2022-07-05 12:50:00 【Grey rain】
get help (4 In terms of )
1 --help
2 man file
man + command
q Key to exit
/+ keyword
n Match keywords down
N Match keywords up
G Jump to the tail
g Jump to the head
3 info
Use documentation for software
example :pinfo tar
4 /usr/share/doc
I / O redirection and pipeline
Output to the screen to other places is called redirection
example :echo aaa>file1 replace content
echo aaa>>file1 Additional content
Standard output redirection >
Standard error redirection 2>
find lookup
find / -name xx Find the whole thing xx
| Pipe,
The previous one is the output of the next one
vim Editor
Ordinary users vi Is equivalent to vim
vim You can create a new file
i,a Enter insertion mode
esc Return to command mode
v Enter visual mode
Command mode
yy Copy the current row
xyy Copy x That's ok
dd Delete a line
xdd Delete x That's ok
p Paste
:wq! Save and exit
:q! To force out of
set nu According to the line Numbers
- Four common problems of e-commerce sellers' refund and cash return, with solutions
- Kotlin function
- 我在滴滴做开源
- 【云原生】Nacos中的事件发布与订阅--观察者模式
- Kotlin函数
- Transactions on December 23, 2021
- A possible investment strategy and a possible fuzzy fast stock valuation method
- Add a new cloud disk to Huawei virtual machine
- Volatile instruction rearrangement and why instruction rearrangement is prohibited
- Array cyclic shift problem
2021-12-22 transaction record
Hexadecimal conversion summary
Transactions from December 27 to 28, 2021
UNIX socket advanced learning diary -ipv4-ipv6 interoperability
Taobao flag insertion remarks | logistics delivery interface
Principle of universal gbase high availability synchronization tool in Nanjing University
Database connection pool & jdbctemplate
Clear neo4j database data
Wechat enterprise payment to change access, open quickly
Pytoch monolayer bidirectional_ LSTM implements MNIST and fashionmnist data classification
Taobao short video, why the worse the effect
Volatile instruction rearrangement and why instruction rearrangement is prohibited
SAP self-development records user login logs and other information
研究:数据安全工具在 60% 的情况下无法抵御勒索软件
Comprehensive upgrade of Taobao short video photosynthetic platform
UNIX socket advanced learning diary - advanced i/o functions
Neural network of PRML reading notes (1)
Transactions on December 23, 2021
Vonedao solves the problem of organizational development effectiveness
ZABBIX monitors mongodb (template and deployment operations)
Redis clean cache
Pytoch uses torchnet Classerrormeter in meter
Pinduoduo flag insertion remarks API