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[quick start of Digital IC Verification] 9. Finite state machine (FSM) necessary for Verilog RTL design

2022-07-05 20:09:00 luoganttcc

Reading guide : The author has the honor to be a pioneer in the field of electronic information in China “ University of electronic technology ” During postgraduate study , Touch the cutting edge Numbers IC Verification knowledge , I heard something like Huawei Hisilicon Tsinghua purple light MediaTek technology And other top IC related enterprises in the industry , Pairs of numbers IC Verify some knowledge accumulation and learning experience . Want to get started for help IC Verified friends , After one or two thoughts , This column is specially opened , In order to spend the shortest time , Take the least detours , Most learned IC Verify technical knowledge .

One 、 The basic theory

State machine Shorthand for FSM( Finite State Machine), Also known as synchronous finite state machine , We usually call it state machine for short , Reason why “ Sync ” Because all state jumps in the state machine are carried out under the action of the clock , and “ Co., LTD. ” It means that the number of States is limited . State machines are divided into two categories according to the reasons that affect the output , namely Moore State machine and Mealy State machine , What they have in common is : The jump of state is only related to input . The difference is mainly in the output : If the final output is only related to the current state and has nothing to do with the input, it is called Moore State machine ; If the final output is related not only to the current state but also to the input, it is called Mealy State machine . State machine is a very important application in sequential logic circuit , It is often used in large and complex systems .

Two 、 Automatic beverage vending machine

2.1、 Problem description

Design an automatic beverage machine , Set the price of drinks 2.5 element , You can use 5 Angular sum 1 Yuan coins , With change function .

notes : You can only cast at the same time 1 Yuan or 5 horn , You can't throw two at the same time .

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2.2、 Functional block diagram and interface definition

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Interface signal definition

  • clk: Clock input
  • reset: System reset signal
  • half: input 5 Dimes
  • one: input 1 Yuan coins
  • cout: Change signal
  • out: The machine sells drinks

2.3、 State transition diagram - moore FSM

notes :Moore FSM characteristic : The output is only related to the current state , It has nothing to do with input !

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Moore FSM Of RTL Code

module drink_status_moore(
    input   wire    clk,
    input   wire    reset,
    input   wire    half,
    input   wire    one,
    output  wire    out,
    output  wire    cout

parameter [2:0] S0 = 3'b000,
                S1 = 3'b001,            
                S2 = 3'b010,     
                S3 = 3'b011,     
                S4 = 3'b100,     
                S5 = 3'b101,     
                S6 = 3'b110;    

reg [2:0]   curr_state;
reg [2:0]   next_state;

//first segment:state transfer
[email protected](posedge clk or negedge reset)
        curr_state <= S0;
        curr_state <= next_state;

//second segment:transfer condition
[email protected](*)
		S0	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S1;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S2;
				else					next_state = S0;
		S1	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S2;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S3;
				else					next_state = S1;
		S2	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S3;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S4;
				else					next_state = S2;
		S3	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S4;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S5;
				else					next_state = S3;
		S4	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S5;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S6;
				else					next_state = S4;
		S5	:							next_state = S0;
		S6	:							next_state = S0;
		default :						next_state = S0;

//third segment:state output
//moore type FSM
assign out = ((curr_state == S5) || (curr_state == S6) ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;

assign cout = (curr_state == S6) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;

FSM Three paragraph writing :

  • Good coding style
  • Logic synthesis
  • Readable stars

2.4、 State transition diagram - Mealy FSM

notes :Mealy FSM characteristic : The output is not only related to the current state , It is also related to input !

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  • Mealy It only took 5 States , But the output control will become complex !

Mealy FSM Of RTL Code

module drink_status_mealy(
    input   wire    clk,
    input   wire    reset,
    input   wire    half,
    input   wire    one,
    output  wire    out,
    output  wire    cout

parameter [2:0] S0 = 3'b000,
                S1 = 3'b001,            
                S2 = 3'b010,     
                S3 = 3'b011,     
                S4 = 3'b100,     
                S5 = 3'b101,     
                S6 = 3'b110;    

reg [2:0]   curr_state;
reg [2:0]   next_state;

//first segment:state transfer
[email protected](posedge clk or negedge reset)
        curr_state <= S0;
        curr_state <= next_state;

//second segment:transfer condition
[email protected](*)
		S0	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S1;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S2;
				else					next_state = S0;
		S1	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S2;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S3;
				else					next_state = S1;
		S2	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S3;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S4;
				else					next_state = S2;
		S3	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S4;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S0;
				else					next_state = S3;
		S4	:	if(half == 1'b1)		next_state = S0;
				else if(one == 1'b1)	next_state = S0;
				else					next_state = S4;
		default :						next_state = S0;

//third segment:state output
//mealy type FSM
assign out = ((curr_state == S3 && one == 1'b1) || (curr_state == S4 && (half==1'b1 || one==1'b1)) ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;

assign cout = (curr_state == S4 && one == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;

2.5、 Finite state machine circuit logic diagram

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2.6、 Finite state machine summary

  • FSM Design steps of finite state machine
    • Interface definition
    • State definition and coding
    • Transition diagram of state
    • According to the three segment coding style RTL Code
  • To write TestBench Code
  • Use Questasim Compile and simulate
  • Check the input excitation through the waveform tool 、 Status signal and output signal

Frequently asked questions : Finite state machine classification ?

  • answer :Moore State machine : The output of the state machine is only related to the current state
  • Mealy State machine : The output of the state machine is not only related to the current state , Also related to the current input

Frequently asked questions : The difference between the two state machines ?

  • answer :1、Moore State machine : After a finite gate delay of the clock pulse , The output is stable . The output will remain stable for a complete clock cycle , Even if the input signal changes within this clock , The output signal will not change . transport The influence of input on output can only be reflected in the next clock cycle . Separate input and output , yes Moore Important features of state machines .
  • 2、Melay State machine : Because the output is directly affected by the input , The input can change at any time of the clock cycle , This makes the output state ratio Moore The output state of the state arrives one cycle in advance . The noise of the input signal may appear on the output signal .
  • 3、 For the same circuit , Use Moore State machine design may be better than using Mealy The state machine has more States .

The key to state machine writing , Write in three parts :

  • 1、 The first part is responsible for : State jump
  • 2、 The second part is responsible for : Jump conditions
  • 3、 The third part is responsible for : The output signal

2.7、 Something to be aware of :full case

  • Define the complete state , Even some states may not appear in the circuit
  • The purpose is to avoid the occurrence of Combinational logic ring
    • Combinational logic rings can lead to STA There's no way to analyze ,DFT There is no way to cover
    • Asynchronous timing (timing The path cannot be constrained , There is no way to analyze ) The problem of

3、 ... and 、 Actual test : Sequence detector

3.1、 Functional requirements of sequence detector

  • The design requirements
    • Design sequence detector with state machine (1110010)
  • Design function
    • Design a sequence detector , The sequence of detection is “1110010”
    • When the input signal X In turn “1110010” when , The output signal Y Output a high level
    • Otherwise, the output signal Y Low level

notes : Sequence detectors are often used in Engineering , be used for Detect sequence header

3.2、 Timing diagram of timing detector

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3.3、 State transition diagram of timing detector

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Look for the , The output is independent of the input , This is a Moore State machine !

3.4、 Reference code of sequence detector

RTL Reference code

// 1110010
module seq(
    input   wire            in,
    input   wire            clk,
    input   wire            reset,
    output  wire            out

parameter [2:0] S0 = 3'b000,
                S1 = 3'b001,            
                S2 = 3'b010,     
                S3 = 3'b011,     
                S4 = 3'b100,     
                S5 = 3'b101, 
				S6 = 3'b110,				
                S7 = 3'b111;    

reg [2:0]   cur_state;
reg [2:0]   next_state;

//first step: state transfer
[email protected](posedge clk or negedge reset)
        cur_state <= S0;
        cur_state <= next_state;

//second: transfer condition
[email protected](*)
            if(in == 1) next_state = S1;
            else        next_state = S0;
            if(in == 1) next_state = S2;
            else        next_state = S0;
            if(in == 1) next_state = S3;
            else        next_state = S0;
            if(in == 0) next_state = S4;
            else        next_state = S3;
            if(in == 0) next_state = S5;
            else        next_state = S1;
            if(in == 1) next_state = S6;
            else        next_state = S0;
            if(in == 0) next_state = S7;
            else        next_state = S2;
            if(in == 0) next_state = S0;
            else        next_state = S1;
        default:        next_state = S0;

//third: output
assign out = (cur_state == S7) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;


TestBench Reference code

`timescale  1ns/1ns

module  tb_led();

//reg define
reg     clk;
reg     rst_n;
reg     C;

//wire  define
wire    Y;

// // Initialize the system clock 、 Global reset 
initial begin
    clk    = 1'b1;
    rst_n <= 1'b0;
    rst_n <= 1'b1;

always  #5 clk = ~clk;

[email protected](posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
    if(rst_n == 1'b0)
        C <= 1'b0;
        C <= {$random} % 2;

seq  seq_inst(
    .clk      (clk    	),  
    .reset    (rst_n  	),  
    .in 	  (C   		), 
    .out      (Y    	)   


The selected simulation results are as follows :

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