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How to install MySQL
2022-07-05 16:38:00 【qq_ four hundred and sixty-nine million six hundred and three t】
Download address of installation files and documents :
link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lvHyFPsvMnYruJjSwWj-Ug
Extraction code :8pya
The installation process is divided into two parts :
1) File decompression and copying process , Default installation directory :
2) After installation, you must correct MySQL The server is configured in mysql Administrator's name in :root
3.1 Database installation
Open the download mysql Double click the installation file to extract it , function “mysql-5.5.40-win32.msi”.
2. Choose the installation type , Yes “Typical( Default )”、“Complete( Completely )”、“Custom( User customization )” Three options , choice “Custom,” Press “next” Key continuation
3. Point selection “Browse”, Manually specify the installation directory .
4. Fill in the installation directory , My is “d:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0”, Press “OK” continue
5. Confirm the previous settings , If there is any mistake , Press “Back” Go back to redo . Press “Install” Start installation .
6. Installing , Please wait a moment , Until the following screen appears , Then finish MYSQL Installation
After the database is installed, you need to configure the database before you can use it
7. The installation is complete , The following screen will appear to enter mysql Configuration wizard
8. Choose configuration mode ,“Detailed Configuration( Manual precise configuration )”、“Standard Configuration( Standard configuration )”, We choose “Detailed Configuration”, It is convenient to be familiar with the configuration process .
9. Select the server type ,“Developer Machine( Develop test class ,mysql Take up little resources )”、“Server Machine( Server type ,mysql Occupy more resources )”、“Dedicated MySQL Server Machine( Dedicated database server ,mysql Occupy all available resources )
10. choice mysql The general purpose of the database ,“Multifunctional Database( Versatile , good )”、“Transactional Database Only( Server type , Focus on transactions , commonly )”、“Non-Transactional Database Only( Non transactional , Simpler , Mainly do some monitoring 、 For counting , Yes MyISAM Data type support is limited to non-transactional), Press “Next” continue
11. Select the number of concurrent connections on the site , Number of simultaneous connections “D,ecision Support(DSS)/OLAP(20 about )“”O、nline Transaction Processing(OLTP)(500 about )”、“Manual Setting( Manual settings , Lose a number by yourself )
12. Is it enabled? TCP/IP Connect , Set port , If not enabled , You can only access it on your own machine mysql Database , On this page , You can also choose “ Enable standard mode ”(Enable Strict Mode), such MySQL It won't allow minor grammatical errors . If it's new , It is recommended that you cancel the standard mode to reduce the trouble . But familiar with MySQL in the future , Try to use standard mode , Because it can reduce the possibility of harmful data entering the database . Press “Next” continue
13. That's right mysql The default database language code is set ( important ), Generally choose UTF-8, Press “Next” continue
14. Choose whether or not to mysql Installed as windows service , You can also specify Service Name( Service ID name ), Whether or not to mysql Of bin Add directory to Windows PATH( After joining , You can use it directly bin The files under the , Instead of pointing out the directory name , For example, connection. , “mysqle.xe -uusername -ppassword;” That's all right. , Don't point out mysql.exe The full address of , Very convenient ), I've ticked everything here ,Service Name unchanged . Press “Next” continue
15. Ask if you want to change the default root user ( Super management ) Password .“Enable root access from remote machines( Whether to allow root Users log on to other machines , If you want to be safe , Don't hook up , If you want convenience , Just hook it up )”. Last “Create An Anonymous Account( Create an anonymous user , Anonymous users can connect to the database , Can't manipulate data , Including inquiries )”. Generally, there is no need to tick , Setup complete , Press “Next” continue
16. Make sure the settings are correct , Press “Execute” Make settings effective , That is to finish MYSQL Installation and configuration
Be careful : Setup complete , Press “Finish” There is a more common mistake , Just can't “Start service”, Generally appeared in the previous installation mysql On , The solution , First, make sure that the previous installation mysql The server was completely uninstalled ; No words , Check if you follow the steps above , Whether the previous password has been changed , Follow the instructions above ; If it still doesn't work , take mysql Install under directory data Folder backup , Then delete , After installation , Will install the generated data Folder deletion , Backup data Move the folder back , Restart again mysql Just the service , In this case , Maybe you need to check the database , Then fix it once , Prevent data errors
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