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Deng Junhui's notes on data structure and algorithm learning - Chapter 9
2020-11-09 08:20:00 【osc_0m0d4mbq】
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Chapter nine The dictionary
9. The dictionary
9.b Hash principle
Hashing- hash
The data comes from a fairly large space , But the actual data to be stored and organized is a very small subset of it , Space efficiency is extremely low
Compress space
The pigeon nest problem , take x From a larger definition domain , Mapping to a smaller range of values , There are ways to reduce conflict ( Design better hash function or increase hash table length M), But it can't be avoided ( How to solve ?)
9.c Hash function
gcd: The greatest common factor is 1
Take the middle bit , It can make the influence of each digit of the original key code closer to each other , Here's the picture , Square operations can be decomposed into addition operations
The more random the hash function is , The more irregular , The better .
key It may not be an integer , You need to convert it to hashcode, Do it again. , Here's the picture
It is necessary to , If you use a simple calculation method , It's easy to have hash conflicts
9.d Conflict
9.d1 Hash resolves conflicts 1
Skip when searching , Insert directly when inserting .
9.d2 Hash resolves conflicts 2
Closed addressing vs Open addressing
The linear heuristics described above , It's too close to each other , There will be a lot of unnecessary conflicts . You can open the space properly
Suppose the size of a cache is 1KB, Only the pointer is stored in the bucket (4 byte ), Well, unless 16 Secondary hash conflict , To make the cache invalid , Need extra I/O.
b+a≥2, yes M The nontrivial factor of , This is related to M Contradict prime numbers .
For some primes ( for example 7,11) The long table , The two-way search chain works , Some primes ( for example 5,13) The effect of the surface length is not good .
9.e bucket / Count sorting
among n Is the number of elements ,[0,M) Is the element range
Where the red line is the integral of the blue line
Linear scan over and over again count[], Scan again count[] obtain accum[], You can sort in linear time .
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