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Let's see how to realize BP neural network in Matlab toolbox

2022-07-07 01:30:00 Old cake explanation BP neural network


One 、 Source code reproduction effect

Two 、 Training mainstream

3、 ... and 、 Analysis of the source of effect difference

Four 、 Comparison of the effects of different training methods

5、 ... and 、 Related articles

Original article , Reprint please indicate from Lao Bing explains -BP neural network bp.bbbdata.com

If we directly use the gradient descent method to solve BP neural network ,

Often there is no matlab The effect of the toolbox is so good .

This problem has troubled the author for a long time ,

Then we might as well dig out the source code and have a look ,matlab How the toolbox is implemented BP Neural network ,

Why is there no toolbox for our self written training effect BP Neural network is good .

One 、 Source code reproduction effect

Pick out matlab Toolbox gradient drops traingd Algorithm source code , After sorting out the algorithm process ,

One obtained by writing code 2 Cryptic layer BP The weight of the neural network

Call the toolbox newff The weight obtained :

You can see , The two results are the same , It shows that you fully understand and reproduce the BP Neural network training logic .

Two 、 Training mainstream

BP The main process of neural network gradient descent method is as follows

First initialize the weight threshold ,

Then iterate the weight threshold with gradient ,

If the termination conditions are met, quit training

The termination condition is : The error has reached the requirement 、 The gradient is too small or reaches the maximum number

The code is as follows :

function [W,B] = traingdBPNet(X,y,hnn,goal,maxStep)
%------ Variable pre calculation and parameter setting -----------
lr        = 0.01;            %  Learning rate   
min_grad  = 1.0e-5;          %  Minimum gradient 

%--------- initialization WB-------------------
[W,B] = initWB(X,y,hnn);  %  initialization W,B

%--------- Start training --------------------
for t = 1:maxStep
    %  Calculate the current gradient 
    [py,layerVal] = predictBpNet(W,B,X);         %  Calculate the predicted value of the network 
    [E2,E]        = calMSE(y,py);              %  Calculation error 
    [gW,gB]       = calGrad(W,layerVal,E);    %  Calculate the gradient 
    %------- Check whether the exit conditions are met ----------
    gradLen = calGradLen(gW,gB);              %  Calculate the gradient value 
    %  If the error has reached the requirement , Or the gradient is too small , Then quit training 
    if E2 < goal   || gradLen <=min_grad
    %---- Update weight threshold -----
    for i = 1:size(W,2)-1
        W{i,i+1} = W{i,i+1} + lr * gW{i,i+1};% Update gradient 
        B{i+1} = B{i+1} + lr * gB{i+1};% Update threshold 

( In the code reproduction here, we shield the normalization processing 、 Generalization verifies the general operation of these two algorithms )

3、 ... and 、 Analysis of the source of effect difference

Source of effect difference

There is no difference between the main process and the conventional algorithm tutorial ,

So why matlab The result will be better ,

The main reason is initialization ,

A lot of tutorials , Random initialization is recommended ,

But in fact ,matlab The tool box uses nguyen_Widrow Method to initialize

nguyen_Widrow Law

nguyen_Widrow The idea of method initialization is as follows :

Take the single input network as an example , It initializes the network in the following form :

Its purpose is to make all hidden nodes evenly distributed in the range of input data .

The reason is , If BP Finally, every neuron of neural network is fully utilized ,

Then it should be more similar to the above distribution ( Full coverage of input range 、 Every neuron is fully utilized ),

Instead of randomly initializing and slowly adjusting , It's better to give such an initialization at the beginning .

The original text of this method is :

Derrick Nguyen and Bernard Widrow Of 《Improving the learning Speed of 2-Layer Neural Networks by Choosing Initial Values of the Adaptive Weights 》

Four 、 The effect of different training methods is different

Effect comparison

And the author uses traingd、traingda、trainlm Compare the effect ,

Find the same problem ,

traingd Training will not come out ,traingda Can train ,

and traingda Training will not come out ,trainlm Can train again .

That is, in the training effect

traingd< traingda < trainlm

that , If we directly use the gradient descent method written by ourselves ,

It is still far inferior to what we use matlab The tool box works well .

matlab Of BP The default neural network is trainlm Algorithm

A brief account of the cause

that traingda Why is it better than traingd Strong ,trainlm Why is it better than that traingda Strong ?

After source code analysis , Mainly traingda Adaptive learning rate is added in ,

and trainlm It uses the information of the second derivative , Make learning faster .

5、 ... and 、 Related articles

See :

《 rewrite traingd Code ( Gradient descent method )》

See :

《BP Neural network initialization 》

This is it. matlab The algorithm logic of gradient descent method in neural network toolbox , It's so simple ~!


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