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[event center azure event hub] interpretation of error information found in event hub logs
2020-11-06 01:17:00 【itread01】
Problem description
Use Event Hub Consumption Events , The interpretation of various client errors .( In the later stage, we encounter new wrong information , This description will continue to be added )
One : Again Linux In the implementation of Event Hub Consumer side programs , Come on Too many open files
Reading : This information refers to java The number of operating system file control codes opened by the program exceeds the operating system limit , Check whether the file control code limit of the operating system is preset 1024, If it is , Please change to unlimited .
Use ulimit -a perhaps ulimit -n View control code number open files (-n) 1024
Configuration file /etc/security/limits.conf
Add... To the configuration file
* soft nofile 65535 * hard nofile 65535
Two :New receiver 'nil' with higher epoch of '197' is created hence current receiver 'nil' with epoch '196' is getting disconnected
Error message : java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: com.microsoft.azure.eventhubs.ReceiverDisconnectedException: New receiver 'nil' with higher epoch of '197' is created hence current receiver 'nil' with epoch '196' is getting disconnected. If you are recreating the receiver, make sure a higher epoch is used. TrackingId:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, SystemTracker:xxxxxxx:eventhub:xxxxxxx|$default, Timestamp:2020-10-20T15:50:16, errorContext[NS: xxxxxxxxx.servicebus.chinacloudapi.cn, PATH: xxxxxxxxx/ConsumerGroups/$Default/Partitions/3, REFERENCE_ID: xxxxxxxxxx, PREFETCH_COUNT: 300, LINK_CREDIT: 300, PREFETCH_Q_LEN: 0] java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.microsoft.azure.eventprocessorhost.ExceptionWithAction: java.lang.RuntimeException: Lease lost while updating checkpoint |
Reading : The consumer program creates a separate consumption thread for each message segmentation slot , The consumption thread has a one-to-one relationship with the slot , When there is an extra consumer program to consume the same eventhub When , And store checkpoint In the same place , It will happen partition The redistribution of , perhaps , When one of the consumption threads goes wrong , The client will try to recover and take over all the slots of the failed thread . Usually, the error can be ignored .
3、 ... and :com.microsoft.azure.eventprocessorhost.ExceptionWithAction:The client could not finish the operation within specified maximum execution timeout.
Reading : After the client program is consumed , Will consume offset Deposit in Storage When , Network timeout occurred , It is recommended that you check the client network .
Four :com.microsoft.azure.eventhubs.EventHubException: The specified partition is invalid for an EventHub partition sender or receiver. It should be between 0 and 1.
Reading : The client program is consuming eventhub Information time , Wrong slot information specified .
5、 ... and :com.microsoft.azure.eventhubs.EventHubException: The supplied offset '0' is invalid. The last offset in the system is '-1'
Reading : The client is consuming eventhub Information time , Submitted the wrong offset value , You can't set the initial value to 0.
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