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Shortcut keys commonly used in idea
2022-07-07 01:45:00 【Hu Yangyang y】
1. Quickly generate main Method :psvm+Tab or main+Tab
2. Quickly generate System.out.println():sout+Tab
3. Delete a line :Ctrl+Y
4. Switch java file ( The premise is that the project has multiple .java file )
:Alt+ Right arrow or Alt+ left arrow
5. Copy the selected line to the next line :Ctrl+D
6. Undo the last action :Ctrl+Z
7. Cancel cancellation :Ctrl+shift+Z
8. Merge the selected rows into one row :Ctrl+shift+J
9. Find class files :Ctrl+N
10. Displays the file structure :Ctrl+F12
11. Displays the current folder path :Ctrl+Alt+F12
12. Shows the inheritance level of the current class :Ctrl+H
13. Go to the next error :F2
14. Navigate to the previous error :shift+F2
15. Expand code :Ctrl+=
16. Collapse code :Ctrl+-
17. Select all :Ctrl+A
18. Copy :Ctrl+C
19. shear :Ctrl+X
20. Paste :Ctrl+V
21. Navigate to a line in the file :Ctrl+G
22. The selected line is a multiline comment :Ctrl+shift+/
23. Comment or uncomment the selected line :Ctrl+/
24. Run the current file :Ctrl+shift+F10
25. The parameters of the prompt method :Ctrl+P
26. Jump to the end of the file :Ctrl+End
27. Jump to the header :Ctrl+Home
28. The selected line of code is formatted :Ctrl+Alt+L
29. Text search in the current file :Ctrl+R
30. The selected line breaks or cancels the breakpoint :Ctrl+F8
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