Linked list
brief introduction
Array : In the case of index semantics , Using the index to get values , A quick query .
- The ability to access randomly
Linked list : It's not suitable for semantic indexing
- Real dynamics , There's no need to deal with fixed capacity
Build node classes
class Node
// The element value of this node
public $e;
// Pointer to the next node
public $next;
public function __construct($e = null, $next = null)
$this->e = $e;
$this->next = $next;
// Output the element value of the node object as a string
public function __toString(): string
return (string)$this->e;
Build a linked list implementation class
- Define properties and constructors
require_once 'Node.php';
class LinkedList
// Chain header pointer
private $head;
// The number of elements in the linked list
private int $size;
public function __construct()
$this->head = null;
$this->size = 0;
- Get the number of effective elements in the linked list
// Get the number of effective elements in the linked list
public function getSize(): int
return $this->size;
- Judge whether the list is empty
// Is the list empty
public function isEmpty(): bool
return $this->size === 0;
- Insert an element in the chain header
// Insert an element in the chain header
public function addFrist($e): void
// $nodeObj = new Node($e);
// $nodeObj->next = $this->head;
// $this->head = $nodeObj;
$this->head = new Node($e, $this->head);
- In the index Bit insertion element $e
// Go to index Bit to add a new element e
// To assist in understanding and practicing , Suppose the linked list is also indexed
public function add(int $index, $e): void
if ($index < 0 || $index > $this->size) {
throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
if ($index === 0) {
} else {
$prev = $this->head;
for ($i = 0; $i < $index - 1; $i++) {
$prev = $prev->next;
$prev->next = new Node($e, $prev->next);
- Insert the element at the end of the list $e
// Insert the element at the end of the filing table $e
public function addLast($e): void
$this->add($this->size, $e);
- Introduce virtual head node , The logic is the same no matter which node is inserted into the linked list
require_once 'Node.php';
class LinkedList
// Chain header pointer
// private $head;
// Virtual head node
private $dummyHead;
// The number of elements in the linked list
private int $size;
public function __construct()
// $this->head = null;
$this->dummyHead = new Node(null, null);
$this->size = 0;
// Insert an element in the chain header
// public function addFrist($e): void
// {
// // $nodeObj = new Node($e);
// // $nodeObj->next = $this->head;
// // $this->head = $nodeObj;
// $this->head = new Node($e, $this->head);
// $this->size++;
// }
// Go to index Bit to add a new element e
// To assist in understanding and practicing , Suppose the linked list also has an index
// public function add(int $index, $e): void
// {
// if ($index < 0 || $index > $this->size) {
// throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
// }
// if ($index === 0) {
// $this->addFrist($e);
// } else {
// $prev = $this->head;
// for ($i = 0; $i < $index - 1; $i++) {
// $prev = $prev->next;
// }
// $prev->next = new Node($e, $prev->next);
// $this->size++;
// }
// }
// Go to index Bit to add a new element e
public function add(int $index, $e): void
if ($index < 0 || $index > $this->size) {
throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
$prev = $this->dummyHead;
for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
$prev = $prev->next;
$prev->next = new Node($e, $prev->next);
// Insert the element at the end of the filing table $e
public function addLast($e): void
$this->add($this->size, $e);
// Insert an element in the chain header
public function addFrist($e): void
$this->add(0, $e);
- Set the first index The value of bit is e
// Set the first index Bit element value
// To assist in understanding and practicing , Suppose the linked list also has an index
public function set(int $index, $e): void
if ($index < 0 || $index >= $this->size) {
throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
// Use the next element of the virtual head node as the starting bit
$cur = $this->dummyHead->next;
for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
$cur = $cur->next;
$cur->e = $e;
- Find out if the element exists
// Find out if there are elements in the list $e
public function contains($e): bool
// Use the next element of the virtual head node as the starting bit
$cur = $this->dummyHead->next;
while ($cur !== null) {
if ($cur->e === $e) {
return true;
$cur = $cur->next;
return false;
- Remove elements
// Delete the first index Bit element value , And return the deleted element value
// To assist in understanding and practicing , Suppose the linked list also has an index
public function remove(int $index)
if ($index < 0 || $index >= $this->size) {
throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
$prev = $this->dummyHead;
for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
$prev = $prev->next;
$retNode = $prev->next;
$prev->next = $retNode->next;
$retNode->next = null;
return $retNode->e;
// Delete first element
public function removeFrist()
return $this->remove(0);
// Delete the last element
public function removeLast()
return $this->remove($this->size - 1);
- Object to string magic method
public function __toString(): string
$string = '';
$cur = $this->dummyHead->next;
while ($cur !== null) {
$string .= ($cur . '->');
$cur = $cur->next;
$string .= 'NULL
return $string;
Complete code
require_once 'Node.php';
class LinkedList
// Chain header pointer
// private $head;
// Virtual head node
private $dummyHead;
// The number of elements in the linked list
private int $size;
public function __construct()
// $this->head = null;
$this->dummyHead = new Node(null, null);
$this->size = 0;
// Get the number of effective elements in the linked list
public function getSize(): int
return $this->size;
// Is the list empty
public function isEmpty(): bool
return $this->size === 0;
// Insert an element in the chain header
// public function addFrist($e): void
// {
// // $nodeObj = new Node($e);
// // $nodeObj->next = $this->head;
// // $this->head = $nodeObj;
// $this->head = new Node($e, $this->head);
// $this->size++;
// }
// Go to index Bit to add a new element e
// To assist in understanding and practicing , Suppose the linked list also has an index
// public function add(int $index, $e): void
// {
// if ($index < 0 || $index > $this->size) {
// throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
// }
// if ($index === 0) {
// $this->addFrist($e);
// } else {
// $prev = $this->head;
// for ($i = 0; $i < $index - 1; $i++) {
// $prev = $prev->next;
// }
// $prev->next = new Node($e, $prev->next);
// $this->size++;
// }
// }
// Go to index Bit to add a new element e
public function add(int $index, $e): void
if ($index < 0 || $index > $this->size) {
throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
$prev = $this->dummyHead;
for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
$prev = $prev->next;
$prev->next = new Node($e, $prev->next);
// Insert the element at the end of the filing table $e
public function addLast($e): void
$this->add($this->size, $e);
// Insert an element in the chain header
public function addFrist($e): void
$this->add(0, $e);
// For the first index Bit element value
// To assist in understanding and practicing , Suppose the linked list also has an index
public function get(int $index)
if ($index < 0 || $index >= $this->size) {
throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
// Use the next element of the virtual head node as the starting bit
$cur = $this->dummyHead->next;
for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
$cur = $cur->next;
return $cur->e;
// Get the first element of the linked list
public function getFrist()
return $this->get(0);
// Get the last element of the list
public function getLast()
return $this->get($this->size - 1);
// Set the first index Bit element value
// To assist in understanding and practicing , Suppose the linked list also has an index
public function set(int $index, $e): void
if ($index < 0 || $index >= $this->size) {
throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
// Use the next element of the virtual head node as the starting bit
$cur = $this->dummyHead->next;
for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
$cur = $cur->next;
$cur->e = $e;
// Find out if there are elements in the list $e
public function contains($e): bool
// Use the next element of the virtual head node as the starting bit
$cur = $this->dummyHead->next;
while ($cur !== null) {
if ($cur->e === $e) {
return true;
$cur = $cur->next;
return false;
// Delete the first index Bit element value , And return the deleted element value
// To assist in understanding and practicing , Suppose the linked list also has an index
public function remove(int $index)
if ($index < 0 || $index >= $this->size) {
throw new RuntimeException('index Wrong value ');
$prev = $this->dummyHead;
for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
$prev = $prev->next;
$retNode = $prev->next;
$prev->next = $retNode->next;
$retNode->next = null;
return $retNode->e;
// Delete first element
public function removeFrist()
return $this->remove(0);
// Delete the last element
public function removeLast()
return $this->remove($this->size - 1);
public function __toString(): string
$string = '';
$cur = $this->dummyHead->next;
while ($cur !== null) {
$string .= ($cur . '->');
$cur = $cur->next;
$string .= 'NULL
return $string;
require DIR . '/LinkedList/LinkedList.php';
$linkedListObj = new LinkedList();
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
echo $linkedListObj;
echo $linkedListObj;
echo $linkedListObj;
echo $linkedListObj;
echo $linkedListObj;
Time complexity
Add operation
Delete operation
Modify the operating
Search operation
- increase :
- Delete :
- Change : Unknown index
- check : Unknown index
- If you just add, delete, modify and query the chain header, they are all O(1)