurisdiction
Bind device management   BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN Ask the system administrator to receive receiver, Only the system can use General jurisdiction
Bind ime   BIND_INPUT_METHOD request InputMethodService service , Only the system can use General jurisdiction
Only the system is bound to HostApduService or OffHostApduService BIND_NFC_SERVICE from HostApduService or OffHostApduService, You have to make sure that only the system is bound to it General jurisdiction
Only the system is bound to NotificationListenerService BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE It must be requested by NotificationListenerService, To ensure that only the system can bind to it General jurisdiction
Only the system can bind PrintService BIND_PRINT_SERVICE It must be requested by PrintService, To ensure that only the system can bind to it General jurisdiction
binding RemoteView  BIND_REMOTEVIEWS Must pass RemoteViewsService, Service to request , Only the system can use General jurisdiction
Only the system can be bound to TextService BIND_TEXT_SERVICE Must ask for TextService, To ensure that only the system can bind to it General jurisdiction
Make sure that only the system can be bound to VpnService BIND_VPN_SERVICE Must ask for VpnService, To ensure that only the system can bind to it General jurisdiction
Binding wallpaper BIND_WALLPAPER Must ask for WallpaperService, To ensure that only the system can bind to it General jurisdiction
Use Bluetooth BLUETOOTH Allow applications to connect to Bluetooth devices to pair General jurisdiction
Bluetooth Management BLUETOOTH_ADMIN Allow programs to discover and pair new Bluetooth devices   General jurisdiction
Setting up a Bluetooth device doesn't require interaction BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED Allow applications to use Bluetooth devices , No user interaction required General jurisdiction
Use sensors to measure BODY_SENSORS Allows applications to access sensors used by users to measure Dangerous authority
Broadcast when app is deleted BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED Allow application broadcast to notify applications after the package has been removed General jurisdiction
Broadcast when you receive a text message BROADCAST_SMS Allows the program to trigger a broadcast when it receives a text message General jurisdiction
Continuous broadcasting   BROADCAST_STICKY Allow the program to receive the next broadcast quickly after receiving the broadcast General jurisdiction
WAP PUSH radio broadcast   BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH Allow the app to play a WAP Push to receive notification General jurisdiction
Make a phone call CALL_PHONE Allows programs to make calls from non system dialers Dangerous authority
Call rights CALL_PRIVILEGED Allow programs to make calls , Replace the Dialer Interface of the system General jurisdiction
Photo authority CAMERA Allow the program to access the camera to take photos Dangerous authority
Capture audio output CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT Allow applications to capture audio output General jurisdiction
Get secure video output CAPTURE_SECURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT Allow applications to get secure video output General jurisdiction
Capture video output CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT Allow an application to capture video output General jurisdiction
Change component state CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE Allows an application to change whether a component is enabled or not General jurisdiction
Change configuration CHANGE_CONFIGURATION Allows the application to modify the current configuration General jurisdiction
Changing the state of the network CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE Allow applications to change network connection status General jurisdiction
change WiFi Multicast status CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE Allow applications to enter wireless multicast mode General jurisdiction
change WiFi state CHANGE_WIFI_STATE Allow applications to change wifi Connection status General jurisdiction
Clear application cache CLEAR_APP_CACHE Allow the application to clear all installed Application caching General jurisdiction
Clear user data CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA Allow applications to clear user data General jurisdiction
Control location update CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES Allow programs to get mobile network location information changes General jurisdiction
Delete cache file DELETE_CACHE_FILES Allow applications to delete cache files General jurisdiction
Delete app DELETE_PACKAGES Allow applications to delete applications General jurisdiction
Power management DEVICE_POWER Allow low level access to power management General jurisdiction
Applied diagnostics DIAGNOSTIC Allow application RW Diagnostic resources General jurisdiction
Disable keyboard lock DISABLE_KEYGUARD Allow applications to disable keylocks General jurisdiction
Transfer system information DUMP Allow programs to acquire systems dump Information from system services General jurisdiction
Status bar control EXPAND_STATUS_BAR Allows the application to expand or collapse the status bar General jurisdiction
Factory test mode FACTORY_TEST Allow the program to run factory test mode General jurisdiction
Use flash FLASHLIGHT Flash that allows access General jurisdiction
Force back FORCE_BACK Allow applications to force anything General jurisdiction
Access accounts Gmail list GET_ACCOUNTS Allow access to the account of Gmail List service Dangerous authority
Get app size GET_PACKAGE_SIZE Allow a program to get any package Take up space capacity General jurisdiction
Get task information GET_TASKS Allow applications to get current information Or recently run tasks General jurisdiction
Access to personal information GET_TOP_ACTIVITY_INFO Allow applications to access private information General jurisdiction
Allow global search   GLOBAL_SEARCH Allow programs to allow global search General jurisdiction
Hardware testing HARDWARE_TEST Allow access to hardware AIDS General jurisdiction
Injection incident INJECT_EVENTS Allow access to the underlying events of this program , Get the key 、 The event flow of the trackball General jurisdiction
Installation location provides INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER Allow the program to install the location provided General jurisdiction
Install the application INSTALL_PACKAGES Allow programs to install apps General jurisdiction
Shortcut INSTALL_SHORTCUT Allow application shortcuts General jurisdiction
Internal system window INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW Allow programs to open internal windows , Do not open this permission to third-party applications General jurisdiction
Access the network INTERNET Allow programs to access network connections , May arise GPRS Traffic General jurisdiction
End background process KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES Allow an application to call killBackgroundProcesses() Method to end the background process General jurisdiction
Hardware that uses location functions LOCATION_HARDWARE Hardware that allows location in an application , Don't use third-party apps General jurisdiction
Manage accounts   MANAGE_ACCOUNTS Allow program management AccountManager List of accounts in General jurisdiction
Management program references MANAGE_APP_TOKENS Manage creation 、 destroy 、Z Axis order , Only for system General jurisdiction
Manage file access MANAGE_DOCUMENTS Allow programs to manage access to files General jurisdiction
Soft formatting MASTER_CLEAR Allow the program to perform soft formatting , Delete system configuration information General jurisdiction
Know what it is to play and control its content MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL Allow an application to know what is playing and controlling its content , Cannot be used by third party applications General jurisdiction
Modify sound settings MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS Allow the program to modify the sound settings General jurisdiction
Change phone status MODIFY_PHONE_STATE Allow the program to change the phone status General jurisdiction
Format file system MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMS Allows programs to format removable file systems General jurisdiction
Mount file system MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS Allow programs to mount 、 Anti mount external file system General jurisdiction
allow NFC Communications NFC Allow the program to execute NFC Close communication operation General jurisdiction
permanent Activity PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY Allows the program to create a permanent Activity, This feature is marked as being removed in the future General jurisdiction
Handle outgoing calls PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS Allow programs to monitor , To modify or abandon a broadcast call Dangerous authority
Read schedule reminders   READ_CALENDAR Allow the application to read the user's schedule information Dangerous authority
Read call logs READ_CALL_LOG Allow the application to read the user's call log Dangerous authority
Read contacts READ_CONTACTS Allow the application to read the user's contact information Dangerous authority
Read the file in the external storage space of the device READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Allows applications to read files in the external storage space of the device Dangerous authority
Screen capture READ_FRAME_BUFFER Allows the program to read the frame cache for screenshots General jurisdiction
Read favorites and history   READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS Allow applications to read browser favorites and history General jurisdiction
Read input status READ_INPUT_STATE Read the input status of the current key , Only for system General jurisdiction
Read system log READ_LOGS Allow applications to read the underlying logs of the system General jurisdiction
Read phone status READ_PHONE_STATE Allow programs to access phone status Dangerous authority
Read the user's profile information READ_PROFILE Allow applications to read user profile information General jurisdiction
Read text messages READ_SMS Allow applications to read SMS content Dangerous authority
Read synchronization settings READ_SYNC_SETTINGS Allow applications to read synchronization settings , Read Google Online synchronization settings General jurisdiction
Read synchronization status READ_SYNC_STATS Allow the program to read the synchronization state , get Google Online synchronization status General jurisdiction
Read the user dictionary READ_USER_DICTIONARY Allow applications to read user dictionaries General jurisdiction
Restart the device REBOOT Allow the ability to restart the device General jurisdiction
Turn on automatically allow RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED Allow the program to start automatically General jurisdiction
Receive multimedia messages RECEIVE_MMS Allow programs to receive multimedia messages Dangerous authority
Receive text messages RECEIVE_SMS Allow programs to receive text messages Dangerous authority
receive Wap Push RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH Allow the program to receive WAP PUSH Information Dangerous authority
sound recording RECORD_AUDIO Allow the program to record sound through the phone or headset's mic Dangerous authority
Sort system tasks REORDER_TASKS Allow programs to reorder the system Z Tasks in axis operation General jurisdiction
End system task RESTART_PACKAGES Allow the program to end the task by restartPackage(String) Method , This way will give up outside General jurisdiction
When you call, you can reply with an instant message SEND_RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE Allow users to use your app for instant SMS replies when they call General jurisdiction
Send a text message SEND_SMS Allow programs to send text messages Dangerous authority
Set up Activity Observe it SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER Set up Activity The observer is generally used for monkey test General jurisdiction
Set the alarm SET_ALARM Allow the program to set alarm General jurisdiction
Set always exit SET_ALWAYS_FINISH Allow programs to set whether programs always exit in the background General jurisdiction
Set animation zoom SET_ANIMATION_SCALE Allows the program to set global animation scaling General jurisdiction
Set up the debugger SET_DEBUG_APP Allow programs to set up debugging programs , Generally used to develop General jurisdiction
Set the screen orientation SET_ORIENTATION Set the screen direction as horizontal screen or standard display , Not for general applications General jurisdiction
Settings cannot be obtained by third-party applications SET_POINTER_SPEED System permissions , Cannot be obtained by third party applications General jurisdiction
Set application parameters SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS Allow the program to set the parameters of the application General jurisdiction
Set process limits SET_PROCESS_LIMIT Allow the program to set a limit on the maximum number of processes General jurisdiction
Set system time SET_TIME Allow programs to set system time General jurisdiction
Set the system time zone SET_TIME_ZONE Allow the program to set the system time zone General jurisdiction
Set desktop wallpaper SET_WALLPAPER Allow programs to set desktop wallpaper General jurisdiction
Suggestions for setting up wallpaper SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS Allow the program to set wallpaper suggestions General jurisdiction
Send a permanent process signal SIGNAL_PERSISTENT_PROCESSES Allows the program to send a permanent process signal General jurisdiction
Status bar control STATUS_BAR Allow the program to open 、 close 、 Disable status bar General jurisdiction
Visit subscriptions SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_READ Allow applications to access subscribed databases General jurisdiction
Write subscription SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_WRITE A database that allows applications to write or modify subscriptions General jurisdiction
Display system window SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW Allow programs to display system Windows General jurisdiction
Use the device's infrared transmitter TRANSMIT_IR Allow the use of the device's infrared transmitter , If available General jurisdiction
Delete shortcut UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT Delete shortcut General jurisdiction
Update device status UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS Allow programs to update device status General jurisdiction
Use certificate USE_CREDENTIALS Allow applications to request validation AccountManager General jurisdiction
Use SIP video USE_SIP Allow programs to use SIP Video service Dangerous authority
Use vibration VIBRATE Allow program vibration General jurisdiction
Wake up lock WAKE_LOCK Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is closed General jurisdiction
write in GPRS Access point settings   WRITE_APN_SETTINGS Allow programs to write to the network GPRS Access point settings General jurisdiction
Write schedule reminders WRITE_CALENDAR Allow programs to write schedules , But not readable Dangerous authority
Write contact data WRITE_CALL_LOG Allow programs to write contact data , But not readable Dangerous authority
Write contact WRITE_CONTACTS Allow programs to write contacts , But not readable Dangerous authority
Write to external storage WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Allow programs to write to external storage Dangerous authority
write in Google Map data WRITE_GSERVICES Allow applications to modify Google Maps Services General jurisdiction
Write favorites and history   WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS Allow applications to write browser history or favorites , But not readable General jurisdiction
Write user profile information WRITE_PROFILE Allow applications to write user profile information , But not readable General jurisdiction
Read write system sensitive settings WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS Allow applications to read or write security system settings General jurisdiction
Read write system settings WRITE_SETTINGS Allows applications to read or write system settings General jurisdiction
text messages WRITE_SMS Allow applications to write text messages General jurisdiction
Write online synchronization settings WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS Allow applications to write Google Online synchronization settings General jurisdiction
Write a user dictionary WRITE_USER_DICTIONARY Allow applications to write user dictionaries General jurisdiction

Permission list download : link : https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qgulW6aFNzBorh9icZncBQ   password : 3fpd 
