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Chapter 19 using work queue manager (2)

2022-07-06 22:36:00 yaoxin521123

Chapter 19 Use the work queue manager ( Two )

Basic workflow

You can use the work queue manager by performing the following steps :

  1. take ObjectScript The code is divided into work units , These units of work are class methods or subroutines that meet specific requirements .
  2. Create a work queue , It is %SYSTEM.WorkMgr An instance of a class . So , Please call %SYSTEM.WorkMgr Class %New() Method . This method returns a work queue .

You can specify the parallelism to use worker jobs The number of , You can also use the default value , It depends on the machine and the operating system . Besides , If you have created a category , You can specify from which job Categories .

When creating a work queue , The work queue manager creates the following artifacts :

  • Global variables that contain information about work queues , For example, in which namespace does the work queue run
  • The location and event queue of the serialized unit of work that the work queue must handle
  • The location and event queue of the completion event created when the work queue finishes processing the unit of work
  1. Add work unit ( Also known as work items ) Add to work queue . So , You can call Queue() or QueueCallback() Method . As a parameter , Pass class methods ( Or subroutine ) Name of and any corresponding parameters .

Start processing immediately for items added to the queue .

If there are more items in the queue than are available in the queue worker jobs, be job Will compete to clear the queue . for example , If there is 100 Projects and four job, Then each job Remove an item from the head of the queue , Deal with it , Then return to the head of the queue to remove and process another item . This mode continues until the queue is empty .

The work queue manager uses the caller's security context when running work items .

When queuing work items , The work queue manager performs the following tasks :

  • Serialize the parameters that make up the unit of work 、 Security context and class methods or subroutines , The serialized data is then inserted into the global... That lists the units of work associated with the work queue global in
  • Signal events on the work queue
  • If additional worker jobs And it can be used to deal with work units , Lead to worker jobs Attach to the work queue and reduce worker jobs The number of
  1. Wait for the work to be completed . So , Work queue can be called WaitForComplete() Method .

The work queue manager then performs the following tasks :

  • Wait for the completion event
  • Display workload indicators and other outputs to the terminal
  • Collect any errors related to the unit of work
  • If you use QueueCallback() Method to add a unit of work to a work queue , Then run the callback code
  1. Continue processing according to the application .

The following example shows these basic steps :

ClassMethod WorkJob(){
	s queue = ##class(%SYSTEM.WorkMgr).%New() 
	for i = 1 : 1 : filelist.Count() {
		s sc = queue.Queue("..Load", filelist.GetAt(i))
		if $$$ISERR(sc) {
		    ret sc
	s sc = queue.WaitForComplete()
	if $$$ISERR(sc) {
		ret sc

This code initializes the work queue manager , Then traverse the file list . For each file , The code adds a work queue item that loads the file . After adding all work queue items , The code waits for the work to finish .

Be careful : %SYSTEM.WorkMgr Class supports more complex workflows and methods described later in this document .

The basic method

To complete the steps described in the previous section , have access to %SYSTEM.WorkMgr Class :


classmethod %New(qspec As %String = "", numberjobs As %Integer, category) as WorkMgr

establish 、 Initialize and return a work queue , It can be used to perform parallel processing %SYSTEM.WorkMgr An instance of a class . The method takes the following parameters :

  • qspec - A string of compiler flags and qualifiers that affect code running in this work queue .
  • numberjobs - Maximum parallelism used in this work queue worker jobs Count . The default value depends on the characteristics of the machine and the operating system .
  • category - Provide the worker jobs The name of the category .

The system will not assign any work tasks to the queue when it is created . Only after adding the unit of work to the work queue , Will assign staff jobs .


method Queue(work As %String, args... As %String) as %Status

Add units of work to the work queue . The method takes the following parameters :

  • work

Code to execute . Usually , The code should return a %Status Value to indicate success or failure .

If the code returns %Status value , The following syntax can be used :

  • ##class(Classname).ClassMethod For class methods , among Classname Is the fully qualified name of the class ,ClassMethod Is the name of the method . If the method is in the same class , You can use grammar ..ClassMethod, As shown in the example .
  • $$entry^rtn For subroutines , among entry Is the name of the subroutine ,rtn Is the name of the routine .

If the code does not return %Status value , Please use the following syntax instead :

  • =##class(Classname).ClassMethod For class methods ( or =..ClassMethod If the method is in the same class )

  • entry^rtn Subroutines

  • args

A comma separated list of parameters of a class method or subroutine . To pass a multidimensional array as a parameter , Please add a period before this parameter as usual , In order to pass .

The size of the data passed in these parameters should be relatively small , To take full advantage of the framework . To convey a lot of information , Please use global instead of parameters .

When queuing work units , The system will assign one working program job at a time , Up to... Specified when creating a work queue numberjobs Value or default value at most . Besides , The security context of the caller is recorded , Each work item runs in this security context .


method WaitForComplete(qspec As %String, errorlog As %String) as %Status

Wait for the work queue to complete all projects , And then return a %Status Value to indicate success or failure . %Status The value contains all returned from the work item %Status Value information . The method takes the following parameters :

  • qspec - A string of compiler flags and qualifiers .
  • errorlog - String of any error messages , Return as output .

Properties of the work queue

Each work queue ( or %SYSTEM.WorkMgr Example ) All have the following properties :


Assigned to the work queue worker jobs Count .


Currently active worker The number of .

Besides , The properties of the category to which the work queue belongs determine the behavior of the work queue .

