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Example of joint use of ros+pytoch (semantic segmentation)
2022-07-03 06:22:00 【Daytime plus】
This article is based on ROS Graphic Deeplab v3+ Real time semantic segmentation (ROS+Pytorch) Make a pit record , And attach some understanding of the corresponding operation .( Consciously, there are many places where the understanding is not in place , If there is a big guy passing by, please don't hesitate to give me advice !)
First , The above article is very well written ! The code is also very nice, This article makes a slight change to its code ,gitee Address
This code is mainly for ubuntu 18.04,ros-melodic edition ;
ubuntu20.04 Of ros-noetic Because I have python3, It may not be so troublesome .
Actually You need to specify the following when compiling , It means to use anaconda Of python Compile code , and catkin By default ros The path of , In this way, you can call anaconda The environment and ros All kinds of libraries !
catkin config -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/home/daybeha/anaconda3/bin/python -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/daybeha/anaconda3/include/python3.9 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/home/daybeha/anaconda3/lib/libpython3.9.so -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSETUPTOOLS_DEB_LAYOUT=OFF
What needs to be noted here is , Be sure to go to the corresponding path to see if there are relevant files , How to name the related documents , For example, the original question is libpython3.6m.so, But my path is only libpython3.9.so, that m You can't ( Although I don't know this ’m’ What is the ……)
Although you can call ros and anaconda Library. , however ros The conversion of image information is often encountered when receiving information , It needs to use cv_bridge.
because stay Ubuntu18.04 Next ,ros Of python yes 2.7 edition , In the system cv_bridge Yes, it is python2 Compilation of . But if you want to use pytorch, It needs to be in python3 Let's compile , At this time, in the code cv_bridge The following errors will be reported :
So we need to use python3 Compilation of cvbuguobuguo_bridge edition , It's in the code vision_opencv Folder , Its original github The address is https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv
Pay attention here catkin build
The path after cannot be written wrong !!!
If you write it wrong , If the system cannot find it, it will go to the path of environment variables , However, there is only python2.7, Cannot compile this version cv_bridge
To report a mistake
However, you need to call the cv_bridge, This is not enough , stay import cv_bridge Before , To avoid calling ros use python2.7 Compilation of cv_bridge, You need to make the path of the library first , namely predict.py Of the 7 That's ok ( I have changed this part , Please refer to the code provided in this article ):
post It can be said that instead of the seventh line above, it is in catkin build
Compiled source After add --extend, namely
source devel/setup.bash --extend
roslaunch img_seg run.launch
But I tried it myself , Whether it's the first 7 Lines of code , still –extend , It doesn't matter whether you add it or not …… You can try it on your own .
In addition, if you run through the code, you need to modify these two items , They are image topic names img_topic, and pth Model path ckpt.
Then you can catkin build
Compile .
After compiling , perform
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch img_seg run.launch
then rosbag play kitti Of bag You can see the following effects .
About kitti How to convert data into rosbag
Of course you can use it Euroc Bring it with you rosbag The data of , Change the image topic accordingly .ROS Graphic Deeplab v3+ Real time semantic segmentation (ROS+Pytorch)
ROS Graphic Deeplab v3+ Real time semantic segmentation (ROS+Pytorch)
python3 Environmental use cv_bridge
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First enter
git config --global credential.helper store
And then again pull perhaps push Enter the user name and password at one time , You don't need to input again in the future !
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