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NPDP certification | how do product managers communicate across functions / teams?

2022-07-06 22:24:00 hb15302782362

Communication is the most basic and necessary skill for product managers , In the product team , Communication and coordination among various organizations are necessary , How should product managers handle cross functional / Cross team communication ?

Actually , No matter what kind of communication , It is inevitable that there are functions 、 Between teams 、 The connection between departments , The general difficulty lies in the following 3 In terms of : Product cognition is not unified 、 Different goals 、 Responsibilities are not clear and mutual prevarication .

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Product managers address these issues , First of all, we should do the following three things :

1、 Clearly define responsibilities , The responsibility is determined to the person

At the beginning of the project , The first is to clearly define the responsibilities of each department in the next work , From the product level to the technical level , Try to be comprehensive , Clearly define the interface person to each work , And the response mechanism , Then determine through the meeting , And form a complete written description . Once in the project , There are demand changes or personnel changes , The contact person needs to be updated in time , And formally inform the department leaders .

2、 Problems arise , First define the problem

In the process of product promotion , It is inevitable to encounter some problems , Or is it bug, Or the problem of resources , As a product manager , The first thing to do is to determine the root cause of the problem , It's easy to say , But it is often difficult to do , It requires strong logical judgment ability and product experience . What needs to be determined is :
1) Is this the problem ?
2) Should this problem be solved at this stage ?
3) Who should we find to solve it ?

3、 Cultivate the overall view of the product

Distributed to different departments , Everyone must have their own understanding of products from the perspective of their own products , Therefore, as a product manager, we must have an overall view of the product beyond everyone , Know where the product comes from , Where to go , In this way, when problems arise , The quickest way to find out the context of the problem .
then , Product manager in the actual communication process , Then do the following :
1) Do a good job in emotional management ;
2) Make good use of communication tools ;
3) Don't look for leaders for everything ;
4) Dare to catch the ball ;
5) Do not be humble or arrogant ;
6) Make records and archive ;
7) Regularly review meeting communication ;
8) Listen ;
9) Timely enhance feelings ;
10) Know the trade-offs and concessions .

