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1291_ Add timestamp function in xshell log

2022-07-06 04:09:00 grey_ csdn

All learning summary : GreyZhang/g_serial: Some serial learning notes which may be usefull in embedded system debugging. (github.com)

Used before Arduino, its IDE There is a good serial port monitor . For a long time , I use this as my serial port monitoring tool . Of course ,putty And other open source tools are also tools I often use . however ,putty There is one thing that is not very good , That is, there is no timestamp for every line . If you get used to it Arduino Serial port monitoring tool , Sometimes I'm not used to this . over and over , Always looking for such a function .

natural , If such a function is purely about time , With the help of MCU A timer in putty It is not difficult to add a relative timestamp to the implementation of . however , It's not universal enough .

later ,ssh use xshell More and more , It is also found that this software has the function of serial port monitoring . So I want to see how the logging function of this software is , A simple try is not bad . that , This log Whether it can support the function of timestamp ? Checked the , It not only supports but also has flexible format .

Check the timestamp in the dialog properties , Then enter the format . How to fill in the remaining format , At the bottom is the relevant description . There will be preview effect of corresponding format when modifying .

This is what I recorded through this configuration log file , The corresponding information is still very clear .


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